Select Publications
Book Chapters
2024, 'Wanna Dance? Using Creative Placemaking Value Indicators to Identify COVID-lockdown-related Solastalgia in Sydney, Australia', in Courage C; McKeown A (ed.), Trauma Informed Placemaking, Routledge,
,2024, 'FAST SLOW: Prefabricated architecture, DIY earth building, personal and planetary well-being', in The Routledge Handbook of Architecture, Urban Space and Politics, Volume II: Ecology, Social Participation and Marginalities, pp. 292 - 308,
,2023, 'A Screen of One’s Own: The Domestic Caregiver as Researcher During Covid-19, and Beyond', in Dever M (ed.), New Feminist Research Ethics, Taylor & Francis,
,2022, 'Meanwhile use as generosity?', in Generosity and Architecture, pp. 200 - 214,
,2022, 'Meanwhile use as generosity?', in McVicar M; Kite S; Drozynski C (ed.), Generosity and Architecture, Routledge, Abingdon, New York, pp. 200 - 214,
,2018, 'Renew(ing) Newcastle and complicating capitalism: Contributory economies, artisanal production, and the DIY occupation of disused commercial space', in Subverting Consumerism: Reuse in an Accelerated World, pp. 93 - 110
,2018, 'Out (fit) ting the City: Care and Contribution in Post-Industrial Newcastle, Australia', in Designing a City of Care, Bloomsbury Publishing, pp. 93 - 110
,2018, 'Renew (ing) Newcastle and complicating capitalism: contributory economies, artisanal production, and the DIY occupation of disused commercial space', in Subverting Consumerism, Routledge, pp. 105 - 122
,2018, 'The Do-It-Your(self): The Construction of Social Identity Through DIY Architecture and Urbanism', in The Routledge Companion to Architecture and Social Engagement, Routledge, pp. 243 - 256
,2012, 'Remembering in Red', in Semi-Detached: Writing, Representation and Criticism in Architecture, Uro Media, pp. 152 - 159
,2011, 'Cathy Smith, Inflatables Illustrated, PhD Research', in Amaze 2011; Annual Architecture Catalogue, Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning, University of Sydney, pp. 40 - 40
,2005, 'The ’spectacular everyday’: experimental making and living', in Absolutely Public: Crossover: Art and Architecture, Mulgrave, pp. 56 - 59