Select Publications

Book Chapters

Kabir II; Wang C; Yuen ACY; Yeoh GH, 2022, 'Cellulose-based flame retardants for polymeric materials', in Bio-based Flame-Retardant Technology for Polymeric Materials, pp. 97 - 131,

Journal articles

Liang J; Chen TBY; Yuen ACY; Yang W; De Cachinho Cordeiro IM; Chen Q; Qiu S; Wang W; Wang C; Hu Y; Yeoh GH, 2024, 'A facile bioinspired fire coating hybridising carbon-derived peanut shells and black phosphorous for timber structures: Experimental and numerical characterisation', Progress in Organic Coatings, 195,

Buddhacosa N; Giustozzi F; Wang C; Yuen ACY; Khatibi A; Das R; Kandare E, 2024, 'High temperature and fire properties of sustainable syntactic foam reinforced by end-of-life tyre-derived rubber particles', Fire and Materials, 48, pp. 561 - 579,

Li J; Wang C; Zhai G; Li Q; Lim SH; Abdoli S; Kook S; Yeoh GH; Chan QN, 2024, 'Evaluating the techno-economic feasibility of hydrogen-fuelled reciprocating engines for renewable base-load power generation', Energy Conversion and Management, 311,

Bo G; Li P; Fan Y; Zheng X; Zhao M; Zhu Q; Fu Y; Li Y; Pang WK; Lai WH; Johannessen B; Thomsen L; Cowie B; Ma T; Wang C; Yeoh GH; Du Y; Dou SX; Xu X, 2024, '2D Ferromagnetic M3GeTe2 (M = Ni/Fe) for Boosting Intermediates Adsorption toward Faster Water Oxidation', Advanced Science, 11,

Chan QN; Gao D; Zhou Y; Xing S; Zhai G; Wang C; Wang W; Lim SH; Lee EWM; Yeoh GH, 2024, 'A Novel Movable Mannequin Platform for Evaluating and Optimising mmWave Radar Sensor for Indoor Crowd Evacuation Monitoring Applications', Fire, 7,

Sha Z; Yang W; Wang C; Islam MS; Heng Yeoh G; Officer DL; Canning W; Zhang J; Wang CH, 2024, 'Enhancing oxidation resistance of carbon fibre reinforced phenolic composites by ZrO2 nanoparticles through out-of-autoclave vacuum infusion', Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 180,

Xing S; Wang C; Gao D; Wang W; Yuen ACY; Lee EWM; Yeoh GH; Chan QN, 2024, 'Impact of the Local Dynamics on Exit Choice Behaviour in Evacuation Model', Fire, 7,

Nazir MT; Khalid A; Wang C; Kabir I; Yeoh GH; Phung BT, 2024, 'Enhancing flame and electrical surface discharge resistance in silicone rubber composite insulation through aluminium hydroxide, clay, and glass fibre additives', Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials, 7,

Hossain MD; Hassan MK; Saha S; Yuen ACY; Wang C, 2024, 'Alternative fire performance screening method of cladding system using cone calorimeter', Construction and Building Materials, 418,

Wan Q; Lin Y; Zhai G; Wang C; Medwell PR; Kook S; Yeoh GH; Chan QN, 2024, 'Ignition and Combustion Characterization of Hydrogen/Methane Blends in Direct-Injection Compression-Ignition Conditions', Energy and Fuels, 38, pp. 1383 - 1398,

De Cachinho Cordeiro IM; Chen TBY; Yuen ACY; Chen Q; Yang W; Wang C; Wang W; Chan QN; Zhang J; Yeoh GH, 2024, 'Characterising flame-retardant mechanism of phosphorous-containing intumescent coating on polyethylene via ReaxFF MD simulations', Chemical Engineering Journal, 480,

Xing S; Wang C; Wang W; Cao RF; Yuen ACY; Lee EWM; Yeoh GH; Chan QN, 2024, 'A fine discrete floor field cellular automaton model with natural step length for pedestrian dynamics', Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 130,

Yeoh GH; De Cachinho Cordeiro IM; Wang W; Wang C; Yuen ACY; Chen TBY; Vargas JB; Mao G; Garbe U; Chua HT, 2024, 'Carbon-based Flame Retardants for Polymers: A Bottom-up Review', Advanced Materials,

Li J; Wang C; Abdoli S; Yuen ACY; Kook S; Yeoh GH; Chan QN, 2024, 'Economic burden of transport related pollution in Australia', Journal of Transport and Health, 34,

Baena JC; Kabir II; Wang C; Nazir MT; Yeoh GH, 2024, 'Optimization of flame retardancy and mechanical properties of cotton fabrics with D-glucosamine hydrochloride and phosphorus-containing polyol coating', Composites Communications, 45,

Hossain MD; Saha S; Hassan MK; Yuen ACY; Wang C, 2023, 'Establishing pyrolysis kinetics for fire modelling and thermal analysis of polymeric cladding materials used in high-rise buildings', Case Studies in Construction Materials, 19,

