Select Publications


Harris M; Fatema K; Spooner C; Harris-Roxas B; Mahimbo A; Barr M; Sitas F, 2019, Review of effectiveness of certain healthy lifestyle interventions to reduce alcohol consumption, increase levels of physical activity and healthy eating and reduce overweight and obesity (2014-2019). An Evidence Check rapid review brokered by the Sax Institute for the Cancer Institute NSW, Sax Institute, Sydney

Faruqi N; Thomas L; Findlay T; Parker S; Harris-Roxas B; Taggart J; Spooner C; Wong V; Harris MF, 2017, Diabetes management in the community: an Evidence Check rapid review brokered by the Sax Institute for the NSW Agency for Clinical Innovation, Sydney,,

Gray J; Karnon J; Spooner C; Harris MF, 2016, Improving implementation of the 5As of obesity management in general practice. Report prepared for the Australian Primary Health Care Research Institute, Centre for Obesity Management and Prevention Research Excellence in Primary Health Care, Canberra,,

Harris MF; Faruqi N; Stocks N; Spooner CJ; Hermiz O; El-Haddad N; Liaw T; Lloyd J; Lymer S; Caterson I, 2016, Weight management for patients in general practice tailored to health literacy,,

McDonald J; Lane R; Kearns R; Ward B; Powell Davies G; Fuller J; Dennis S; Spooner C; Walker C; Russell G, 2015, Emerging models of integrated primary health care centres: how they optimise access and integration and the influence of characteristics and organisational factors, Centre for Primary Health Care and Equity, UNSW and Australian Primary Health Care Research Institute, Sydney,,

Spooner CJ, 2014, Substance Use and Young People Framework, NSW Ministry of Health, Sydney,

Flatau P; Conroy E; Spooner CJ; Edwards R; Eardley T, 2014, How significant is parental influence in explaining homelessness in Australia?, AHURI, Perth, AHURI Research & Policy Bulletin, 172,

Flatau P; Conroy E; Spooner C; Edwards R; Eardley T; Forbes C, 2013, Lifetime and intergenerational experiences of homelessness in Australia (AHURI Final Report No. 200), Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute, Melbourne,

Spooner C; Saktiawati AMI; Lazuardi E; Worth H; Subronto YW; Padmawati RS, 2010, Women who inject drugs and HIV risk in central Java, Indonesia, International HIV Research Group, University of New South Wales, Sydney,

Spooner CJ; Saktiawati A; Lazuardi E; Worth H; Subronto Y; Padmawati R, 2010, Women who inject drugs in central Java and HIV risk, International HIV Research Group, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Women who inject drugs in central Java and HIV risk,$file/Indonesia_Report.pdf

Flatau P; Eardley T; Spooner C; Forbes C, 2009, Intergenerational homelessness and the intergenerational use of homelessness services (AHURI Positioning Paper No. 119 - peer reviewed), Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute; AHURI Western Australia Research Centre; AHURI UNSW-UWS Research Centre,

Spooner C; Dadich A, 2009, Non-government organisations in the alcohol and other drugs sector: issues and options for sustainability (ANCD Research Report No. 17), Australian National Council on Drugs, Canberra,

Spooner C; Thompson D; Newton BJ; Patulny R; Rowling L, 2008, Early intervention for students with drug use problems. Report prepared for the Department of Education and Training, New South Wales, New South Wales Department of Education and Training, Sydney,

Davidson RT; Spooner CJ; Fisher KR; Newton B; Dadich A; Smyth C; Tudball J; Flaxman S, 2008, Indigenous Research Strategy: Working better with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities, Social Policy Research Centre, Sydney, Report 14/08,

Davidson B; Spooner C; Fisher KR; Newton BJ; Dadich A; Smyth C; Tudball J; Flaxman S, 2008, Indigenous Research Strategy: Working better with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities (SPRC Report 14/08), Social Policy Research Centre, University of New South Wales, Sydney,

Spooner C; McDermott S, 2008, Monitoring and evaluation framework for Waverley Action for Youth Service, SPRC Report 16/08, Social Policy Research Centre, University of New South Wales, Sydney,

Purcal C; Thomson CM; Flaxman S; Abello D; Spooner CJ; Muir K; Chan SE, 2008, National evaluation (2004-2008) of the Stronger Families and Communities Strategy 2004–2009, Appendix G: CFC Fieldwork Report, Prepared for the Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA internal report), Sydney

