Select Publications

Journal articles

Spike E; Srasuebkul P; Butler T; Trollor J; Jones J; Cripps K; Sara G; Grant L; Allnutt S; Greenberg D; Schofield PW; Adily A; Chowdhury NZ; Kariminia A, 2024, 'Mortality, Criminal Sanctions, and Court Diversion in People With Psychosis', JAMA network open, 7, pp. e2442146,

Tsondai PR; Davies MA; Singtoroj T; Maxwell N; Technau KG; Chokephaibulkit K; Lumbiganon P; Sohn AH; Duda S; Edmonds A; Hazra R; Judd A; Kariminia A; Leroy V; McGowan C; Musick B; Patel K; Penazzato M; Vreeman R; Wools-Kaloustian K, 2024, 'Creating a data collection and management platform to support measurement of adolescent HIV care transition processes within low- and middle-income countries: The GRADUATE project', PLOS Global Public Health, 4,

Akpanekpo EI; Kariminia A; Srasuebkul P; Trollor JN; Kasinathan J; Greenberg D; Schofield PW; Kenny DT; Gaskin C; Simpson M; Jones J; Ekanem AM; Butler T, 2024, 'Criminal justice transitions among adolescents in Australia: A multi-state model', Journal of Criminal Justice, 92,

Fischer L; Wilson M; Schofield PW; Jones J; Kariminia A; Barrett E; Dean K; Sullivan E; Covington S; Butler T, 2024, 'Exposure to Childhood Adversity and Intimate Partner Violence in a Sample of Incarcerated Women in Australia', International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology,

Nimkar S; Kinikar A; Mave V; Khol V; Du QT; Nguyen L; Ounchanum P; Nguyen DQ; Puthanakit T; Kosalaraks P; Chokephaibulkit K; Sudjaritruk T; Muktiarti D; Kumarasamy N; Yusoff NKN; Mohamed T; Wati D; Alam A; Fong S; Nallusamy R; Suwanlerk T; Sohn A; Kariminia A; Ly PS; Penh P; Tucker J; Kumarasamy N; Chandrasekaran E; Marbaniang I; Vedaswari D; Ramajaya IB; Ngoerah IGNG; Kurniati N; Mangunkusumo C; Fong SM; Lim M; Daut F; Yusoff NN; Mohamad P; Drawis MR; Chan KC; Sirisanthana V; Aurpibul L; Hansudewechakul R; Denjanta S; Kongphonoi A; Lumbiganon P; Kosalaraksa P; Tharnprisan P; Udomphanit T; Jourdain G; Anugulruengkit S; Jantarabenjakul W; Nadsasarn R; Lapphra K; Phongsamart W; Sricharoenchai S; Truong KH; Du QT; Nguyen CH; Nguyen LV; Tran DM; Tran HTT; Giang TTT; Le ON; Sohn AH; Ross JL; Law MG; Kariminia A, 2024, 'Long-term risk of mortality and loss to follow-up in children and adolescents on antiretroviral therapy in Asia', HIV Medicine,

Akpanekpo EI; Kariminia A; Srasuebkul P; Trollor JN; Greenberg D; Kasinathan J; Schofield PW; Kenny DT; Simpson M; Gaskin C; Chowdhury NZ; Jones J; Ekanem AM; Butler T, 2024, 'Psychiatric admissions in young people after expiration of criminal justice supervision in Australia: a retrospective data linkage study', BMJ Mental Health, 27,

Gullotta M; Greenberg D; Adily A; Albalawi O; Karminia A; Knight L; Butler TG, 2023, 'Physical health status of individuals convicted of sexual offences: Results from an Australian prisoner cohort', Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 100,

Sornillo JB; Ditangco R; Kinikar A; Wati DK; Du QT; Nguyen DQ; Khol V; Van Nguyen L; Puthanakit T; Ounchanum P; Kurniati N; Chokephaibulkit K; Jamal Mohamed TA; Sudjaritruk T; Fong SM; Kumarasamy N; Kosalaraksa P; Nallusamy RA; Yusoff NKN; Sohn AH; Kariminia A, 2023, 'The changing characteristics of a cohort of children and adolescents living with HIV at antiretroviral therapy initiation in Asia', PLoS ONE, 18,

