Select Publications


Bryan M; Degeling S; Donald S; Vann V, 2022, A Sourcebook on Equity and Trusts in Australia, Cambridge University Press

Donald S; Degeling S; Bryan M; Vann V, 2019, A Sourcebook on Equity and Trusts in Australia, Cambridge University Press,

Bryan M; Degeling SE; Donald S; Vann V, 2016, A Sourcebook on Equity and Trusts in Australia, Cambridge University Press

Book Chapters

Donald S; Cook A, 2023, 'Regulating the investment activities of Australian charities', in Governance and Regulation of Charities: International and Comparative Perspectives, Edward Elgar, pp. 228 - 251,

Donald S, 2020, 'The Pension Fund as a ‘Virtual’ Institution', in Agnew S; Davies P; Mitchell C (ed.), Pensions. Law, Policy and Practice, pp. 111 - 125,

Vines P; Donald S, 2019, 'Introduction: Is Statutory Interpretation in Private Law Distinctive?', in Vines P; Donald S (ed.), Statutory Interpretation in Private Law, Federation Press, Sydney, pp. 2 - 14,

Donald S, 2018, 'Climate Change and fiduciary investors: weathering a disaster scenario', in Research Handbook on Climate Disaster Law Barriers and Opportunities, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 366 - 366,

Edited Books

Vines P; Donald S, (ed.), 2019, Statutory Interpretation in Private Law, Federation Press, Sydney,

Donald S; Butler Beatty L, (ed.), 2017, The evolving role of trust in superannuation, Federation Press, Sydney,

Journal articles

Donald S; Mohseni A, 2025, 'Resolving Statutory Overlap in the Superannuation System', Australian Law Journal, 99, pp. 114 - 131

Donald S, 2023, 'Section 52(12) of the SIS Act - The Forgotten Covenant', Company and Securities Law Journal, pp. 378 - 392,

Donald MS, 2023, 'Prudential Regulation and Climate Change', ex/ante, pp. 4 - 18,

Donald S, 2022, 'On Process, Culture and “Systematic” Wrongdoing by Companies: Ruminations on Recent Financial Services Cases', Company and Securities Law Journal, 39, pp. 148 - 159

Donald S, 2022, 'Modern challenges to the prudence expected of pension fund trustees', King's Law Journal,

Donald S, 2021, 'Between a rock and a hot place; super fund trusteeship at the coalface', Australian Superannuation Law Bulletin, 32, pp. 171 - 178

Donald S; Walpole S; Teele Langford R, 2021, 'Regulating for Loyalty in the Financial Services Industry', Company and Securities Law Journal, pp. 355 - 373

Donald S, 2020, 'Parallel streams? The roles of contract, trust, tort and statute in superannuation funds and managed investment schemes', Journal of Equity, 14, pp. 151 - 179

Donald MS, 2020, 'The Pension Trust: Fit For Purpose?', Modern Law Review, 82, pp. 800 - 832,

Donald S, 2020, 'Regulating Superannuation in the Shadow of the Twin Peaks', Journal of Banking and Finance: Law and Practice, 31, pp. 57 - 70

Donald S, 2020, 'Delegation by Superannuation Fund Trustees', Company and Securities Law Journal, 37, pp. 319 - 340

Donald MS, 2020, 'Might Superannuation Trustees Owe a Duty to Merge?', AUSTRALIAN BUSINESS LAW REVIEW, 48, pp. 304 - 317,

Donald S; Le Mire S, 2019, 'Independence in Practice: Superannuation Fund Governance through the Eyes of Fund Directors', University of New South Wales Law Journal, 42, pp. 300 - 334,

Donald S, 2018, 'A servant of two masters? ‘Managing’ conflicts of duties in the Australian funds management industry', Journal of Equity, 12, pp. 1 - 33

Donald S, 2018, 'Whither Customer Protection in Financial Services?', Company and Securities Law Journal, 35, pp. 404 - 405

Donald S, 2018, 'Regulating for Fairness in the Australian Funds Management Industry', Company and Securities Law Journal, 35, pp. 406 - 419,

