Select Publications

Conference Papers

Spooner C; Parker S; Paine K; Harris M, 2022, 'Barriers and facilitators to the participation of general practice in shared care arrangements with community mental health services for preventive care of people with serious mental illness (SMI): scoping review', in AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF PRIMARY HEALTH, CSIRO PUBLISHING, pp. LVI - LVII

Taggart J; Chin M; Liauw W; Spooner C; Barr M; Li XS; Harris M, 2022, 'Enhancing shared care between health services and primary health care using an interactive e-care plan in South Eastern Sydney Local Health District', in AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF PRIMARY HEALTH, CSIRO PUBLISHING, pp. LIX - LIX

Czejdo B; Bhattacharya S; Spooner C, 2019, 'Improvement of Protein Model Scoring Using Grouping and Interpreter for Machine Learning', in Chakrabarti S; Saha HN (ed.), 2019 IEEE 9TH ANNUAL COMPUTING AND COMMUNICATION WORKSHOP AND CONFERENCE (CCWC), IEEE, NV, Univ Nevada, Las Vegas, pp. 349 - 353, presented at 9th IEEE Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (CCWC), NV, Univ Nevada, Las Vegas, 07 January 2019 - 09 January 2019

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