Select Publications


Callander D; Philpot S; Mao L; Mackie B; Duck T; Cooper C; Vaughan M; Kao S; Lewis L; Donovan B; Bourne C, 2019, ‘My Sex, My Sexual Health’: A Social Study of Sexually Transmissible Infections among Gay and Bisexual Men,,

Callander DJ; Bourne C; Pell C; Baker D; Forssman B; Gowers A; Tee B; Kefalas B; Duck T; Roberts A; Stoove M; Hocking J; de Wit J; Kaldor J; Donovan B; Guy R, 2015, An initiative to enhance STI testing in gay men: The eTEST Project Final report, Kirby Institute, UNSW Australia, Sydney, NSW,,

Adam PC; de Wit JBF; Treloar C; Shepherd B; Duck T; Byron P; Bourne C; Murray C; Welsby D; Holden J, 2014, Towards an online periodic survey of sexual health among young people in Australia, Centre for Social Research in Health, UNSW Australia., Sydney, Monograph 8/2014,

Adam PCG; de Wit JBF; Herman J; Story L; Edwards B; Murray C; Bourne C, 2011, Understanding barriers to STI testing among young people: results from the online survey ‘Getting Down to it', National Centre in HIV Social Research, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Monograph 2/2011,

Adam P; de Wit J; Bourne CP; Story L; Edwards B, 2009, Does research on STIs provide keys to prevention?, National Centre in HIV Social Research, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Social Research Briefs, 14,

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