Donald SS; Butt A; Foster FD; Thorp S; Warren G, 2018, 'One size fits all? Tailoring retirement plan defaults', Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 145, pp. 54 - 566,

Donald SS, 2017, 'Application of the Basel III Framework to Cash Deposits Held by APRA-regulated Superannuation Funds', Journal of Banking and Finance: Law and Practice, 28, pp. 33 - 47

Butt A; Donald MS; Foster FD; Thorp S; Warren GJ, 2017, 'Design of MySuper default funds: influences and outcomes', Accounting and Finance, 57, pp. 47 - 85,

Donald SS; LeMire S, 2016, 'Independence and the governance of Australian superannuation funds', Australian Journal of Corporate Law, 31, pp. 80 - 103

Donald S; Bateman H; Buckley R; Liu K; Nicholls R, 2016, 'Too Connected to Fail: The Regulation of Systemic Risk within Australia's Superannuation System', Journal of Financial Regulation, 2, pp. 56 - 78,

Ormiston J; Charlton K; Donald MS; Seymour RG, 2015, 'Overcoming the Challenges of Impact Investing: Insights from Leading Investors', Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, 6, pp. 352 - 378,

Donald SS; Nicholls R, 2015, 'Bank custodians and systemic risk in the Australian superannuation system', Journal of Banking and Finance: Law and Practice, 26, pp. 25 - 38,

Donald S, 2015, 'Commercial Trusts', The Sydney Law Review, 37, pp. 155 - 158

Donald MS, 2015, 'Imperial Tobacco - up in smoke?', Trust Law International, 29, pp. 39 - 39

Donald MS; Butt A; Foster FD; Thorp S; Warren G, 2015, 'The Australian superannuation system post Stronger Super: views from fund executives', Law and Financial Markets Review, 9, pp. 106 - 110,

Donald SS, 2014, 'The ‘proper’ approach to a trustee’s right to indemnity out of trust assets', Journal of Equity, 8, pp. 283

Donald SS; Ormiston J; Charlton K, 2014, 'The potential for superannuation funds to make investments with a social impact', Company and Securities Law Journal, 32, pp. 540 - 551,

Donald MS, 2013, 'Regulating for fiduciary qualities of conduct', Journal of Equity, 7, pp. 142 - 167

Donald S, 2011, 'What's in a Name?: Examining the Consequences of Inter-legality in Australia's Superannuation System', Sydney Law Review, 33, pp. 295 - 318,;dn=124389011543629;res=IELHSS

Donald S, 2010, 'Prudence under pressure', Journal of Equity, 4, pp. 44 - 70

Donald , 2009, 'All aboard the PDS Titanic', JASSA - Journal of the Securities Institute of Australia, 2009, pp. 29

Donald S, 2009, 'The competence and diligence required of trustees of a 21st century superannuation fund', Australian Business Law Review, 37, pp. 50 - 62

Donald S, 2008, '`Best` Interests?', Journal of Equity, 2, pp. 245 - 273

Donald S; Taylor NAJ, 2008, 'Does “sustainable” investing compromise the fiduciary duties owed by superannuation trustees?', Australian Business Law Review, 36, pp. 47 - 61

Donald S, 2008, 'The Prudent Eunuch: Superannuation Trusteeship and Member Investment Choice', Journal of Banking and Finance Law and Practice, 19, pp. 5 - 19

Donald S, 2006, 'Risk: an Uncommon Deviation', JASSA - Journal of the Securities Institute of Australia, Winter, pp. 30 - 32


Asher A; Donald S, 2020, Consultation paper: Retirement income review,

Working Papers

Nicholls R; Donald S; Liu K, 2015, It's a Small World after All: Using Social Network Analysis to Investigate Systemic Risk in the Australian Superannuation Sector,


Brown R; Donald S; Mackenzie G, 2020, A super balancing act? The Early Access to Superannuation Scheme,


Donald S, 2024, On the distortive potential of best interests duties

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