Wang W; Wang C; Yuen ACY; Li A; Lin B; Yuan Y; Ma C; Han Y; Yeoh GH, 2023, '3D MXene frameworks for flame retardant hydrophobic polymer nanocomposites', Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 173, pp. 107673,

Baena JC; Wang C; Kabir II; Khalid A; Nazir MT; Yuen ACY; Ahmad F; Yeoh GH, 2023, 'Fire behaviour of waterborne intumescent coatings on timber substrate for bushfire exposure', Fire Safety Journal, 140,

Chulikavit N; Wang C; Huynh T; Yuen ACY; Khatibi A; Kandare E, 2023, 'Fireproofing flammable composites using mycelium: Investigating the effect of deacetylation on the thermal stability and fire reaction properties of mycelium', Polymer Degradation and Stability, 215,

Kabir II; Carlos Baena J; Wang W; Wang C; Oliver S; Nazir MT; Khalid A; Fu Y; Yuen ACY; Yeoh GH, 2023, 'Optimisation of Additives to Maximise Performance of Expandable Graphite-Based Intumescent-Flame-Retardant Polyurethane Composites', Molecules, 28,

Chulikavit N; Huynh T; Wang C; Yuen ACY; Khatibi A; Mouritz A; Kandare E, 2023, 'Engineering mycelium fungi into an effective char-forming thermal protection material via alkaline deacetylation', Polymer Degradation and Stability, 212,

Liu H; De Cachinho Cordeiro IM; Yuen ACY; Wang C; Li A; Yeoh GH, 2023, 'Numerical modeling of wet steam infused fluid mixture for potential fire suppression applications', Experimental and Computational Multiphase Flow, 5, pp. 142 - 148,

Hossain MD; Hassan MK; Saha S; Yuen ACY; Wang C; George L; Wuhrer R, 2023, 'Thermal and Pyrolysis Kinetics Analysis of Glass Wool and XPS Insulation Materials Used in High-Rise Buildings', Fire, 6,

Li DD; Wang C; Chan QN; Yeoh GH, 2023, 'Soot: A review of computational models at different length scales', Experimental and Computational Multiphase Flow, 5, pp. 1 - 14,

Baena JC; Wang C; Fu Y; Kabir II; Yuen ACY; Peng Z; Yeoh GH, 2023, 'A new fabrication method of designed metamaterial based on a 3D-printed structure for underwater sound absorption applications', Applied Acoustics, 203,

Wan Q; Zhai G; Wang C; Yuen ACY; Medwell PR; Kook S; Yeoh GH; Chan QN, 2023, 'A parametric investigation of methane jets in direct-injection compression-ignition conditions', Fuel, 334,

Nazir MT; Khalid A; Wang C; Yeoh GH; Phung BT; Akram S; Wong KL, 2023, 'Flame resistive silicone elastomeric powder-based coatings with excellent localized dielectric breakdown strength, loss tangent and thermal stability for electrical insulation', Powder Technology, 416,

Nazir MT; Khalid A; Wang C; Baena JC; Phung BT; Akram S; Wong KL; Yeoh GH, 2022, 'Enhanced fire retardancy with excellent electrical breakdown voltage, mechanical and hydrophobicity of silicone rubber/aluminium trihydroxide composites by milled glass fibres and graphene nanoplatelets', Surfaces and Interfaces, 35,

Nazir MT; Khalid A; Wang C; Akram S; Li Y; Wong KL; Yeoh GH, 2022, 'Fire and electrically resistive silicone elastomer/alumina trihydrate composites derived from nanoclay and chopped glass fibres for industrial fire safety', Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 167, pp. 257 - 261,

Nazir MT; Khalid A; Wang C; Baena JC; Yeoh GH; Phung BT; Akram S; Li Y; Wong KL, 2022, 'Evaluate the effect of graphene and milled glass fibre on the thermal, flame and dielectric properties of silicone elastomer filled with aluminium hydroxide', Composites Communications, 34,

Tong Y; Wu W; Zhao W; Xing Y; Zhang H; Wang C; Chen TBY; Yuen ACY; Yu B; Cao X; Yi X, 2022, 'Nanohybrid of Co3O4 Nanoparticles and Polyphosphazene-Decorated Ultra-Thin Boron Nitride Nanosheets for Simultaneous Enhancement in Fire Safety and Smoke Suppression of Thermoplastic Polyurethane', Polymers, 14,

De Cachinho Cordeiro IM; Liu H; Yuen ACY; Chen TBY; Li A; Wang C; Cao R; Yeoh GH, 2022, 'On the Large Eddy Simulation Modelling of Water Suppression Systems Droplet Impact and Coverage Area', Fire, 5,

Doley PM; Yuen ACY; Kabir I; Liu L; Wang C; Chen TBY; Yeoh GH, 2022, 'Thermal Hazard and Smoke Toxicity Assessment of Building Polymers Incorporating TGA and FTIR—Integrated Cone Calorimeter Arrangement', Fire, 5,

