Select Publications


Fairbrother P; O’Brien J; Junor A; O’Donnell M; Williams G, 2011, Unions and Globalisation: Governments, Management, and the State at Work,

O Brien JM; Junor A; O'Donnell ME; Williams G; Fairbrother P, 2011, Unions and Globalization: Governments, Management, and the State at Work, Routledge, London,

Book Chapters

Junor A, 2020, 'Emotional Labour: Valuing Skills in Service Sector Employment', in How Gender Can Transform the Social Sciences: Innovation and Impact, pp. 149 - 158,

Junor A; Hampson I; Ogle KR, 2009, 'Vocabularies of Skills: The Case of Care and Support Workers', in Bolton S; Houlihan M (ed.), Work Matters, Palgrave MacMillan, UK, pp. 197 - 215

Taksa L; Junor A, 2008, 'Forward to Pay and Employment Equity', in Stafford J (ed.), Remaking Australian Industrial Relations, CCH Australian Industrial Relations, Sydney, pp. 115 - 126

Journal articles

Junor A, 2024, 'Tanya Maree Carney 25 September 1972-24 September 2024', ECONOMIC AND LABOUR RELATIONS REVIEW,

Naidoo Y; Junor A; Carney T, 2024, 'Gender and work: emerging issues', Economic and Labour Relations Review, 35, pp. 211 - 213,

Junor A, 2024, 'Frances Hayes 8 November 1953-11 December 2023', ECONOMIC AND LABOUR RELATIONS REVIEW, 35, pp. 207 - 210,

Junor A, 2022, 'Expressing thanks, taking stock, moving on', Economic and Labour Relations Review, 33, pp. 693 - 697,

Junor A, 2022, 'Vale GC Harcourt AC FASSA FRSN', Economic and Labour Relations Review, 33, pp. 3 - 4,

Junor A, 2021, 'Inaugural award of the ELRR Nevile-Plowman Prize', ECONOMIC AND LABOUR RELATIONS REVIEW, 32, pp. 309 - 310,

Junor A; Rainnie A, 2020, 'A note from the Editors: Exploring contested terrains', Economic and Labour Relations Review, 31, pp. 309,

Blackman D; Burgmann M; Hall P; Hayes F; Junor A; Smith M, 2020, 'From equal pay to overcoming undervaluation: The Australian National Pay Equity Coalition 1988–2011', Journal of Industrial Relations, 62, pp. 582 - 607,

van Barneveld K; Quinlan M; Kriesler P; Junor A; Baum F; Chowdhury A; Junankar PN; Clibborn S; Flanagan F; Wright CF; Friel S; Halevi J; Rainnie A, 2020, 'The COVID-19 pandemic: Lessons on building more equal and sustainable societies', Economic and Labour Relations Review, 31, pp. 133 - 157,

Blackman D; Burgmann M; Hall P; Hayes F; Junor A; Smith M, 2019, 'Archiving the Records of the National Pay Equity Coalition (NPEC), 1988-2011', Labour History, 117, pp. 203 - 208,

Gregson SE; Quinlan M; Hampson I; Junor A; Carney T, 2016, 'Supply Chains and the Manufacture of Precarious Work: The Safety Implications of Outsourcing/ Offshoring Heavy Aircraft Maintenance', E-Journal of International and Comparative Labour Studies, 5, pp. 3 - 36,

Hampson I; Junor AM; Fraser DR; Quinlan MG, 2016, 'The Uncertain Oversight of Offshore Aircraft Maintenance: The Case of Australia', Journal of Air Law and Commerce, 81, pp. 225 - 250,

Gregson S; Hampson I; Junor A; Fraser D; Quinlan M; Williamson A, 2015, 'Supply chains, maintenance and safety in the Australian airline industry', Journal of Industrial Relations, 57, pp. 604 - 623,

Hampson I; Junor A, 2015, 'Stages of the Social Construction of Skill: Revisiting Debates over Service Skill Recognition', Sociology Compass, 9, pp. 450 - 463,

Smith E; Smith A; Hampson I; Junor A, 2015, 'How closely do Australian Training Package qualifications reflect the skills in occupations? An empirical investigation of seven qualifications', International Journal of Training Research, 13, pp. 49 - 63,

Carney T; Junor A, 2014, 'How do occupational norms shape mothers' career and caring options?', Journal of Industrial Relations, 56, pp. 465 - 487,

Kessler I, 2013, 'Peter Fairbrother, John O’Brien, Anne Junor, Michael O’Donnell and Glynne Williams, Unions and Globalisation: Governments, Management, and the State at Work', Journal of Industrial Relations, 55, pp. 157 - 159,

