Select Publications

Journal articles

Aggarwal A; Saksena MM; Boadle RA; Alam W; Kelly BJ; Diefenbach RJ; Cunningham AL, 2012, 'Ultrastructural visualization of individual tegument protein dissociation during entry of herpes simplex virus type 1 into human and rat dorsal root ganglion neurons.', Journal of Virology

Aggarwal A; Iemma T; Shih I; Newsome TP; Mcallery S; Cunningham A; Turville S, 2012, 'Mobilization of HIV spread by diaphanous 2 dependent filopodia in infected dendritic cells', PLoS Pathogens, 8, pp. e1002762,

Miranda-Saksena M; Boadle RA; Aggarwal A; Tijono B; Rixon FJ; Diefenbach RJ; Cunningham AL, 2009, 'Herpes simplex virus utilizes the large secretory vesicle pathway for anterograde transport of tegument and envelope proteins and for viral exocytosis from growth cones of human fetal axons', Journal of Virology, 83, pp. 3197 - 3199,

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