Select Publications


Harris M; Faruqi N; Stocks N; Spooner C; Hermiz O; El-Haddad N; Liaw ST; Lloyd J; Lymer S; Caterson I, 2016, Weight management for patients in general practice tailored to health literacy. Report prepared for the Australian Primary Health Care Research Institute, Centre for Obesity Management and Prevention Research Excellence in Primary Health Care, Canberra,

Babor T; Caetano R; Casswell S; Edwards G; Giesbrecht N; Graham K; Grube J; Hill L; Holder HD; Homel R; Livingston M; Österberg E; Rehm J; Room R; Rossow I, 2010, Alcohol: No Ordninary Commodity - Research and Public Policy, 2nd edition, Oxford University Press, Oxford

Journal articles

Spooner C; OShea P; Fisher K; Harris-Roxas B; Taggart J; Bolton P; Harris MF, 2024, 'Access to general practice for preventive health care for people who experience severe mental illness in Sydney, Australia: a qualitative study', Australian Journal of Primary Health, 30,

Thorburn K; Waks S; Aadam B; Fisher KR; Spooner C; Harris MF, 2024, 'Creating the conditions for collaborative decision-making in co-design', CoDesign, 20, pp. 567 - 584,

Parker SM; Paine K; Spooner C; Harris M, 2023, 'Barriers and facilitators to the participation and engagement of primary care in shared-care arrangements with community mental health services for preventive care of people with serious mental illness: a scoping review', BMC Health Services Research, 23,

Greis NP; Nogueira ML; Bhattacharya S; Spooner C; Schmitz T, 2023, 'Stability modeling for chatter avoidance in self-aware machining: an application of physics-guided machine learning', JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT MANUFACTURING, 34, pp. 387 - 413,

Spooner C; Afrazi S; de Oliveira Costa J; Harris MF, 2022, 'Demographic and health profiles of people with severe mental illness in general practice in Australia: a cross-sectional study', Australian Journal of Primary Health, 28, pp. 408 - 416,

Rahimi-Ardabili H; Spooner C; Harris MF; Magin P; Tam CWM; Liaw ST; Zwar N; Rahimi Ardabili H; Liaw T, 2021, 'Online training in evidence-based medicine and research methods for GP registrars: a mixed-methods evaluation of engagement and impact', BMC Medical Education, 21, pp. 1 - 14,

Spooner C; Lewis V; Scott C; Dahrouge S; Haggerty J; Russell G; Dionne E; Stocks N; Harris M; Levesque J-F, 2021, 'Improving access to primary health care: a cross-case comparison based on an a priori program theory', International Journal for Equity in Health, 20, pp. 223,

McLean KA; Kamarajah SK; Chaudhry D; Gujjuri RR; Raubenheimer K; Trout I; Alameer E; Creagh-Brown B; Harrison EM; Nepogodiev D; Roslani AC; Li E; Pata F; Ramos-De La Medina A; Van Ramshorst GH; Sayyed R; Simoes J; Smart N; Bhangu A; Glasbey JC; Khaw RA; Ahmed W; Akhbari M; Baker D; Borakati A; Mills E; Murray V; Thavayogan R; Yasin I; Glasbey J; Ridley W; Sarrami M; Zhang G; Egoroff N; Pockney P; Richards T; Edwards M; Lee M; Pinkney T; Pearse R; Vohra R; Sohrabi C; Jamieson A; Nguyen M; Rahman A; English C; Tincknell L; Kakodkar P; Kwek I; Punjabi N; Burns J; Varghese S; Erotocritou M; McGuckin S; Vayalapra S; Dominguez E; Moneim J; Bhatia S; Kouli O; Salehi M; Tan HL; Yoong A; Zhu L; Seale B; Nowinka Z; Patel N; Chrisp B; Harris J; Maleyko I; Muneeb F; Gough M; James CE; Skan O; Chowdhury A; Rebuffa N; Khan H; Down B; Fatimah HQ; Siaw-Acheampong K; Benson RA; Bywater E; Dawson BE; Evans JP; Heritage E; Jones CS; Khatri C; Keatley JM; Knight A; Lawday S; Mann HS; Marson EJ; McKay SC; Mills EC; Pellino G; Picciochi M; Taylor EH; Tiwari A; Simoes JFF; Trout IM; Venn ML, 2021, 'Death following pulmonary complications of surgery before and during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic', British Journal of Surgery, 108, pp. 1448 - 1464,

