Select Publications


Meltzer A; Barnes E; Wehbe A, 2024, Better acknowledging and resourcing the information accessibility sector in Australia: Final report,

Meltzer A; Barnes E; Wehbe A, 2024, Better acknowledging and resourcing the information accessibility sector in Australia: Short summary report,

Meltzer A; Schedlich S; Edwards G, 2023, Why are siblings important to achieving disability policy goals in Australia? The case for considering siblings of people with disability a critical partner in achieving Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021-2031,

O'Donovan M-A; Dew A; Imms C; Smith-Merry J; Hemsley B; Gilroy J; Meltzer A; Yen I; Ellem K; Mueller A; Darcy S; McMahon T; Spencer R; Murfitt K; Guastella A; Plumb J; Carey G; McVilly K; O'Shea A; Gallego G, 2022, Setting an agenda for disability research in Australia: Organisation-led and targeted consultation report,

Hartley C; Meltzer A; Barnes E, 2021, Preventing homelessness after release from youth justice detention: Reflections on planning a participatory, lived experience and trauma-informed project. Report prepared for the Constellation Project., Centre for Social Impact, Sydney

Meltzer A; Hartley C; Writer T; Barnes E, 2021, Preventing homelessness after release from youth justice detention: Reflections on planning a participatory, lived experience and trauma-informed project

Meltzer A; Lee CE, 2021, Evaluation of the Sibling Transformation Project’s 1st cohort,

Varadharajan M; Meltzer A; Saunders I; Weier M, 2020, Evaluation of the Youth Frontiers mentoring program

Ramia I; Meltzer A; Moffat J; Powell A; Barnes E, 2020, Your job your way final evaluation report,

Spinney A; Beer A; MacKenzie D; McNelis S; Meltzer A; Muir K; Peters A; Valentine K, 2020, Ending homelessness in Australia: A redesigned homelessness service system,

Ramia I; Powell A; Barnes E; Moffat J; Meltzer A; Saunders A, 2020, Your job your way interim evaluation report

Varadharajan M; Weier M; Saunders I; Meltzer A, 2020, Evaluation of the Youth Frontiers Mentoring Program, Centre for Social Impact, UNSW, Sydney, NSW

Flanagan K; Levin I; Tually S; Varadharajan M; Verdouw J; Faulkner D; Meltzer A; Vreugdenhil A, 2020, Understanding the experience of social housing pathways, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI), 324,,

Powell A; Meltzer A; Martin C; Stone W; Liu E; Flanagan K; Muir K; Tually S, 2019, The construction of social housing pathways across Australia, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute, Melbourne, 316,,

Meltzer A; Dew A; Dowse L; Dillon Savage I, 2018, Team Up Evaluation Final Report - Easy Read version, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,

Purcal C; Hill T; Meltzer A; Boden N; Fisher K, 2018, Implementation of the NDIS in the early childhood intervention sector in NSW: Final Report, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,,

Meltzer A; Dew A; Dowse LM; Dillon Savage I, 2018, Team Up Evaluation Final Report, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,

Muir K; Michaux F; Sharam A; Flatau P; Meltzer A; Moran M; Heaney R; North G; Findlay S; Webb E; Mason C; Stone W; Ward-Christie L; Zaretzky K; Ramia I, 2018, Inquiry into social impact investment for housing and homelessness outcomes, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI),,

Powell A; Salignac F; Meltzer A; Muir K; Weier M, 2018, Background report on young people’s economic engagement,,

Meltzer A; Robinson S; Proud Y; Fisher K, 2017, Literature and practice review: Support to make decisions that promote personal safety and prevent harm,,

Robinson S; Graham A; Fisher KR; Meltzer A; Blaxland M; Johnson K, 2017, Preventing abuse and promoting personal safety in young people with disability,

Perkins A; Meltzer A; Purcal C, 2017, Evaluation of the Supported Decision Making Phase 2 (SDM2) project: Easy read report, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,

Purcal C; Meltzer A; Hill T; Fisher KR, 2017, Implementation of the NDIS in the early childhood intervention sector in NSW: Report 1, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney, SPRC Report 15/17,

Muir K; Moran M; Michaux F; Findlay S; Meltzer A; Mason C; Ramia I; Heaney R, 2017, The opportunities, risks and possibilities of social impact investment for housing and homelessness, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI),,

Meltzer A; Robinson S; Proud Y; Fisher K, 2017, Literature and practice review: Support to make decisions that promote personal safety and prevent harm, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,

Meltzer A; Bates S; Robinson S; Kayess R; Fisher KR; Katz I, 2016, What do people with intellectual disability think about their jobs and the support they receive at work? A comparative study of three employment support models, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Australia, Sydney, SPRC Report 16/16,,

