Select Publications
2022, A Sourcebook on Equity and Trusts in Australia, Cambridge University Press
,2019, A Sourcebook on Equity and Trusts in Australia, Cambridge University Press,
,2016, A Sourcebook on Equity and Trusts in Australia, Cambridge University Press
,Book Chapters
2023, 'Regulating the investment activities of Australian charities', in Governance and Regulation of Charities: International and Comparative Perspectives, Edward Elgar, pp. 228 - 251,
,2020, 'The Pension Fund as a ‘Virtual’ Institution', in Agnew S; Davies P; Mitchell C (ed.), Pensions. Law, Policy and Practice, pp. 111 - 125,
,2019, 'Introduction: Is Statutory Interpretation in Private Law Distinctive?', in Vines P; Donald S (ed.), Statutory Interpretation in Private Law, Federation Press, Sydney, pp. 2 - 14,
,2018, 'Climate Change and fiduciary investors: weathering a disaster scenario', in Research Handbook on Climate Disaster Law Barriers and Opportunities, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 366 - 366,
,Edited Books
Vines P; Donald S, (ed.), 2019, Statutory Interpretation in Private Law, Federation Press, Sydney,
Donald S; Butler Beatty L, (ed.), 2017, The evolving role of trust in superannuation, Federation Press, Sydney,
Journal articles
2025, 'Resolving Statutory Overlap in the Superannuation System', Australian Law Journal, 99, pp. 114 - 131
,2023, 'Section 52(12) of the SIS Act - The Forgotten Covenant', Company and Securities Law Journal, pp. 378 - 392,
,2023, 'Prudential Regulation and Climate Change', ex/ante, pp. 4 - 18,
,2022, 'On Process, Culture and “Systematic” Wrongdoing by Companies: Ruminations on Recent Financial Services Cases', Company and Securities Law Journal, 39, pp. 148 - 159
,2022, 'Modern challenges to the prudence expected of pension fund trustees', King's Law Journal,
,2021, 'Between a rock and a hot place; super fund trusteeship at the coalface', Australian Superannuation Law Bulletin, 32, pp. 171 - 178
,2021, 'Regulating for Loyalty in the Financial Services Industry', Company and Securities Law Journal, pp. 355 - 373
,2020, 'Parallel streams? The roles of contract, trust, tort and statute in superannuation funds and managed investment schemes', Journal of Equity, 14, pp. 151 - 179
,2020, 'The Pension Trust: Fit For Purpose?', Modern Law Review, 82, pp. 800 - 832,
,2020, 'Regulating Superannuation in the Shadow of the Twin Peaks', Journal of Banking and Finance: Law and Practice, 31, pp. 57 - 70
,2020, 'Delegation by Superannuation Fund Trustees', Company and Securities Law Journal, 37, pp. 319 - 340
,2020, 'Might Superannuation Trustees Owe a Duty to Merge?', AUSTRALIAN BUSINESS LAW REVIEW, 48, pp. 304 - 317,
,2019, 'Independence in Practice: Superannuation Fund Governance through the Eyes of Fund Directors', University of New South Wales Law Journal, 42, pp. 300 - 334,
,2018, 'A servant of two masters? ‘Managing’ conflicts of duties in the Australian funds management industry', Journal of Equity, 12, pp. 1 - 33
,2018, 'Whither Customer Protection in Financial Services?', Company and Securities Law Journal, 35, pp. 404 - 405
,2018, 'Regulating for Fairness in the Australian Funds Management Industry', Company and Securities Law Journal, 35, pp. 406 - 419,
,2018, 'One size fits all? Tailoring retirement plan defaults', Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 145, pp. 54 - 566,
,2017, 'Application of the Basel III Framework to Cash Deposits Held by APRA-regulated Superannuation Funds', Journal of Banking and Finance: Law and Practice, 28, pp. 33 - 47
,2017, 'Design of MySuper default funds: influences and outcomes', Accounting and Finance, 57, pp. 47 - 85,
,2016, 'Independence and the governance of Australian superannuation funds', Australian Journal of Corporate Law, 31, pp. 80 - 103
,2016, 'Too Connected to Fail: The Regulation of Systemic Risk within Australia's Superannuation System', Journal of Financial Regulation, 2, pp. 56 - 78,
,2015, 'Overcoming the Challenges of Impact Investing: Insights from Leading Investors', Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, 6, pp. 352 - 378,
,2015, 'Bank custodians and systemic risk in the Australian superannuation system', Journal of Banking and Finance: Law and Practice, 26, pp. 25 - 38,
,2015, 'Commercial Trusts', The Sydney Law Review, 37, pp. 155 - 158
,2015, 'Imperial Tobacco - up in smoke?', Trust Law International, 29, pp. 39 - 39
,2015, 'The Australian superannuation system post Stronger Super: views from fund executives', Law and Financial Markets Review, 9, pp. 106 - 110,
,2014, 'The ‘proper’ approach to a trustee’s right to indemnity out of trust assets', Journal of Equity, 8, pp. 283
,2014, 'The potential for superannuation funds to make investments with a social impact', Company and Securities Law Journal, 32, pp. 540 - 551,
,2013, 'Regulating for fiduciary qualities of conduct', Journal of Equity, 7, pp. 142 - 167
,2011, 'What's in a Name?: Examining the Consequences of Inter-legality in Australia's Superannuation System', Sydney Law Review, 33, pp. 295 - 318,;dn=124389011543629;res=IELHSS
,2010, 'Prudence under pressure', Journal of Equity, 4, pp. 44 - 70
,2009, 'All aboard the PDS Titanic', JASSA - Journal of the Securities Institute of Australia, 2009, pp. 29
,2009, 'The competence and diligence required of trustees of a 21st century superannuation fund', Australian Business Law Review, 37, pp. 50 - 62
,2008, '`Best` Interests?', Journal of Equity, 2, pp. 245 - 273
,2008, 'Does “sustainable” investing compromise the fiduciary duties owed by superannuation trustees?', Australian Business Law Review, 36, pp. 47 - 61
,2008, 'The Prudent Eunuch: Superannuation Trusteeship and Member Investment Choice', Journal of Banking and Finance Law and Practice, 19, pp. 5 - 19
,2006, 'Risk: an Uncommon Deviation', JASSA - Journal of the Securities Institute of Australia, Winter, pp. 30 - 32
2020, Consultation paper: Retirement income review,
,Working Papers
2015, It's a Small World after All: Using Social Network Analysis to Investigate Systemic Risk in the Australian Superannuation Sector,
2020, A super balancing act? The Early Access to Superannuation Scheme,
2024, On the distortive potential of best interests duties