Lee PH; Spooner C; Harris MF, 2021, 'Access and communication for deaf individuals in Australian primary care', Health Expectations, 24, pp. 1971 - 1978,

Howard J; Spooner C; Sherab K; Pant S; Upadhyaya S; Bista B, 2021, 'Substance use, suicidality, and sexual activity among secondary school adolescents from Bhutan and Nepal', Journal of Public Health, 31, pp. 405 - 416,

Aranha MP; Spooner C; Demerdash O; Czejdo B; Smith JC; Mitchell JC, 2020, 'Prediction of peptide binding to MHC using machine learning with sequence and structure-based feature sets', BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-GENERAL SUBJECTS, 1864,

Russell G; Kunin M; Harris M; Levesque JF; Descôteaux S; Scott C; Lewis V; Dionne É; Advocat J; Dahrouge S; Stocks N; Spooner C; Haggerty J, 2019, 'Improving access to primary healthcare for vulnerable populations in Australia and Canada: Protocol for a mixed-method evaluation of six complex interventions', BMJ Open, 9, pp. e027869,

Dao J; Spooner C; Lo W; Harris MF, 2019, 'Factors influencing self-management in patients with type 2 diabetes in general practice: A qualitative study', Australian Journal of Primary Health, 25, pp. 176 - 184,

Faruqi N; Dougherty L; Parker S; Harris-Roxas B; Taggart J; Spooner C; Wong V; Harris MF; Wong V, 2019, 'Provider-focused interventions in primary healthcare improving outcomes for people with type 2 diabetes: A rapid review', Public Health Research and Practice, Online early publication, pp. 1 - 19,

Spooner C; Jayasinghe UW; Faruqi N; Stocks N; Harris MF, 2018, 'Predictors of weight stigma experienced by middle-older aged, general-practice patients with obesity in disadvantaged areas of Australia: a cross-sectional study', BMC Public Health, 18, pp. 640 - 640,

Gray J; Hoon EA; Afzali HHA; Spooner C; Harris MF; Karnon J, 2017, 'Is the Counterweight Program a feasible and acceptable option for structured weight management delivered by practice nurses in Australia? A mixed-methods study', Australian Journal of Primary Health, 23, pp. 348 - 363,

McDonald J; Ward B; Lane R; Kearns R; Davies GP; Fuller J; Dennis S; Spooner C; Russell G, 2017, 'How are co-located primary health care centres integrating care for people with chronic conditions?', International Journal of Integrated Care, 17, pp. 51,

Spooner C; Lavey L; Mukuka C; Eames-Brown R, 2017, 'Multi-institution Research Centers: Planning and Management Challenges', Journal of Research Administration, 47, pp. 32 - 48,

El-Haddad N; Spooner CJ; Faruqi N; Denney-Wilson E; Harris M, 2016, 'Readability and content analysis of lifestyle education resources for weight management in Australian general practice', BMC Obesity,

Faruqi N; Spooner C; Joshi C; Lloyd J; Dennis S; Stocks N; Taggart J; Harris MF, 2015, 'Primary health care-level interventions targeting health literacy and their effect on weight loss: A systematic review', BMC Obesity, 2, pp. 6,

Faruqi N; Stocks N; Spooner C; el Haddad N; Harris MF, 2015, 'Research protocol: Management of obesity in patients with low health literacy in primary health care', BMC Obesity, 2, pp. 5,

Spooner C; Saktiawati AMI; Lazuardi E; Worth H; Subronto YW; Padmawati RS, 2015, 'Impacts of stigma on HIV risk for women who inject drugs in Java: a qualitative study', International Journal of Drug Policy,

Harris MF; Spooner CJ, 2014, 'Weight loss options in general practice: A positive approach, using the 5AS, is required when helping obese patients manage their weight', Medical Journal of Australia, 201, pp. 184 - 185,

Flatau P; Conroy E; Spooner C; Edwards R; Eardley T; Forbes C; Australian Housing ; UWA Research Centre ; UNSW-UWS Research Centre ; Monash University Research Centre , 2013, 'Lifetime and intergenerational experiences of homelessness in Australia', AHURI Final Report

Flatau P; Conroy E; Spooner C; Edwards R; Eardley T; Forbes C; Australian Housing ; UWA Research Centre ; UNSW-UWS Research Centre ; Monash University Research Centre , 2013, 'Lifetime and intergenerational experiences of homelessness in Australia', AHURI Final Report