Meltzer A; Purcal C; Fisher KR, 2016, Early Childhood Intervention Review: Nepean Blue Mountains/Hunter Trial Sites, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Australia, Sydney, SPRC Report 12/16,,

Griffiths AM; Nethery D; Robinson S; Bates S; Meltzer A; Kayess R, 2015, My Choice Matters Evaluation: Fieldwork report stage 2, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW, Sydney, SPRC Report 16/2015,,

Meltzer A; Parker Z; Purcal C; Fisher KR, 2015, Social Action Partners: Peer support for children and young people with intellectual disability and their families in Victoria, Social Policy Research Centre UNSW, Sydney, 17/15,,

Meltzer A; Vizel I; Fisher KR; Jenkinson S, 2015, Easy Read report about housing for people with disability,

Muir K; Craig L; Meltzer A; Butler R, 2015, We can’t afford not to: Supporting young people within their families and communities from early adolescence to early adulthood.

Purcal C; Smedley C; Jones A; Meltzer A; Lutz D; Fisher KR; Robinson S; Hill T; Kayess R, 2015, Supported Accommodation Evaluation Framework (SAEF): Drop-in Support, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW, Sydney, SPRC Report 11/2015,,

Jones AR; Purcal C; Meltzer A; Lutz D; Fisher KR; Robinson S; Hill T; Kayess R, 2015, Supported Accommodation Evaluation Framework (SAEF): Individual Packages, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW, Sydney, SPRC Report 10/2015,,

Meltzer A; Giuntoli G; Fisher KR, 2015, What do we already know about health services for people with intellectual disability?,

Purcal C; Evans K; Meltzer A; Johnson K; Fisher KR; Robinson S; Bevan N; Kayess R, 2015, Peer Support with Children and Young People with Intellectual Disability: Literature Review,

Purcal C; Fisher KR; Jones A; Lutz D; Meltzer A; Hill T; Robinson S; Kayess R; Smedley C, 2014, Supported Accommodation Evaluation Framework Summary Report, Social Policy Research Centre UNSW, Sydney, 31/2014,,

Fisher KR; Jones A; Lutz D; Purcal C; Meltzer A; Eastman C; Hill T; Robinson S; Kayess R, 2014, Supported Accommodation Evaluation Guide, Social Policy Research Centre UNSW, Sydney, 32/2014,,

Purcal C; Fisher KR; Bevan N; Meltzer A; Robinson S, 2014, Social Action Partners: Peer support for children and young people with intellectual disability and their families in Victoria, Project plan, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW, Sydney, 22/2014,,

Purcal C; Bevan N; Cooper S; Fisher KR; Meltzer A; Wong M; Meyer P, 2014, Self-directed disability support: building people's capacity through peer support and action research, Social Policy Research Centre, Sydney, 7/2014,,

Meltzer A; Fisher KR; Purcal C; Bevan N; Cooper S, 2014, What can we do in our research group? Different ways to do research, Social Policy Research Centre UNSW, Sydney, 1/2014,

Fisher KR; Gendera ; Gadow ; Lutz ; Kayess ; Meltzer A; Robinson , 2013, Closure of Grosvenor, Peat Island and Lachlan Large Residential Centres: post implementation review summary report, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW, Sydney, 17/2013,,

Meltzer A; Bates ; Fisher KR; Kayess ; Robinson ; Cooper , 2013, My Choice Matters evaluation plan, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW, Sydney, 9/2013,,

Goldblatt BA; Muir K; Meltzer A; Dinning B, 2010, NSW Continuous Care Pilot Evaluation: Final Report, Multilple Sclerosis Limited,

Meltzer A; Muir K; Dinning B, 2010, Report on the consultation data for the revision of the National Standards for Disability Services: Final Report, Department of Human Services, Victoria,

Theses / Dissertations

Meltzer A, 2015, Siblings' relational experiences of disability during young adulthood,

Recorded / Rendered Creative Works

Meltzer A, 2017, Siblings with and without disabilities think differently to each other about the comparison of their young adult experiences – and why it matters, Sibling Leadership Network Research Corner, Published: 01 December 2017, Recorded / Rendered Creative Works,

Meltzer A, 2017, Words Matter: Why what we say about care matters for young adult sibling relationships, Clickability Blog, Published: 19 April 2017, Recorded / Rendered Creative Works,

Meltzer A; Kramer J, 2016, History and future of sibling-disability research, Sibling Leadership Network Blog, Sibling Leadership Network Blog, Published: 08 March 2016, Recorded / Rendered Creative Works,


Meltzer A, 2024, Crisis communication saves lives – but people with disability often aren’t given the message,

Meltzer A, 2022, International sibling support,

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