Select Publications

Journal articles

Glover AR, 2025, 'Surgery for Locally Invasive Thyroid Cancer: Balancing Morbidity with Long Term Outcomes', Annals of Surgical Oncology, 32, pp. 632 - 633,

Novis E; Glover A; Grady JP; Silvestri A; Thavaneswaran S; Lin F; Ballinger ML; Thomas DM, 2025, 'Oncogenic mutations in the TP53 and PI-3 kinase/AKT pathway are independent predictors of survival for advanced thyroid cancer: Analysis from the Molecular Screening and Therapeutics (MoST) program', Surgery (United States), 177,

Glover A, 2025, 'Response: Letter to the editor: “Oncogenic mutations in the TP53 and PI-3 kinase/AKT pathway are independent predictors of survival for advanced thyroid cancer: Analysis from the Molecular Screening and Therapeutics (MoST) program”', Surgery (United States),

Lawless AK; Kumar S; Bindra J; Sywak M; Chou A; Turchini J; Papachristos A; Wijewardene A; Sidhu S; Ahadi M; Tacon L; Glover A; Clark K; Tsang V; Pang L; Clifton-Bligh RJ; Robinson B; Gill AJ; Guminski A; Eade T; Gild ML, 2024, 'Anaplastic thyroid cancer: A review of recent evidence and summary of an Australian institutional protocol', Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology, 20, pp. 681 - 689,

Tong CW; Bhimani N; Nickel B; Serpell J; Glover A, 2024, 'Australian males and females have similar rates of presentation for symptomatic and advanced thyroid cancer: Retrospective analysis of the Australian New Zealand Thyroid Cancer Registry', World Journal of Surgery, 48, pp. 2934 - 2940,

Wijewardene A; Gild M; Tacon L; Tsang V; Gill AJ; Glover AR; Sywak M; Sidhu S; Robinson B; Roach P; Schembri G; Hoang J; Clifton-Bligh R, 2024, 'Reducing noise in radioactive iodine activity selection: the utility of an online clinical calculator', Endocrine Connections, 13,

Yang ZM; Tong CW; Bhimani N; O’Neill CJ; Lai CSL; Serpell JW; Glover AR, 2024, 'Geographic disparities in thyroid cancer staging at presentation: Insights from an Australian context', World Journal of Surgery, 48, pp. 1440 - 1447,

Aksoy YA; Xu B; Viswanathan K; Ahadi MS; Al Ghuzlan A; Alzumaili B; Bani MA; Barletta JA; Chau N; Chou A; Clarkson A; Clifton-Bligh RJ; De Leo A; Dogan S; Ganly I; Ghossein R; Gild ML; Glover AR; Hadoux J; Lamartina L; Lubin DJ; Magliocca K; Najdawi F; Nigam A; Papachristos A; Repaci A; Robinson BG; Sheen A; Shi Q; Sidhu SB; Sioson L; Solaroli E; Sywak MS; Tallini G; Tsang V; Turchini J; Untch BR; Gill AJ; Fuchs TL, 2024, 'Novel prognostic nomogram for predicting recurrence-free survival in medullary thyroid carcinoma', Histopathology, 84, pp. 947 - 959,

D'souza B; Glover A; Bavor C; Brown B; Dodd RH; Lee JC; Millar J; Miller JA; Zalcberg JR; Serpell J; Ioannou LJ; Nickel B, 2024, 'The impact of delayed diagnosis and treatment due to COVID-19 on Australian thyroid cancer patients: a qualitative interview study', BMJ Open, 14,

Aitken SJ; James S; Lawrence A; Glover A; Pleass H; Thillianadesan J; Monaro S; Hitos K; Naganathan V; SHP Perioperative CAG collaborators , 2024, 'Codesign of health technology interventions to support best-practice perioperative care and surgical waitlist management.', BMJ Health Care Inform, 31,

