Select Publications


Jalaludin B; Zosky G; Cowie C; Workman A; Sadeghi M; Morgan G, 2021, Submission on the New South Wales Protection of the Environment Operations Amendment (Clean Air) Bill 2021,,%20energy%20and%20health%20research%20(CAR).pdf

Porta Cubas A; Johnston F; Wheeler A; Williamson G; Cowie C; Tham R; Cole-Hunter T; Marks G, 2019, What are the health impacts and what can we do to minimise exposure? A factsheet from the Centre for Air pollution, energy and health Research (CAR)

Cowie C; Tham R; Bowatte G; Cole-Hunter T; Marks G, 2019, Submission to the Legislative Assembly Committee on Environment and Planning Inquiry into sustainability of energy supply and resources in NSW

Cowie C; Marks G; Cole Hunter T; Heyworth J; Jalaludin B; Knibbs L; Mazaheri M; Morawska L; Morgan G; Tripovich J; Zosky G, 2019, Submission on the proposed variation to the National Environment Protection (Ambient Air Quality) Measure (AAQ NEPM) standards for ozone, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide

Cole-Hunter T; Cowie C; Johnston F; Marks G; Morawska L; Morgan G; Overs M, 2019, Waste-to-Energy processes What is the impact on air pollutants and health? A position paper from the Centre for Air pollution, energy and health Research (CAR)

Cole-Hunter T; Cowie CT; Johnstone F; Marks G; Morawska L; Morgan G; Overs M; Porta-Cubas A, 2019, Waste-to-Energy processes: what is the impact on air pollutants and health?, Queensland University of Technology,

Hime N; Cowie C; Marks G, 2015, Evaluation of the health impacts of different sources, types and levels of particulate matter in ambient air in NSW., NSW EPA and NSW Health Ministry

Cowie CT; Brew B; Liu-Brennan D; Marks G, 2014, Current Knowledge of Indoor Air Quality in NSW., NSW Health Ministry

Jalaludin B; Cowie CT, 2012, Health Risk Assessment–Preliminary Work to Identify Concentration-Response Functions for Selected Ambient Air Pollutants

Cowie CT; Rose N; Marks G; Lilley W; Gillett R, 2008, Development of Metrics for Individual Exposure Assessment to Traffic Related Air Pollution.

Armstrong B; Cowie C; Driscoll T; Foster G; Deere D; Priestly B; Nossar G; Jalaludin B, 2007, Sewage Workers Study Report, Sydney Water Corporation

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