Suwanlerk T; Rupasinghe D; Jantarabenjakul W; An VT; Ross JL; Kariminia A; Van Lam N; Kinikar A; Ounchanum P; Puthanakit T; Nik Yusoff NK; Lumbiganon P; Chokephaibulkit K; Viet DC; Sudjaritruk T; Moy FS; Wati DK; Mohamed TJ; Nallusamy R; Kumarasamy N; Khol V; Khanh TH; Kurniati N, 2023, 'Lipid and glucose abnormalities and associated factors among children living with HIV in Asia', Antiviral Therapy, 28,

Adily A; Albalawi O; Sara G; Kariminia A; Wand H; Allnutt S; Schofield P; Greenberg D; Grant L; Butler T, 2023, 'Mental health service utilisation and reoffending in offenders with a diagnosis of psychosis receiving non-custodial sentences: A 14-year follow-up study', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 57, pp. 411 - 422,

Sornillo JB; Ditangco R; Lumbiganon P; Vu TA; Le ON; Truong KH; Nguyen LV; Do VC; Ounchanum P; Wati DK; Puthanakit T; Kurniati N; Lapphra K; Sudjaritruk T; Kumarasamy N; Jamal Mohamed TA; Nik Yusoff NK; Fong SM; Nallusamy RA; Sohn AH; Kariminia A, 2023, 'Disclosure of HIV status and associated clinical outcomes of children and adolescents living with HIV in Asia', AIDS Care - Psychological and Socio-Medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV, 35, pp. 1928 - 1937,

Lumbiganon P; Kariminia A; Anugulruengkitt S; Ounchanum P; Denjanta S; Puthanakit T; Kosalaraksa P; Sudjaritruk T; Detsakunathiwatchara C; Do VC; Vu AT; Nguyen LV; Thuy GTT; Suwanlerk T; Sohn AH, 2023, 'Pregnancy and birth outcomes among young women living with perinatally acquired HIV in Thailand and Vietnam', AIDS Care - Psychological and Socio-Medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV, 35, pp. 818 - 823,

Chowdhury NZ; Wand H; Albalawi O; Adily A; Kariminia A; Allnutt S; Sara G; Dean K; Ellis A; Greenberg D; Schofield PW; Butler T, 2022, 'Mental health service contact following release from prison or hospital discharge in those with psychosis', Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13,

Lewis JT; Stephens J; Musick B; Brown S; Malateste K; Ha Dao Ostinelli C; Maxwell N; Jayathilake K; Shi Q; Brazier E; Kariminia A; Hogan B; Duda SN, 2022, 'The IeDEA harmonist data toolkit: A data quality and data sharing solution for a global HIV research consortium', Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 131,

Boettiger DC; An VT; Kumarasamy N; Azwa I; Sudjaritruk T; Truong KH; Avihingsanon A; Ross J; Kariminia A, 2022, 'Recent Trends in Adult and Pediatric Antiretroviral Therapy Monitoring and Failure', Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 90, pp. 193 - 200,

Boettiger DC; An VT; Lumbiganon P; Wittawatmongkol O; Truong KH; Do VC; van Nguyen L; Sun Ly P; Kinikar A; Ounchanum P; Puthanakit T; Kurniati N; Kumarasamy N; Wati DK; Chokephaibulkit K; Jamal Mohamed TA; Sudjaritruk T; Yusoff NKN; Fong MS; Nallusamy RA; Kariminia A, 2022, 'Severe recurrent bacterial pneumonia among children living with HIV', Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, 41, pp. E208 - E215,