Gild ML; Kumar S; Fuchs TL; Glover A; Sidhu S; Sywak M; Tsang V; Gill AJ; Robinson BG; Schembri G; Clifton-Bligh RJ; Hoang J, 2024, 'The Clinical Utility of Gallium-68-DOTATATE Positron Emission Tomography Scanning in Medullary Thyroid Cancer', Endocrine Practice, 30, pp. 218 - 224,

Xu B; Viswanathan K; Ahadi MS; Ahmadi S; Alzumaili B; Bani MA; Baudin E; Blake Behrman D; Capelletti M; Chau NG; Chiarucci F; Chou A; Clifton-Bligh R; Coluccelli S; de Biase D; De Leo A; Dogan S; Fagin JA; Fuchs TL; Glover AR; Hadoux J; Lacroix L; Lamartina L; Lubin DJ; Luxford C; Magliocca K; Maloberti T; Mohanty AS; Najdawi F; Nigam A; Papachristos AJ; Repaci A; Robinson B; Scoazec JY; Shi Q; Sidhu S; Solaroli E; Sywak M; Tuttle RM; Untch B; Barletta JA; Al Ghuzlan A; Gill AJ; Ghossein R; Tallini G; Ganly I, 2024, 'Association of the Genomic Profile of Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma with Tumor Characteristics and Clinical Outcomes in an International Multicenter Study', Thyroid, 34, pp. 167 - 176,

Nicholls LE; Papachristos A; Guo C; Aniss A; Glover AR; Sidhu SB; Sywak MS, 2024, 'Risk of malignancy in radiologically and cytologically discordant thyroid nodules, based on Thyroid Imaging, Reporting and Data System (TI-RADS) and Bethesda classifications', BJS Open, 8,

Lian T; Leong DCW; Vikneson K; Wong J; Sywak M; Papachristos A; Glover A, 2024, 'Endocrine surgery fellowship is necessary for competent endocrine surgical practice: perspectives from Australia and New Zealand', ANZ Journal of Surgery,

Kesby N; Mechera R; Fuchs T; Papachristos A; Gild M; Tsang V; Clifton-Bligh R; Robinson B; Sywak M; Sidhu S; Chou A; Gill AJ; Glover A, 2024, 'Response to Letter to the Editor From Devgan and Mayilvaganan: “Natural History and Predictive Factors of Outcome in Medullary Thyroid Microcarcinoma”', Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 109, pp. E437,

Turchini J; Fuchs TL; Chou A; Sioson L; Clarkson A; Sheen A; Delbridge L; Glover A; Sywak M; Sidhu S; Gill AJ, 2023, 'A Critical Assessment of Diagnostic Criteria for the Tall Cell Subtype of Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma—How Much? How Tall? And When Is It Relevant?', Endocrine Pathology, 34, pp. 461 - 470,

Chou A; Qiu MR; Crayton H; Wang B; Ahadi MS; Turchini J; Clarkson A; Sioson L; Sheen A; Singh N; Clifton-Bligh RJ; Robinson BG; Gild ML; Tsang V; Leong D; Sidhu SB; Sywak M; Delbridge L; Aniss A; Wright D; Graf N; Kumar A; Rathi V; Benitez-Aguirre P; Glover AR; Gill AJ, 2023, 'A Detailed Histologic and Molecular Assessment of the Diffuse Sclerosing Variant of Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma', Modern Pathology, 36,

Papachristos AJ; Nicholls LE; Mechera R; Aniss AM; Robinson B; Clifton-Bligh R; Gill AJ; Learoyd D; Sidhu SB; Glover A; Delbridge L; Sywak M, 2023, 'Management of Medullary Thyroid Cancer: Patterns of Recurrence and Outcomes of Reoperative Surgery', Oncologist, 28, pp. 1064 - 1071,

Kesby N; Mechera R; Fuchs T; Papachristos A; Gild M; Tsang V; Clifton-Bligh R; Robinson B; Sywak M; Sidhu S; Chou A; Gill AJ; Glover A, 2023, 'Natural History and Predictive Factors of Outcome in Medullary Thyroid Microcarcinoma', Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 108, pp. 2626 - 2634,

