Select Publications


Macaldowie A; Wang YA; Chughtai AA; Chambers GM, 2014, Assisted reproductive technology in Australia and New Zealand 2012

Chughtai A; Atta H; Zamani G; Baghdadi S; Bassili A; Barghout S; Seita A; Khan W; Ismail R, 2011, Communicable diseases in Eastern Mediterranean Region. Prevention and control 2005-09,

Greenhalgh T; Baker M; Chugtai A; Fisman D; Kunasekaran M; Kvalsvig A; Lupton D; MacIntyre CR; Meng MO; Bhattacharjee S; Tawfiq E; Ungrin M; Vipond J; Chughtai A, Masks and Respirators for Prevention of Respiratory Infections: A State of the Science Review, INPLASY - International Platform of Registered Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Protocols,

Theses / Dissertations

Bhattacharjee S, 2022, Development of Next-Generation Protective Clothing and High-Performing Face Masks,


MacIntyre R; Chughtai A; de Silva C; Doolan C; Bahl P; Bhattacharjee S, 2020, This video shows just how easily COVID-19 could spread when people sing together, The Conversation, Australia,

MacIntyre R; Chughtai A; Doolan C; Bahl P; Bhattacharjee S, 2020, Which mask works best? We filmed people coughing and sneezing to find out, The Conversation, Australia,


Nair SP; Quigley A; Moa A; Chughtai AA; Macintyre CR, 2023, Monitoring the burden of COVID-19 and impact of hospital transfer policies on Australian aged-care residents in residential aged-care facilities: a retrospective cohort study,

Aleem M; Chughtai A; Rahman B; Akhtar Z; Chowdury F; Qadri F; MacIntyre CR, 2023, Prevalence of influenza and other acute respiratory illnesses in patients with acute myocardial infarction in Bangladesh: a cross-sectional study,

Quigley AL; Nguyen PY; Stone H; Heslop D; Chughtai AA; MacIntyre R, 2020, Estimated Mask Use and Temporal Relationship to COVID-19 Epidemiology of Black Lives Matter Protests in 12 Cities,

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