Junor A, 2012, 'Editorial', Economic and Labour Relations Review, 23, pp. 1,

Junor A, 2012, 'Untitled', ECONOMIC AND LABOUR RELATIONS REVIEW, 23, pp. 1 - 1,

Junor A, 2012, 'International & Comparative Employment Relations: Globalisation and Change', E-JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL AND COMPARATIVE LABOUR STUDIES, 1, pp. 339 - 347,

Xue Y, 2012, 'Untitled', JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND GENOMICS, 39, pp. 1 - 2,

McMahon E, 2011, 'Editorial', Southerly: Modern Mobilities, 71, pp. 6 - 9

Hampson I; Junor A; Gregson SE, 2011, 'Missing in action: Aircraft maintenance and the recent 'HRM in the airlines' literature', International Journal of Human Resource Management, 23, pp. 2561 - 2575,

O'Donnell ME; O'Brien J; Junor A, 2011, 'New public management and employment relations in the public services of Australia and New Zealand', International Journal of Human Resource Management, 22, pp. 2367 - 2383,

Junor A, 2010, 'Symposium: Innovation, skills and training', Economic and Labour Relations Review, 21, pp. 23 - 26,

Hampson I; Junor A, 2010, 'Putting the process back in: Rethinking service sector skill', Work Employment and Society, 24, pp. 527 - 545,

Hampson I; Junor A, 2010, 'Putting the process back in: rethinking service sector skill', Work, Employment and Society, 24, pp. 526 - 545

Junor A; Hampson I; Smith M, 2009, 'Valuing Skills: Helping Mainstream Gender Equity in the New Zealand State Sector', Public Policy and Administration, 24, pp. 195 - 211

Junor A; Kriesler P; Quinlan M, 2009, 'Editorial', The Economic and Labour Relations Review, 20,

Hampson I; Junor A; Barnes AK, 2009, 'Articulation Work Skills and the Recognition of Competence in Australian Call Centres', Journal of Industrial Relations, 51, pp. 45 - 58

Junor A, 2009, 'Leah Vosko, Martha MacDonald and Iain Campbell (eds) (2009) Gender and the Contours of Precarious Employment, Routledge, London and New York, IAFFE Advances in Feminist Economics series, 296 pp., Paperback, $71.00', The Economic and Labour Relations Review, 20, pp. 133 - 138,

Junor A; O'Brien J; O'Donnell ME, 2009, 'Welfare wars: public service frontline absenteeism as collective resistance', Qualitative Research in Accounting and Management, 6, pp. 26 - 38,

Junor A; Hampson I; Barnes A, 2008, 'Beyond Emotion: interactive service work and the skills of women', International Journal of Work Organization and Emotion, 2, pp. 358 - 373

Junor A, 2007, 'The Economic and Labour Relations Review: Editorial', Economic and Labour Relations Review, 18, pp. 1 - 2,

Junor A; Hampson I; Boughton R, 2007, 'Varieties of Workplace Learning: An Introduction', Economic and Labour Relations Review, 17, pp. 99 - 106

Sheldon P; Junor A, 2006, 'Australian HRM and the Workplace Relations Amendment (Work Choices) Act 2005', Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 44, pp. 153 - 170,

Hampson I; Junor A, 2005, 'Invisible work, invisible skills: Interactive customer service as articulation work', New Technology Work and Employment, 20, pp. 166 - 181

Junor A, 2004, 'Casual University Work: Choice, Risk, Inequity and the Case for Regulation', Economic and Labour Relations Review, 14, pp. 276 - 304

Junor A, 2002, 'Book Review of Choice and Coercion: Women`s Experiences of Casual Work', Labour and Industry, 13, pp. 114 - 116

O'BRIEN J; ELDER R; JUNOR A; PRICE R; PRESTON A; HAMMOND S, 2002, 'Book Reviews', Labour & Industry: a journal of the social and economic relations of work, 13, pp. 111 - 122,

HUTCHINGS K; THORPE M; JUNOR A; ANDERSON TIM; SINGLETON G; CHARLESWORTH S, 2001, 'Book Reviews', Labour and Industry, 12, pp. 150 - 163,

Junor A, 2001, 'Critical Realism Comes to Management', Alethia, 4, pp. 30 - 34,

Junor A, 2001, '`Critical Realism comes to Management` REVIEW ESSAY', Journal of Critical Realism, pp. 30 - 34

Junor A, 2001, 'Book review of `From Tellers to Sellers: Changing Employment Relations in Banks`', Labour and Industry, 12, pp. 154 - 157

Junor A, 2001, 'Book review of `The Insecure Workforce`', Journal of Industrial Relations, pp. 92 - 95

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