Birtwistle L; Leong D; Aniss A; Glover A; Sidhu S; Papachristos A; Sywak M, 2023, 'Minimally invasive adrenalectomy: a cohort study of surgical approach and outcomes', ANZ Journal of Surgery, 93, pp. 2222 - 2228,

Crayton H; Wu K; Leong D; Bhimani N; Gild M; Glover A, 2023, 'Diffuse sclerosing variant papillary thyroid carcinoma has worse survival than classic papillary thyroid carcinoma: a meta-analysis', Endocrine-Related Cancer, 30,

Nickel B; Glover A, 2023, 'Putting Patients, Not Clinicians, at the Center of Care to Improve Management of Low-risk Thyroid Cancer', JAMA Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, 149, pp. 459 - 461,

Wang H; Papachristos AJ; Gill AJ; Clifton-Bligh R; Aniss AM; Glover A; Sywak M; Sidhu SB, 2023, 'Genotype–Phenotype Correlations and Clinical Outcomes in 155 Cases of Pheochromocytoma and Paraganglioma', World Journal of Surgery, 47, pp. 690 - 698,

Turchini J; Sioson L; Clarkson A; Sheen A; Delbridge L; Glover A; Sywak M; Sidhu S; Gill AJ, 2023, 'The Presence of Typical “BRAFV600E-Like” Atypia in Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma is Highly Specific for the Presence of the BRAFV600E Mutation', Endocrine Pathology, 34, pp. 112 - 118,

Leong D; Gill AJ; Turchini J; Waller M; Clifton-Bligh R; Glover A; Sywak M; Sidhu S, 2023, 'The Prognostic Impact of Extent of Vascular Invasion in Follicular Thyroid Carcinoma', World Journal of Surgery, 47, pp. 412 - 420,

White E; Abbott B; Schembri G; Glover A; Clifton-Bligh R; Gild ML, 2023, 'Development of a novel clinical support tool for active surveillance of low risk papillary thyroid cancer', Frontiers in Endocrinology, 14,

Worrall BJ; Papachristos A; Aniss A; Glover A; Sidhu SB; Clifton-Bligh RJ; Learoyd D; Tsang VHM; Gild M; Robinson BG; Sywak MS, 2023, 'Lobectomy and completion thyroidectomy rates increase after the 2015 American Thyroid Association Differentiated Thyroid Cancer Guidelines update.', Endocr Oncol, 3, pp. e220095,

Chou A; Qiu MR; Ahadi M; Turchini J; Graf N; Rathi V; Glover AR; Gill AJ, 2023, 'Clinicopathological and genetic characteristics of diffuse sclerosing papillary thyroid carcinoma', Pathology, 55, pp. S53 - S53,

Kumar S; Wu K; Rodrigo N; Glover A, 2023, 'Massive Biochemically Silent Pheochromocytoma Masquerading as Nonfunctioning Adrenocortical Cancer.', JCEM Case Rep, 1, pp. luad061,

Chui JN; Papachristos AJ; Mechera R; Sidhu SB; Sywak MS; Lee JC; Gundara J; Lai C; Glover AR, 2022, 'Unexpected deaths after endocrine surgery: learning from rare events using a national audit of surgical mortality', British Journal of Surgery, 109, pp. 1164 - 1171,

Wijewardene A; Gill AJ; Gild M; Learoyd DL; Glover AR; Sywak M; Sidhu S; Roach P; Schembri G; Hoang J; Robinson B; Tacon L; Clifton-Bligh R, 2022, 'A Retrospective Cohort Study with Validation of Predictors of Differentiated Thyroid Cancer Outcomes', Thyroid, 32, pp. 1201 - 1210,

Papachristos A; Do K; Tsang VH; Sywak M; Gill AJ; Sidhu S; Clifton-Bligh RJ; Glover A; Gild ML, 2022, 'Outcomes of Papillary Thyroid Microcarcinoma Presenting with Palpable Lateral Lymphadenopathy', Thyroid, 32, pp. 1086 - 1093,

