My research focuses primarily on nineteenth- and twentieth-century poetry and poetics, with a particular focus on modernism. I have special interests in the intersection of philosophy and poetics, in the history and theory of versification, in literary cultures of publication and circulation, and in the adaptation of religious modes of thinking and writing in post-Romantic poetry. I am the author of two monographs on modernist poetry: Poetry, Modernism, and an Imperfect World (Cambridge University Press, 2017) and W. B. Yeats, Ezra Pound, and the Poetry of Paradise (Ashgate, 2011). I have also co-edited a special issue of Critical Quarterly on Historical Poetics and the Problem of Exemplarity (2019) and a collection of essays titled Writing, Medium, Machine: Modern Technographies (Open Humanities Press, 2016). My essays have appeared in journals such as Modernism/modernity, The Review of English Studies, Essays in Criticism, and Victorian Studies, as well as in several edited collections.
I am an Associate Professor in English in the School of the Arts and Media. I joined UNSW in 2008, as the holder of a Faculty Postdoctoral Fellowship. I was appointed a Lecturer in English in 2010 and then awarded a three-year ARC Postdoctoral Fellowship in 2011, for a project on the cultural archetype of the Fall in modernist poetry ($257,000). I was Acting Director (2014) and then Deputy Director (2016) of the Centre for Modernism Studies in...view more
I am an Associate Professor in English in the School of the Arts and Media. I joined UNSW in 2008, as the holder of a Faculty Postdoctoral Fellowship. I was appointed a Lecturer in English in 2010 and then awarded a three-year ARC Postdoctoral Fellowship in 2011, for a project on the cultural archetype of the Fall in modernist poetry ($257,000). I was Acting Director (2014) and then Deputy Director (2016) of the Centre for Modernism Studies in Australia at UNSW, and since 2013 I have been a co-editor of Affirmations: of the modern, an open-access journal of modern literature and culture. In 2021, Affirmations became the official journal of the Australian Modernist Studies Network.
My Qualifications
BA (Hons 1) USyd. (2000); MPhil USyd. (2003); PhD Cantab. (2007).
My Research Supervision
Areas of supervision
I am interested in supervising Honours, Masters, and PhD theses in nineteenth- and twentieth-century poetry and in modernist literature, broadly conceived.
My Engagement
I am co-editor of Affirmations: of the modern.
I peer-review work for numerous presses (including Cambridge University Press, Bloomsbury, and Open Humanities Press) and journals (including Modernism/modernity, Paideuma, Irish Studies Review, and Religion and Literature).
My Teaching
I teach ARTS2033 Poetry and Poetics and ARTS2034 Shakespearean Drama. Occasionally I contribute lectures to, or take seminars in, other courses in English.
PhD Supervisions
Mariya Nikolova, "How Whiteness Claimed the Future. The Always New Vs. the Always Now in US-American Literature" (2020)
Tanya Thaweeskulchai, "Expressing Bodily Experience: Virginia Woolf's Mrs Dalloway and The Waves" (2018), together with the poetry collections A Salivating Monstrous Plant (Cordite, 2017) and Ashes and Fire in the House of Portraits (2018).
Christopher Oakey, "Philosophical Poetry in a Time of Crisis: Reading Post-War American Poetry in Relation to Twentieth-Century Continental Philosophy" (2017)
Masters by Research Supervisions
Kristin Grogan, "Strange Rhythms: Experimental Lyric Poetry in Late Modernism" (2014)
Christopher Oakey, "Vision, Affect and Knowledge in the Poetry of Hilda Doolittle and William Carlos Williams" (2012)
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