Jesson J; Crichton S; Quartagno M; Yotebieng M; Abrams EJ; Chokephaibulkit K; Le Coeur S; Aké-Assi MH; Patel K; Pinto J; Paul M; Vreeman R; Davies MA; Ben-Farhat J; Van Dyke R; Judd A; Mofenson L; Vicari M; Seage G; Bekker LG; Essajee S; Gibb D; Penazzato M; Collins IJ; Wools-Kaloustian K; Slogrove A; Powis K; Williams P; Matshaba M; Thahane L; Nyasulu P; Lukhele B; Mwita L; Kekitiinwa-Rukyalekere A; Wanless S; Goetghebuer T; Thorne C; Warszawski J; Galli L; van Rossum AMC; Giaquinto C; Marczynska M; Marques L; Prata F; Ene L; Okhonskaya L; Navarro M; Frick A; Naver L; Kahlert C; Volokha A; Chappell E; Pape JW; Rouzier V; Marcelin A; Succi R; Sohn AH; Kariminia A; Edmonds A; Lelo P; Lyamuya R; Ogalo EA; Odhiambo FA; Haas AD; Bolton C; Muhairwe J; Tweya H; Sylla M; D'Almeida M; Renner L; Abzug MJ; Oleske J; Purswani M; Teasdale C; Nuwagaba-Biribonwoha H; Goodall R; Leroy V, 2022, 'Growth and CD4 patterns of adolescents living with perinatally acquired HIV worldwide, a CIPHER cohort collaboration analysis', Journal of the International AIDS Society, 25,

Butler T, 2021, 'Smoking Beyond Prison Bans: The Impact of Prison Tobacco Bans on Smoking Among Prison Entrants.', Journal of Correctional Healthcare,

Han WM; Law MG; Egger M; Wools-Kaloustian K; Moore R; McGowan C; Kumarasamy N; Desmonde S; Edmonds A; Davies MA; Yiannoutsos C; Althoff KN; Cortes CP; Mohamed TJ; Jaquet A; Anastos K; Euvrard J; Castelnuovo B; Salters K; Coelho LE; Ekouevi DK; Eley B; Diero L; Zaniewski E; Ford N; Sohn AH; Kariminia A, 2021, 'Global estimates of viral suppression in children and adolescents and adults on antiretroviral therapy adjusted for missing viral load measurements: a multiregional, retrospective cohort study in 31 countries', The Lancet HIV, 8, pp. e766 - e775,

Gullotta M; Greenberg D; Albalawi O; Adily A; Karminia A; Knight L; Ellis A; Butler TG, 2021, 'Self-harm and suicidality among three subgroups of male sex offenders: results from an Australian prisoner cohort', Health and Justice, 9,

Bartlett AW; Sudjaritruk T; Mohamed TJ; Anugulruengkit S; Kumarasamy N; Phongsamart W; Ly PS; Truong KH; Van Nguyen L; Do VC; Ounchanum P; Puthanakit T; Chokephaibulkit K; Lumbiganon P; Kurniati N; Nik Yusoff NK; Wati DK; Sohn AH; Kariminia A, 2021, 'Identification, Management, and Outcomes of Combination Antiretroviral Treatment Failure in Adolescents with Perinatal Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection in Asia', Clinical Infectious Diseases, 73, pp. E1919 - E1926,

Johnson LF; Kariminia A; Trickey A; Yiannoutsos CT; Ekouevi DK; Minga AK; Pascom ARP; Han WM; Zhang L; Althoff KN; Rebeiro PF; Murenzi G; Ross J; Hsiao NY; Marsh K, 2021, 'Achieving consistency in measures of HIV-1 viral suppression across countries: derivation of an adjustment based on international antiretroviral treatment cohort data', Journal of the International AIDS Society, 24,

Kassanjee R; Johnson LF; Zaniewski E; Ballif M; Christ B; Yiannoutsos CT; Nyakato P; Desmonde S; Edmonds A; Sudjaritruk T; Pinto J; Vreeman R; Dahourou DL; Twizere C; Kariminia A; Carlucci JG; Kasozi C; Davies MA, 2021, 'Global HIV mortality trends among children on antiretroviral treatment corrected for under-reported deaths: an updated analysis of the International epidemiology Databases to Evaluate AIDS collaboration', Journal of the International AIDS Society, 24,

Tsondai PR; Davies MA; Singtoroj T; Maxwell N; McGowan CC; Songtaweesin WN; Technau KG; Kariminia A; Chimbetete C; Succi RCM; Pinto J; Rouzier V; Luque MT; Sohn AH, 2021, 'Improving Methods to Classify Perinatal versus Nonperinatal HIV Acquisition in Young Adolescents 10-14 Years of Age', Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, 40, pp. 453 - 456,