Wei J; Thwin M; Nickel B; Glover A, 2022, 'Factors That Inform Individual Decision Making between Active Surveillance, Hemithyroidectomy and Total Thyroidectomy for Low-Risk Thyroid Cancer: A Scoping Review', Thyroid, 32, pp. 807 - 818,

Papachristos AJ; Glover A; Sywak M; Sidhu SB, 2022, 'Thyroidectomy in Australia 2022: lessons from 21,000 consecutive cases', ANZ Journal of Surgery, 92, pp. 1626 - 1630,

Thwin M; Lim R; Glover A, 2022, 'Applying the ‘three buckets’ theory of situational awareness to surgical training: an updated framework', ANZ Journal of Surgery, 92, pp. 1498 - 1501,

Papachristos AJ; Glover AR; Sidhu SB, 2022, 'ASO Author Reflections: Medullary Thyroid Cancer—Establishing Treatment Paradigms in a Rapidly Evolving Therapeutic Landscape', Annals of Surgical Oncology, 29, pp. 72 - 73,

Kesby NL; Papachristos AJ; Gild M; Aniss A; Sywak MS; Clifton-Bligh R; Sidhu SB; Glover AR, 2022, 'ASO Visual Abstract: Outcomes of Advanced MTC in the Era of Targeted Therapy', Annals of surgical oncology, 29, pp. 74,

Xu B; Fuchs TL; Ahmadi S; Alghamdi M; Alzumaili B; Bani MA; Baudin E; Chou A; De Leo A; Fagin JA; Ganly I; Glover A; Hartl D; Kanaan C; Khneisser P; Najdawi F; Nigam A; Papachristos A; Repaci A; Spanheimer PM; Solaroli E; Untch BR; Barletta JA; Tallini G; Al Ghuzlan A; Gill AJ; Ghossein RA, 2022, 'International Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma Grading System: A Validated Grading System for Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma', Journal of Clinical Oncology, 40, pp. 96 - 103,

Kesby NL; Papachristos AJ; Gild M; Aniss A; Sywak MS; Clifton-Bligh R; Sidhu SB; Glover AR, 2022, 'Outcomes of Advanced Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma in the Era of Targeted Therapy', Annals of Surgical Oncology, 29, pp. 64 - 71,

Vikneson K; Haniff T; Thwin M; Aniss A; Papachristos A; Sywak M; Glover A, 2022, 'Tumour volume is a predictor of lymphovascular invasion in differentiated small thyroid cancer.', Endocr Oncol, 2, pp. 42 - 49,

Jonker PKC; Turchini J; Kruijff S; Lin JF; Gill AJ; Eade T; Aniss A; Clifton-Bligh R; Learoyd D; Robinson B; Tsang V; Glover A; Sidhu S; Sywak M, 2021, 'Correction to: Multimodality Treatment Improves Locoregional Control, Progression-Free and Overall Survival in Patients with Anaplastic Thyroid Cancer: A Retrospective Cohort Study Comparing Oncological Outcomes and Morbidity between Multimodality Treatment and Limited Treatment (Annals of Surgical Oncology, (2021), 28, 12, (7520-7530), 10.1245/s10434-021-10146-3)', Annals of Surgical Oncology, 28, pp. 891,

Nickel B; Miller JA; Cvejic E; Gild ML; Cope D; Dodd R; McCaffery K; Glover A, 2021, 'Thyroid cancer clinicians' views and experiences of delayed treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic: An international cross-sectional survey', ANZ Journal of Surgery, 91, pp. 2562 - 2564,

Parkin CJ; Moritz P; Kirkland O; Glover A, 2021, 'What is the Accuracy of the ACS-NSQIP Surgical Risk Calculator in Emergency Abdominal Surgery? A Meta-Analysis', Journal of Surgical Research, 268, pp. 300 - 307,

Di Marco A; Mechera R; Glover A; Papachristos A; Clifton-Bligh R; Delbridge L; Sywak M; Sidhu S, 2021, 'Focused parathyroidectomy without intraoperative parathyroid hormone measurement in primary hyperparathyroidism: Still a valid approach?', Surgery (United States), 170, pp. 1383 - 1388,

