Select Publications

Journal articles

Watson A; Watson-Kirby E, 2024, 'Affective routes in interviews: Participants exploring a digital map as a live elicitation method', Qualitative Research,

Lupton D; Watson A; Wozniak-O'Connor V, 2024, 'It’s all about connecting’: using visual methods to surface the multisensory and more-than-human dimensions of health information', Visual Studies, ahead-of-print, pp. 1 - 15,

Watson A; Kirby E; Churchill B; Robards B; LaRochelle L, 2024, 'What matters in the queer archive? Technologies of memory and Queering the Map', Sociological Review, 72, pp. 99 - 117,

Lupton D; Wozniak-O'Connor V; Rose MC; Watson A, 2023, 'More-than-Human Wellbeing: Materialising the Relations, Affects, and Agencies of Health, Kinship, and Care', M/C Journal, 26,

Watson A; Wozniak-O'Connor V; Lupton D, 2023, 'Health information in creative translation: establishing a collaborative project of research and exhibition making', Health Sociology Review, 32, pp. 42 - 59,

Watson A; Lupton D; Michael M, 2023, 'The presence and perceptibility of personal digital data: findings from a participant map drawing method', Visual Studies, 38, pp. 594 - 607,

Lupton D; Watson A, 2022, 'Research-Creations for Speculating About Digitized Automation: Bringing Creative Writing Prompts and Vital Materialism into the Sociology of Futures', Qualitative Inquiry, 28, pp. 754 - 766,

Watson A, 2022, 'The familiar strange of sociological fiction', Sociological Review, 70, pp. 723 - 732,

Watson A; Lupton D, 2022, 'What Happens Next? Using the Story Completion Method to Surface the Affects and Materialities of Digital Privacy Dilemmas', Sociological Research Online, 27, pp. 690 - 706,

Watson A; Lupton D, 2022, 'Remote Fieldwork in Homes During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Video-Call Ethnography and Map Drawing Methods', International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 21, pp. 16094069221078376,

Watson A, 2022, 'Writing sociological fiction', Qualitative Research, 22, pp. 337 - 352,

Watson A; Lupton D; Michael M, 2021, 'The COVID digital home assemblage: Transforming the home into a work space during the crisis', Convergence, 27, pp. 1207 - 1221,

Watson A; Bennett A, 2021, 'The felt value of reading zines', American Journal of Cultural Sociology, 9, pp. 115 - 149,

Watson A; Smartt Gullion J, 2021, 'Editorial: Fiction as Research – Writing Beyond the Boundary Lines', Art/Research International: A Transdisciplinary Journal,

Watson A; Lupton D; Michael M, 2021, 'Enacting intimacy and sociality at a distance in the COVID-19 crisis: the sociomaterialities of home-based communication technologies', Media International Australia, 178, pp. 136 - 150,

Kirby E; Watson A; Churchill B; Robards B; LaRochelle L, 2021, 'Queering the Map: Stories of love, loss and (be)longing within a digital cartographic archive', Media, Culture & Society, 43, pp. 1043 - 1060,

Byron P; McKee A; Watson A; Litsou K; Ingham R, 2021, 'Reading for Realness: Porn Literacies, Digital Media, and Young People', Sexuality and Culture, 25, pp. 786 - 805,

Watson A; Lupton D, 2021, 'Tactics, affects and agencies in digital privacy narratives: a story completion study', Online Information Review, 45, pp. 138 - 156,

Lupton D; Watson A, 2020, 'Towards more-than-human digital data studies: developing research-creation methods', Qualitative Research, 21, pp. 463 - 480,

Watson A, 2020, 'Methods Braiding: A Technique for Arts-Based and Mixed-Methods Research', Sociological Research Online, 25, pp. 66 - 83,

Baker S; Buttigieg B; Cantillon Z; Pavlidis A; Rodriguez Castro L; Watson A, 2020, 'Getting students to ‘do’ introductory sociology: Analysis of a blended and flipped interactive workshop model', Journal of Sociology,

Watson A, 2019, 'Book Review: Spark', Cultural Sociology, 13, pp. 528 - 529,

Watson A, 2016, 'Directions for Public Sociology: Novel Writing as a Creative Approach', Cultural Sociology, 10, pp. 431 - 447,

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