Chowdhury NZ; Albalawi O; Wand H; Allnutt S; Adily A; Kariminia A; Sara G; Schofield PW; O’Driscoll C; Greenberg DM; Butler T, 2021, 'Psychosis and Criminal Offending: A Population-Based Data-Linkage Study', Criminal Justice and Behavior, 48, pp. 157 - 174,

Hwang YIJ; Albalawi O; Adily A; Hudson M; Wand H; Kariminia A; O’Driscoll C; Allnutt S; Grant L; Sara G; Ogloff J; Greenberg DM; Butler T; Hwang J, 2020, 'Disengagement from mental health treatment and re-offending in those with psychosis: a multi-state model of linked data', Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 55, pp. 1639 - 1648,

Adily A; Albalawi O; Kariminia A; Wand H; Chowdhury NZ; Allnutt S; Schofield P; Sara G; Ogloff JRP; O'Driscoll C; Greenberg DM; Grant L; Butler T, 2020, 'Association between Early Contact with Mental Health Services after an Offense and Reoffending in Individuals Diagnosed with Psychosis', JAMA Psychiatry, 77, pp. 1137 - 1146,

Sohn AH; Lumbiganon P; Kurniati N; Lapphra K; Law M; Do VC; Van Nguyen L; Truong KH; Wati DK; Ounchanum P; Puthanakit T; Sudjaritruk T; Ly PS; Yusoff NKN; Fong SM; Mohamed TJ; Nallusamy R; Kumarasamy N; Kariminia A, 2020, 'Determining standardized causes of death of infants, children, and adolescents living with HIV in Asia', AIDS, 34, pp. 1527 - 1537,

Sudjaritruk T; Teeraananchai S; Kariminia A; Lapphra K; Kumarasamy N; Fong MS; Hansudewechakul R; Bunupuradah T; Ly PS; Nallusamy RA; Sohn AH; Sirisanthana V; Tucker J; Ezhilarasi C; Kinikar A; Mave V; Nimkar S; Kurniati N; Muktiarti D; Fong SM; Lim M; Daut F; Mohamad P; Mohamed TJ; Nallusamy R; Aurpibul L; Ounchanum P; Denjanta S; Kongphonoi A; Lumbiganon P; Kosalaraksa P; Tharnprisan P; Udomphanit T; Jourdain G; Puthanakit T; Anugulruengkit S; Jantarabenjakul W; Nadsasarn R; Chokephaibulkit K; Phongsamart W; Sricharoenchai S; Truong KH; Du QT; Nguyen CH; Do VC; Ha TM; Nguyen LV; Khu DTK; Nguyen LT; Le ON; Ross JL; Suwanlerk T; Law MG, 2020, 'Impact of low-level viraemia on virological failure among Asian children with perinatally acquired HIV on first-line combination antiretroviral treatment: a multicentre, retrospective cohort study', Journal of the International AIDS Society, 23,

Patel K; Smith C; Collins IJ; Goodall R; Abrams EJ; Sohn AH; Mohamed TJ; Van Dyke RB; Rojo P; Wools-Kaloustian K; Pinto J; Edmonds A; Marete I; Paul M; Nuwaqaba-Biribonwoha H; Leroy V; Davies MA; Vreeman R; Maxwell N; Timmerman V; Duff C; Mofenson L; Bekker LG; Vicari M; Essajee S; Penazzato M; Wools-Kaloustian K; Goodall R; Slogrove A; Williams P; Crichton S; Seage G; Thahane L; Kazembe PN; Lukhele B; Mwita L; Kekitiinwa-Rukyalekere A; Wanless S; Matshaba MS; Goetghebuer T; Thorne C; Warszawski J; Galli L; Geelen S; Gibb DM; Giaquinto C; Marczynska M; Marques L; Prata F; Ene L; Okhonskaia L; Noguera-Julian A; Naver L; Rudin C; Jourdain G; Judd A; Volokha A; Pinto J; Rouzier V; Succi R; Kariminia A; Yotebieng M; Lelo P; Lyamuya R; Oyaro P; Boulle A; Malisita K; Fatti G; Haas AD; Desmonde S; Dicko F; Abzug MJ; Purswani M; Chadwick E; Teasdale C; Nuwagaba H, 2020, 'Outcomes of second-line antiretroviral therapy among children living with HIV: a global cohort analysis', Journal of the International AIDS Society, 23,