Jonker PKC; Turchini J; Kruijff S; Lin JF; Gill AJ; Eade T; Aniss A; Clifton-Bligh R; Learoyd D; Robinson B; Tsang V; Glover A; Sidhu S; Sywak M, 2021, 'Multimodality Treatment Improves Locoregional Control, Progression-Free and Overall Survival in Patients with Anaplastic Thyroid Cancer: A Retrospective Cohort Study Comparing Oncological Outcomes and Morbidity between Multimodality Treatment and Limited Treatment', Annals of Surgical Oncology, 28, pp. 7520 - 7530,

Papachristos AJ; Glover A; Sywak MS; Sidhu SB, 2021, 'Pros and cons of hemi-thyroidectomy for low-risk differentiated thyroid cancer', ANZ Journal of Surgery, 91, pp. 1704 - 1710,

Van Den Heede K; Chidambaram S; Winter Beatty J; Chander N; Markar S; Tolley NS; Palazzo FF; Kinross JK; Di Marco AN, 2021, 'Erratum: Correction to: The PanSurg-PREDICT Study: Endocrine Surgery During the COVID-19 Pandemic (World journal of surgery (2021) 45 8 (2315-2324))', World journal of surgery, 45, pp. 2325,

Van Den Heede K; Chidambaram S; Winter Beatty J; Chander N; Markar S; Tolley NS; Palazzo FF; Kinross JK; Di Marco AN; Beatty JW; Markar S; Kulshreshtha A; Aseem R; Deurloo EK; Quinnen NC; Cruz NJMDL; Yiu AJ; Khan N; Markiewicz O; Goh ET; Denning M; Aggarwal R; Mason S; Erridge S; Dryden SD; Clarke JM; Sounderajah V; Acharya A; Rabinowicz S; Yalamanchili S; Martin G; Warren L; Scott AJ; Burgnon E; Purkayastha S; Mechera R; Glover A; Papachristos A; Xuan R; Glover A; Dhondt B; Azab MA; Azzam AY; Balalis D; Fradelos E; Korkolis DP; Skotsimara A; Baili E; Kyros E; Felekouras E; Vagios I; Karydakis L; Mpoura M; Syllaios A; Davakis S; Liakakos T; Charalabopoulos A; Fulop A; Szijarto A; Bhat J; Parray F; Aziz G; Chowdri N; Wani R; Shah Z; Andrabi SM; Mehraj A; Fowler A; Chaudhary A; Murphy B; van der Hoef D; Ryan E; O′Beirn E; Marzouk F; McKevitt K; Nizami K; Grewal H; Hennessy O; Roden Y; Elwahab SA; Collins C; Ayed S; Alwade H; Aldaya M; Magboul NA; Ali AM; Ingwersen EW; Meijer F; Van Dijkum EJMN; Voeten DM; Gisbertz SS; Van Berge Henegouwen MI; Engelsman AF; Yalcinkaya A; Sahin C; Yavas M; Yavuz A; Gobut H, 2021, 'The PanSurg-PREDICT Study: Endocrine Surgery During the COVID-19 Pandemic', World Journal of Surgery, 45, pp. 2315 - 2324,

Wijewardene A; Gild M; Nylén C; Schembri G; Roach P; Hoang J; Aniss A; Glover A; Sywak M; Sidhu S; Learoyd D; Robinson B; Tacon L; Clifton-Bligh R, 2021, 'Change in Practice of Radioactive Iodine Administration in Differentiated Thyroid Cancer: A Single-Centre Experience', European Thyroid Journal, 10, pp. 408 - 415,

Nylén C; Eriksson FB; Yang A; Aniss A; Turchini J; Learoyd D; Robinson BG; Gill AJ; Clifton-Bligh RJ; Sywak MS; Glover AR; Sidhu SB, 2021, 'Prophylactic central lymph node dissection informs the decision of radioactive iodine ablation in papillary thyroid cancer', American Journal of Surgery, 221, pp. 886 - 892,

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