Brener L; Spooner C; Treloar C, 2008, Prevention of transition to injecting among young people: the role of the needle and syringe program, Social Policy Research Centre, Sydney

Abello D; Chan SE; Cortis N; Flaxman S; Longden TA; Purcal C; Spooner CJ; Thomson CM; Katz I, 2008, Stronger Families and Communities Strategy National Evaluation Baseline Report on Communities for Children Process Evaluation, SPRC, UNSW, Sydney, Report 1/08,

Katz I; Abelló D; Chan S; Cortis N; Flaxman S; Longden T; Purcal C; Spooner C; Thomson C, 2008, Stronger Families and Communities Strategy: National Evaluation Baseline Report on Communities for Children Process Evaluation, SPRC Report 1/08, report prepared for the Australian Government Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW, Sydney,

Gray D; Shaw G; d’Abbs P; Brooks D; Stearne A; Mosey A; Spooner C, 2006, Policing, volatile substance misuse, and Indigenous Australians (NDLERF Monograph No. 16), National Drug Law Enforcement Research Fund, Adelaide,

Katz I; Spooner CJ; valentine K, 2006, What interventions are effective in improving outcomes for children of families with multiple and complex problems?, Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth

Katz I; Spooner C; valentine K, 2006, What interventions are effective with complex multi-problem families in relation to improving outcomes for their children? (ARACY Topical Paper), Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth, West Perth,

Spooner C; Hetherington K, 2005, Social determinants of drug use (NDARC Technical Report No. 228), National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, Sydney,

Siggins Miller Consultants ; Spooner C, 2004, A Head Start for Australia: An Early Years Framework, NSW Commission for Children and Young People and QLD Commission for Children and Young People, Sydney,

Spooner CJ; McPherson M; Hall WD, 2004, The role of police in preventing and minimising illicit drug use and its harms, National Drug law Enforcement Research Fund, SYDNEY, Original

Spooner C; McPherson M; Hall W, 2004, The role of police in preventing and minimising illicit drug use and its harms (NDLERF Monograph Series No. 2), National Drug Law Enforcement Research Fund, Canberra,

Siggins Miller Consultants ; Catherine Spooner Consulting , 2003, Diversion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth from juvenile detention (ANCD Research Paper No. 6), Australian National Council on Drugs, Canberra,

Spooner CJ; McPherson M, 2001, In what ways do police contribute to the prevention & management of alcohol-related problems in NSW? An overview. Technical report no. 123, National Drug & Alcohol Research Centre, Randwick, NSW, Original

Spooner C; McPherson M, 2001, In what ways do police contribute to the prevention and management of alcohol-related problems in NSW? An overview. (NDARC Technical Report No. 123), National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, Sydney,

Spooner CJ; Hall WD; Lynskey MT, 2001, Structural determinants of youth drug use, National Drug & Alcohol Research Centre, Randwick, NSW, Original

Mitchell P; Spooner CJ; Copeland J; Vimpani G; Toumbourou JW; Howard J; Sanson A, 2001, The role of families in the development, identification, prevention and treatment of illicit drug problems, NHMRC, Canberra, Original,

Mitchell P; Spooner C; Copeland J; Vimpani G; Toumbourou J; Howard J; Sanson A, 2001, The role of families in the development, identification, prevention and treatment of illicit drug problems. A literature review prepared for the National Illicit Drug Strategy Working Committee and the National Health and Medical Research Council, Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra,

Spooner C; Hall W; Lynskey M, 2001, The structural determinants of youth drug use (ANCD Research Paper No 2), Australian National Council on Drugs, Canberra,

Spooner CJ; Hall WD; Mattick RP, 2000, A strategic overview of the diversion of drug-related offenders in NSW, National Drug & Alcohol Research Centre, Randwick, NSW, Original

Spooner C; Hall W; Mattick R, 2000, A strategic overview of the diversion of drug-related offenders in NSW (NDARC Technical Report No. 96), University of NSW, National Drug & Alcohol Research Centre, Sydney,

Spooner CJ; Mattick RP; Noffs W, 1999, The nature and treatment of adolescent substance abuse: supplement to Monograph No. 26, National Drug & Alcohol Research Centre, Randwick, NSW, Original

Spooner C; Mattick R; Noffs W, 1999, The nature and treatment of adolescent substance abuse: Supplement to NDARC monograph No. 26 (NDARC Monograph No. 40), University of New South Wales, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, Sydney,

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