Select Publications


Pasquier B; Holzer M; Chamberlain MA, 2023, The ocean's biological and preformed carbon pumps in future steady-state climate scenarios, ,

Pasquier B; Holzer M; Chamberlain MA; Matear RJ; Bindoff NL; Primeau FW, 2023, Optimal parameters for the ocean's nutrient, carbon, and oxygen cycles compensate for circulation biases but replumb the biological pump, ,

John SG; Pasquier B; Holzer M; Silva SJ, 2022, Biogeochemical fluxes of nickel in the global oceans inferred from a diagnostic model, ,

Pasquier B; Hines SKV; Liang H; Wu Y; John SG; Goldstein SL, 2021, GNOM v1.0: An optimized steady-state model of the modern marine neodymium cycle, ,

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