Bartlett AW; Lumbiganon P; Jamal Mohamed TA; Lapphra K; Muktiarti D; Du QT; Hansudewechakul R; Ly PS; Truong KH; Van Nguyen L; Puthanakit T; Sudjaritruk T; Chokephaibulkit K; Do VC; Kumarasamy N; Nik Yusoff NK; Kurniati N; Fong MS; Wati DK; Nallusamy R; Sohn AH; Kariminia A, 2019, 'Dual Analysis of Loss to Follow-up for Perinatally HIV-Infected Adolescents Receiving Combination Antiretroviral Therapy in Asia', Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 82, pp. 431 - 438,

Albany H; Butler T; Simpson M; Kariminia A; Hwang J; Richmond R, 2019, 'Smoking beyond prison bans: the impact of prison tobacco bans on smoking among prison entrants.', Journal of Correctional Healthcare, 27, pp. 280 - 288,

Chowdhury NZ; Albalawi O; Wand H; Adily A; Kariminia A; Allnutt S; Sara G; Dean K; Lappin J; O'Driscoll C; Grant L; Schofield PW; Greenberg D; Butler T, 2019, 'First diagnosis of psychosis in the prison: Results from a data-linkage study', BJPsych Open, 5, pp. e89 - e89,

Jesson J; Schomaker M; Malasteste K; Wati DK; Kariminia A; Sylla M; Kouadio K; Sawry S; Mubiana-Mbewe M; Ayaya S; Vreeman R; McGowan CC; Yotebieng M; Leroy V; Davies MA, 2019, 'Stunting and growth velocity of adolescents with perinatally acquired HIV: differential evolution for males and females. A multiregional analysis from the IeDEA global paediatric collaboration', Journal of the International AIDS Society, 22,

Bartlett AW; Lumbiganon P; Kurniati N; Sudjaritruk T; Mohamed TJ; Hansudewechakul R; Ly PS; Truong KH; Puthanakit T; Nguyen LV; Chokephaibulkit K; Do VC; Kumarasamy N; Nik Yusoff NK; Fong MS; Watu DK; Nallusamy R; Sohn AH; Law MG; Khol V; Tucker J; Chandrasekaran E; Wati DK; Vedaswari D; Ramajaya IB; Muktiarti D; Lim M; Daut F; Mohamad P; Drawis MR; Chan KC; Sirisanthana V; Aurpibul L; Ounchanum P; Denjanta S; Kongphonoi A; Kosalaraksa P; Tharnprisan P; Udomphanit T; Jourdain G; Anugulruengkit S; Jantarabenjakul W; Nadsasarn R; Lapphra K; Phongsamart W; Sricharoenchai S; Du QT; Nguyen CH; Ha TM; An VT; Khu DTK; Pham AN; Nguyen LT; Le ON; Ross JL; Sethaputra C; Kariminia A, 2019, 'Use and Outcomes of Antiretroviral Monotherapy and Treatment Interruption in Adolescents With Perinatal HIV Infection in Asia', Journal of Adolescent Health, 65, pp. 651 - 659,