Wang X; Niu Z; Wang C; Zhang F; Wang J; Zhang H; Huang X; Liu Y; Wang P; Chi H; Xu K; Bai Y, 2022, 'Size-stable, smart impact-protective material fabricated via dual-network strategy with impact-hardening effect and self-healing ability', Materials Today Chemistry, 24,

De Cachinho Cordeiro IM; Chen TBY; Yuen ACY; Wang C; Chan QN; Zhang J; Yeoh GH, 2022, 'Pyrolysis and combustion characterisation of HDPE/APP composites via molecular dynamics and CFD simulations', Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 163,

Hossain MD; Saha S; Hassan MK; Yuen ACY; Wang C; Hittini W; George L; Wuhrer R, 2022, 'Testing of aluminium composite panels in a cone calorimeter: A new specimen preparation method', Polymer Testing, 106,

Li R; Yang X; Li J; Shen Y; Zhang L; Lu R; Wang C; Zheng X; Chen H; Zhang T, 2022, 'Review on polymer composites with high thermal conductivity and low dielectric properties for electronic packaging', Materials Today Physics, 22,

Nazir MT; Khalid A; Wang C; Baena J-C; Kabir I; Akram S; Paramane A; Haq IU; Phung T; Yeoh G, 2021, 'Synergistic effect of additives on electrical resistivity, fire and smoke suppression of silicone rubber for high voltage insulation', Composites Communications, pp. 101045 - 101045,

Zhu SE; Wang FD; Liu JJ; Wang LL; Wang C; Yuen ACY; Chen TBY; Kabir II; Yeoh GH; Lu HD; Yang W, 2021, 'BODIPY coated on MXene nanosheets for improving mechanical and fire safety properties of ABS resin', Composites Part B: Engineering, 223,

Oliver S; Lei L; Fan KW; Wang C; Baena JC; Pham P; Lin Q; Kabir II; Wong EHH; Yuen ACY; Boyer C; Yeoh GH, 2021, 'Wet or dry multifunctional coating prepared by visible light polymerisation with fire retardant, thermal protective, and antimicrobial properties', Cellulose, 28, pp. 8821 - 8840,

Nazir MT; Khalid A; Kabir I; Wang C; Baena J-C; Akram S; Bhutta MS; Yasin G; Phung T; Yeoh G, 2021, 'Flame Retardancy and Excellent Electrical Insulation Performance of RTV Silicone Rubber', Polymers, 13, pp. 2854 - 2854,

Wong EHH; Fan KW; Lei L; Wang C; Baena JC; Okoye H; Fam W; Zhou D; Oliver S; Khalid A; Yeoh GH; Wang CH; Boyer C, 2021, 'Fire-Resistant Flexible Polyurethane Foams via Nature-Inspired Chitosan-Expandable Graphite Coatings', ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 3, pp. 4079 - 4087,

Li A; Yuen ACY; Wang W; De Cachinho Cordeiro IM; Wang C; Chen TBY; Zhang J; Chan QN; Yeoh GH, 2021, 'A review on lithium-ion battery separators towards enhanced safety performances and modelling approaches', Molecules, 26, pp. 478,

Liu L; Chen TBY; Yuen ACY; Doley PM; Wang C; Lin B; Liang J; Yeoh GH, 2021, 'A systematic approach to formulate numerical kinetics for furnishing materials fire simulation with validation procedure using cone/FT-IR data', Heat and Mass Transfer/Waerme- und Stoffuebertragung,

Chen Q; Chen TBY; Yuen ACY; Wang C; Chan QN; Yeoh GH, 2020, 'Corrigendum to “Investigation of door width towards flame tilting behaviours and combustion species in compartment fire scenarios using large eddy simulation.” [International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 150 (2020) 119373] (International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (2020) 150, (S0017931019348999), (10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2020.119373))', International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 152,

Yang W; Liu JJ; Wang LL; Wang W; Yuen ACY; Peng S; Yu B; Lu HD; Yeoh GH; Wang CH, 2020, 'Multifunctional MXene/natural rubber composite films with exceptional flexibility and durability', Composites Part B: Engineering, 188,

Chen Q; Chen TBY; Yuen ACY; Wang C; Chan QN; Yeoh GH, 2020, 'Investigation of door width towards flame tilting behaviours and combustion species in compartment fire scenarios using large eddy simulation.', International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 150,

Liu H; Wang C; De Cachinho Cordeiro IM; Yuen ACY; Chen Q; Chan QN; Kook S; Yeoh GH, 2020, 'Critical assessment on operating water droplet sizes for fire sprinkler and water mist systems', Journal of Building Engineering, 28, pp. 100999,

Wang C; Yuen ACY; Chan QN; Chen TBY; Yang W; Cheung SCP; Yeoh GH; Yang W, 2020, 'Characterisation of soot particle size distribution through population balance approach and soot diagnostic techniques for a buoyant non-premixed flame', Journal of the Energy Institute, 93, pp. 112 - 128,

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