Select Publications

Journal articles

Kim BC; Cho WJ; Lee WG; Kim SJ; Jalili R; Park SY; Wallace GG; Yu KH; Chang SJ, 2014, 'Capacitive behaviour of thermally reduced graphene oxide in a novel ionic liquid containing di-cationic charge', Synthetic Metals, 193, pp. 110 - 116,

Jalili R; Aboutalebi SH; Esrafilzadeh D; Konstantinov K; Razal JM; Moulton SE; Wallace GG, 2014, 'Formation and processability of liquid crystalline dispersions of graphene oxide', Materials Horizons, 1, pp. 87 - 91,

Jalili R; Razal JM; Wallace GG, 2013, 'Wet-spinning of PEDOT:PSS/functionalized-SWNTs composite: A facile route toward production of strong and highly conducting multifunctional fibers', Scientific Reports, 3,

Romano MS; Li N; Antiohos D; Razal JM; Nattestad A; Beirne S; Fang S; Chen Y; Jalili R; Wallace GG; Baughman R; Chen J, 2013, 'Carbon nanotube-reduced graphene oxide composites for thermal energy harvesting applications', Advanced Materials, 25, pp. 6602 - 6606,

Jalili R; Aboutalebi SH; Esrafilzadeh D; Shepherd RL; Chen J; Aminorroaya-Yamini S; Konstantinov K; Minett AI; Razal JM; Wallace GG, 2013, 'Scalable one-step wet-spinning of graphene fibers and yarns from liquid crystalline dispersions of graphene oxide: Towards multifunctional textiles', Advanced Functional Materials, 23, pp. 5345 - 5354,

Jalili R; Aboutalebi SH; Esrafilzadeh D; Konstantinov K; Moulton SE; Razal JM; Wallace GG, 2013, 'Organic solvent-based graphene oxide liquid crystals: A facile route toward the next generation of self-assembled layer-by-layer multifunctional 3D architectures', ACS Nano, 7, pp. 3981 - 3990,

Jalili R; Razal JM; Wallace GG, 2012, 'Exploiting high quality PEDOT:PSS-SWNT composite formulations for wet-spinning multifunctional fibers', Journal of Materials Chemistry, 22, pp. 25174 - 25182,

Quigley AF; Razal JM; Kita M; Jalili R; Gelmi A; Penington A; Ovalle-Robles R; Baughman RH; Clark GM; Wallace GG; Kapsa RMI, 2012, 'Electrical Stimulation of Myoblast Proliferation and Differentiation on Aligned Nanostructured Conductive Polymer Platforms', Advanced Healthcare Materials, 1, pp. 801 - 808,

Jalili R; Razal JM; Innis PC; Wallace GG, 2011, 'One-step wet-spinning process of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene): poly(styrenesulfonate) fibers and the origin of higher electrical conductivity', Advanced Functional Materials, 21, pp. 3363 - 3370,

Moradzadegan A; Ranaei-Siadat SO; Ebrahim-Habibi A; Barshan-Tashnizi M; Jalili R; Torabi SF; Khajeh K, 2010, 'Immobilization of acetylcholinesterase in nanofibrous PVA/BSA membranes by electrospinning', Engineering in Life Sciences, 10, pp. 57 - 64,

Tavanai H; Jalili R; Morshed M, 2009, 'Effects of fiber diameter and CO2activation temperature on the pore characteristics of polyacrylonitrile based activated carbon nanofibers', Surface and Interface Analysis, 41, pp. 814 - 819,

Esrafilzadeh D; Jalili R; Morshed M, 2008, 'Crystalline order and mechanical properties of as-electrospun and post-treated bundles of uniaxially aligned polyacrylonitrile nanofiber', Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 110, pp. 3014 - 3022,

Jalili R; Morshed M; Ravandi SAH, 2006, 'Fundamental parameters affecting electrospinning of PAN nanofibers as uniaxially aligned fibers', Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 101, pp. 4350 - 4357,

Jalili R; Hosseini SA; Morshed M, 2005, 'The effects of operating parameters on the morphology of electrospun polyacrilonitrile nanofibres', Iranian Polymer Journal (English Edition), 14, pp. 1074 - 1081

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