Brazier E; Maruri F; Duda SN; Tymejczyk O; Wester CW; Somi G; Ross J; Freeman A; Cornell M; Poda A; Musick BS; Zhang F; Althoff KN; Mugglin C; Kimmel AD; Yotebieng M; Nash D; Karminia A; Sohn AH; Allen D; Bloch M; Boyd S; Brown K; Costa J; Donohue W; Gunathilake M; Hoy J; MacRae K; Moore RD; Roth N; Rowling D; Silvers J; Smith DJ; Sowden D; Templeton D; Varma R; Woolley I; Youds D; Chhay Meng S; Vannary B; Chan YT; Lam W; Lee MP; Ning H; Pansy YPC; Kumarasamy N; Pujari S; Kurniati N; Merati TP; Muktiarti D; Parwata WS; Ratni M; Sukmawati NMDD; Vedaswari DSPD; Wati KDK; Yunihastuty E; Tanuma J; Mills G; Raymond N; Ditangco R; Papa OS; Oon Tek N; Ah-neez ; Azwa R; Dato ; Daud F; Juin WK; Kamarulzaman AB; Khairulddin N; Li CM; Moy FS; Shah RI; Shyan WP; Sim B; Thahira JM; Tuang KM; Yusoff N; Choi JY; Chan YJ; Huang CS; Wing-Wai W; Avihingsanon A; Chokephaibulkit K; Hansudewechakul R; Khumcha B; Khusuwan S; Kiertiburanakul S; Lumbiganon P; Maleesatharn A; Praparattanapan J; Puthanakit T; Sricharoenchai S; Sudjaritruk T; Watanaporn S; Thien An V; Cuong DD; Hằng BT; Huy BVŨ; Quy DT; Van LN, 2019, 'Implementation of “Treat-all” at adult HIV care and treatment sites in the Global IeDEA Consortium: results from the Site Assessment Survey', Journal of the International AIDS Society, 22,

Sudjaritruk T; Boettiger DC; Nguyen LV; Mohamed TJ; Wati DK; Bunupuradah T; Hansudewechakul R; Ly PS; Lumbiganon P; Nallusamy RA; Fong MS; Chokephaibulkit K; Nik Yusoff NK; Truong KH; Do VC; Sohn AH; Sirisanthana V; Tucker J; Kumarasamy N; Chandrasekaran E; Vedaswari D; Ramajaya IB; Kurniati N; Muktiarti D; Lim M; Daut F; Mohamad P; Drawis MR; Chan KC; Aurpibul L; Ounchanum P; Denjanta S; Kongphonoi A; Kosalaraksa P; Tharnprisan P; Udomphanit T; Jourdain G; Puthanakit T; Anugulruengkit S; Jantarabenjakul W; Nadsasarn R; Lapphra K; Phongsamart W; Sricharoenchai S; Du QT; Nguyen CH; Ha TM; An VT; Khu DTK; Pham AN; Nguyen LT; Le ON; Chi H; Ross JL; Suwanlerk T; Law MG; Kariminia A, 2019, 'Impact of the frequency of plasma viral load monitoring on treatment outcomes among children with perinatally acquired HIV', Journal of the International AIDS Society, 22,

Coles T; Simpson P; Saulo D; Kaldor J; Richards A; Levy M; Wake C; Siddall DA; Harrod ME; Kariminia A; Butler T, 2019, 'Trends in hepatitis B prevalence and associated risk factors among Indigenous and non-Indigenous prison entrants in Australia, 2004 to 2013', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 43, pp. 236 - 240,

Boettiger DC; Law MG; Sohn AH; Davies MA; Wools-Kaloustian K; Leroy V; Yotebieng M; Vinikoor M; Vreeman R; Amorissani-Folquet M; Edmonds A; Fatti G; Batte J; Renner L; Adedimeji A; Kariminia A, 2019, 'Temporal trends in co-trimoxazole use among children on antiretroviral therapy and the impact of co-trimoxazole on mortality rates in children without severe immunodeficiency', Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society, 8, pp. 450 - 460,

Bartlett AW; Mohamed TJ; Sudjaritruk T; Kurniati N; Nallusamy R; Hansudewechakul R; Ly PS; Truong KH; Lumbiganon P; Puthanakit T; Chokephaibulkit K; Nguyen LV; Do VC; Kumarasamy N; Nik Yusoff NK; Fong MS; Wati DK; Sohn AH; Kariminia A, 2019, 'Disease- and Treatment-related Morbidity in Adolescents with Perinatal HIV Infection in Asia', Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, 38, pp. 287 - 292,

