Select Publications


Donald S, 2021, Super fund underperformance in the rear-view mirror,

Donald S, 2020, Addressing chronic underperformance in the superannuation system,

Donald S, 2020, APRA Heatmaps — turning up the heat on the superannuation industry,

Donald S, 2019, DIY or delegate? The key governance challenge for super fund boards’, LexisNexis,

Donald S; Yu S, 2019, Superannuation fund governance after the Royal Commission,

Donald S; Le Mire S, 2018, Drawing the ruler over Board Performance Assessments, Lexis Advance Pacific, ,

Donald SS, 2017, The show must go on: the theatre of an annual members’ meeting,

Donald SS, 2017, On rights, powers and duties,

Donald SS, 2017, The world according to Bernie,

Donald MS, 2016, Of covenants and pygmy hippos,

Donald MS, 2016, Don’t judge a trustee’s books by their cover …, ,

Donald MS, 2015, Conflicts of duty – the black sheep of equity,

Donald MS, 2015, Managing the potential for conflict,

Donald MS, 2014, Australia's Financial System Inquiry: some preliminary observations, ,

Donald MS; Vrisakis M, 2014, A Governance Committee? Really?,

Donald MS, 2013, Too Many Rules?,

Donald MS, 2013, Having a Super Impact,

Donald MS, 2013, Speculation. It’s a state of mind,

Donald MS; Hodkinson C, 2013, In a Spin over 360 Capital,

Donald SS, 2012, When Size Matters,

Donald SS, 2012, All Aboard the Clapham Omnibus,

Gallagher DR; Donald MS, 2010, JASSA in the period 1999 to 2009: A retrospective,

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