Saktiawati AMI; Worth H; Lazuardi E; Spooner C; Subronto YW; Padmawati RS; Lazuardi E, 2013, 'I Just Trust Him: The Notion of Consideration as a Barrier to Condom Use amongst Women Who Inject Drugs in Central Java', World Journal of AIDS, 03, pp. 298 - 304,

Lazuardi E; Worth H; Saktiawati A; Spooner C; Padmawati R; Subronto Y, 2012, 'Boyfriends and injecting: The role of intimate male partners in the life of women who inject drugs in Central Java', Culture, Health and Sexuality, 14, pp. 491 - 503,

Flatau P; Spencer M; Eardley T; Edwards R; Conroy EJ; Spooner C; Forbes C, 2010, 'Intergenerational Homelessness and Lifetime Experiences of Homelessness in Australia: Evidence for the Need for Early Interventions', Parity, 23, pp. 47 - 48,;dn=617423117225736;res=IELHSS

Spooner CJ; Dadich A, 2010, 'Issues for sustainability of non-government organisations in the alcohol and other drugs sector', Drug and Alcohol Review, 29, pp. 47 - 52,

Brener L; Spooner CJ; Treloar C, 2010, 'Preventing transitions to injecting amongst young people: What is the role of Needle and Syringe Programmes?', International Journal of Drug Policy, 21, pp. 160 - 164,

Purcal C; Thomson CM; Spooner CJ, 2010, 'The Facilitating Partner Model in the Communities for Children Program: Feasibility and early lessons', Australian and New Zealand Third Sector Research Limited, 16, pp. 51 - 67,;dn=201008109;res=APAFT

Redmond G; Spooner CJ, 2009, 'Alcohol and other drug related deaths among young people in CIS countries: Proximal and distal causes and implications for policy', International Journal of Drug Policy, 20, pp. 38 - 47,

Spooner CJ, 2009, 'Social determinants of drug use – barriers to translating research into policy', Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 20, pp. 180 - 185

Dadich A; Spooner CJ, 2008, 'Evaluating playgroups: an examination of issues and options', The Australian Community Psychologist, 20, pp. 95 - 104

Spooner CJ; Flaxman S; Murray C, 2008, 'Participatory research in challenging circumstances: Lessons with a rural Aboriginal program', Evaluation Journal of Australia, 8, pp. 28 - 34,

Spooner C, 2005, 'Structural determinants of drug use - A plea for broadening our thinking', Drug and Alcohol Review, 24, pp. 89 - 92,

Freeman K; Jones CG; Weatherburn D; Rutter S; Spooner CJ; Donnelly N, 2005, 'The impact of the Sydney Medically Supervised Injecting Centre (MSIC) on crime', Drug and Alcohol Review, 24, pp. 173 - 184

Spooner CJ; McPherson M, 2004, 'Police contribution to illicit drug harm minimisation', Australian Police Journal, 58, pp. 146 - 149

Vimpani G; Spooner C, 2003, 'Minimizing substance misuse by strategies to strengthen families', Drug and Alcohol Review, 22, pp. 251 - 254,

Spooner CJ, 2002, 'Preventing drug misuse by young people: we need to do more than `just say no`', Addiction, 97, pp. 478 - 481,

Spooner CJ; Hall WD, 2002, 'Public policy and the prevention of substance-use disorders', Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 15, pp. 235 - 239

Spooner C; Hall W; Mattick RP, 2001, 'An overview of diversion strategies for Australian drug-related offenders', Drug and Alcohol Review, 20, pp. 281 - 294,

Spooner CJ; Mattick RP; Noffs W, 2001, 'Outcomes of a comprehensive treatment program for adolescents with a substance-use disorder', Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 20, pp. 205 - 213

Spooner C; Mattick RP; Noffs W, 2000, 'A study of the patterns and correlates of substance use among adolescents applying for drug treatment', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 24, pp. 492 - 502,

Spooner CJ, 1999, 'Causes and correlates of adolescent drug abuse and implications for treatment', Drug and Alcohol Review, 18, pp. 453 - 475,

Spooner C, 1998, 'The etiology and prevention of drug abuse among minority youth', DRUG AND ALCOHOL REVIEW, 17, pp. 333 - 334

Spooner C; Bishop J; Parr J, 1997, 'Research methods for studying injecting drug users in a rural centre', Drug and Alcohol Review, 16, pp. 349 - 355,

Spooner CJ; Bishop J; Parr J, 1997, 'Research methods for studying injecting drug users in a non-metropolitan setting', Drug and Alcohol Review, 16, pp. 349 - 355,

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