Mu W; Bartlett AW; Bunupuradah T; Chokephaibulkit K; Kumarasamy N; Ly PS; Hansudewechakul R; Nguyen LV; Lumbiganon P; Sudjaritruk T; Mohamed TAJ; Yusoff NKN; Truong KH; Do VC; Fong MS; Nallusamy R; Kurniati N; Wati DK; Sohn AH; Kariminia A; Zhang F, 2019, 'Early and Late Virologic Failure after Virologic Suppression in HIV-Infected Asian Children and Adolescents', Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 80, pp. 308 - 315,

Collins IJ; Wools-Kaloustian K; Goodall R; Smith C; Abrams EJ; Ben-Farhat J; Balkan S; Davies MA; Edmonds A; Leroy V; Nuwagaba-Biribonwoha H; Patel K; Paul ME; Pinto J; Rojo Conejo P; Sohn A; Van Dyke R; Vreeman R; Maxwell N; Timmerman V; Duff C; Judd A; Seage G; Williams P; Gibb DM; Bekker LG; Mofenson L; Vicari M; Essajee S; Mohapi EQ; Kazembe PN; Hlatshwayo M; Lumumba M; Kekitiinwa-Rukyalekere A; Wanless S; Matshaba MS; Goetghebuer T; Thorne C; Warszawski J; Galli L; Geelen S; Giaquinto C; Marczynska M; Marques L; Prata F; Ene L; Okhonskaia L; Noguera-Julian A; Naver L; Rudin C; Jourdain G; Volokha A; Rouzier V; Succi R; Chokephaibulkit K; Kariminia A; Yotebieng M; Lelo P; Lyamuya R; Marete I; Oyaro P; Boulle A; Malisita K; Fatti G; Haas AD; Desmonde S; Dicko F; Abzug MJ; Levin M; Oleske J; Chernoff M; Traite S; Purswani M; Teasdale C; Chadwick E, 2019, 'Incidence of switching to second-line antiretroviral therapy and associated factors in children with HIV: an international cohort collaboration', The Lancet HIV, 6, pp. e105 - e115,

Albalawi O; Chowdhury NZ; Wand H; Allnutt S; Greenberg D; Adily A; Kariminia A; Schofield P; Sara G; Hanson S; O'Driscoll C; Butler T, 2019, 'Court diversion for those with psychosis and its impact on re-offending rates: Results from a longitudinal data-linkage study', BJPsych Open, 5, pp. e9,

Kariminia A; Law M; Davies MA; Vinikoor M; Wools-Kaloustian K; Leroy V; Edmonds A; McGowan C; Vreeman R; Fairlie L; Ayaya S; Yotebieng M; Takassi E; Pinto J; Adedimeji A; Malateste K; Machado DM; Penazzato M; Hazra R; Sohn AH, 2018, 'Mortality and losses to follow-up among adolescents living with HIV in the IeDEA global cohort collaboration', Journal of the International AIDS Society, 21,

Panayidou K; Davies MA; Anderegg N; Egger M; Fatti G; Vinikoor M; Sawry S; Ehmer J; Eley B; Phiri S; Technau KGÜN; Chimbetete C; Rabie H; Boulle A; Tanser F; Wood R; Wools-Kaloustian K; Vreeman R; Oyaro P; Ayaya S; Nakigozi G; Musick B; Yiannoutsos C; Amorissani-Folquet M; Takassi E; Sylla M; Renner L; Malateste K; Desmonde S; Leroy V; Kurniati N; Hansudewechakul R; Nguyen LV; Ly PS; Truong KH; Kariminia A; Sohn AH; Edmonds A; Yumo HA; Dusingize JC; Yotebieng M; Judd A; Rojo P; Smit C; Grabar S; Warszwarski J; Chene G; Raban D; Patel K; Seage GR; Van Dyke RB; Oleske J; Williams PL; Abzug MJ; Succi RCDM; Machado DM; Pinto J; Rouzier V; Luque M; Mejia F; Khol V; Tucker J; Kumarasamy N; Saghayam S; Chandrasekaran E; Wati DK; Vedaswari D; Malino IY; Muktiarti D; Fong SM; Lim M; Daut F; Nik Yusoff NK; Mohamad P; Mohamed TJ; Drawis MR; Nallusamy R; Chan KC; Sudjaritruk T; Sirisanthana V; Aurpibul L; Oberdorfer P; Denjanta S; Watanaporn S; Kongphonoi A; Lumbiganon P; Kosalaraksa P; Tharnprisan P; Udomphanit T; Jourdain G; Puthanakit T; Anugulruengkitt S; Phadungphon C; Chokephaibulkit K; Lapphra K; Phongsamart W; Sricharoenchai S; Du QT; Nguyen CH; Do VC, 2018, 'Global temporal changes in the proportion of children with advanced disease at the start of combination antiretroviral therapy in an era of changing criteria for treatment initiation', Journal of the International AIDS Society, 21,

Aurpibul L; Kariminia A; Vibol U; Fong MS; Le ON; Hansudewechakul R; Bunupuradah T; Kurniati N; Chokephaibulkit K; Kumarasamy N; Wati DK; Yusoff NKN; Razali KAM; Nallusamy RA; Sohn AH; Lumbiganon P, 2018, 'Seroprevalence of Hepatitis B among HIV-infected children and adolescents receiving antiretroviral therapy in the TREAT Asia pediatric HIV observational database', Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, 37, pp. 788 - 793,

Desmonde S; Tanser F; Vreeman R; Takassi E; Edmonds A; Lumbiganon P; Pinto J; Malateste K; McGowan C; Kariminia A; Yotebieng M; Dicko F; Yiannoutsos C; Mubiana-Mbewe M; Wools-Kaloustian K; Davies MA; Leroy V, 2018, 'Access to antiretroviral therapy in HIV-infected children aged 0–19 years in the International Epidemiology Databases to Evaluate AIDS (IeDEA) Global Cohort Consortium, 2004–2015: A prospective cohort study', PLoS Medicine, 15,

Slogrove AL; Schomaker M; Davies MA; Williams P; Balkan S; Ben-Farhat J; Calles N; Chokephaibulkit K; Duff C; Eboua TF; Kekitiinwa-Rukyalekere A; Maxwell N; Pinto J; Seage G; Teasdale CA; Wanless S; Warszawski J; Wools-Kaloustian K; Yotebieng M; Timmerman V; Collins IJ; Goodall R; Smith C; Patel K; Paul M; Gibb D; Vreeman R; Abrams EJ; Hazra R; Van Dyke R; Bekker LG; Mofenson L; Vicari M; Essajee S; Penazzato M; Anabwani G; Q. Mohapi E; N. Kazembe P; Hlatshwayo M; Lumumba M; Goetghebuer T; Thorne C; Galli L; van Rossum A; Giaquinto C; Marczynska M; Marques L; Prata F; Ene L; Okhonskaia L; Rojo P; Fortuny C; Naver L; Rudin C; Le Coeur S; Volokha A; Rouzier V; Succi R; Sohn A; Kariminia A; Edmonds A; Lelo P; Ayaya S; Ongwen P; Jefferys LF; Phiri S; Mubiana-Mbewe M; Sawry S; Renner L; Sylla M; Abzug MJ; Levin M; Oleske J; Chernoff M; Traite S; Purswani M; Chadwick EG; Judd A; Leroy V, 2018, 'The epidemiology of adolescents living with perinatally acquired HIV: A cross-region global cohort analysis', PLoS Medicine, 15,

Zaniewski E; Tymejczyk O; Kariminia A; Desmonde S; Leroy V; Ford N; Sohn AH; Nash D; Yotebieng M; Cornell M; Althoff KN; Rebeiro PF; Egger M, 2018, 'IeDEA WHO research-policy collaboration: Contributing real-world evidence to HIV progress reporting and guideline development', Journal of Virus Eradication, 4, pp. 9 - 15,

Jiamsakul A; Kariminia A; Althoff KN; Cesar C; Cortes CP; Davies MA; Do VC; Eley B; Gill J; Kumarasamy N; Machado DM; Moore R; Prozesky H; Zaniewski E; Law M, 2017, 'HIV Viral Load Suppression in Adults and Children Receiving Antiretroviral Therapy - Results from the IeDEA Collaboration', Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 76, pp. 319 - 329,

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