Select Publications


Bellamy K; Blanksby A; Levick M; Mansfield D; Busch E; Nolan J; Koetsveld M; Marsiglio J; Elms L; Antoniou D, 2023, Oxford Maths 10 Stage 5, Oxford University Press

Ley J; Fuller M; Mansfield D, 2018, Oxford Insight Mathematics Standard 1, Oxford University Press, Australia

Ley J; Fuller M; Mansfield D, 2018, Oxford Insight Mathematics Standard 2 Year 12, Oxford University Press, Australia

Book Chapters

Wildberger N; Mansfield D, 2018, 'Written in stone: The world's first trigonometry revealed in an ancient Babylonian tablet', in Pitici M (ed.), The Best Writing on Mathematics 2018, Princeton University Press, Princeton, pp. 179 - 184

Journal articles

Mansfield DF, 2023, 'Mesopotamian square root approximation by a sequence of rectangles', British Journal for the History of Mathematics, 38, pp. 175 - 188,

Mansfield D, 2023, 'The Doctrine of Triangles: A History of Modern Trigonometry by Glen Van Brummelen', The Mathematical Intelligencer, 45, pp. 190 - 191,

Mansfield DF, 2021, 'Plimpton 322: A Study of Rectangles', Foundations of Science, 26, pp. 977 - 1005,

Mansfield DF, 2020, 'Perpendicular lines and diagonal triples in old babylonian surveying', Journal of Cuneiform Studies, 72, pp. 87 - 99,

Mansfield DF; Wildberger NJ, 2017, 'Plimpton 322 is Babylonian exact sexagesimal trigonometry', Historia Mathematica, 44, pp. 395 - 419,

Mansfield DF; Dooley AH, 2017, 'The critical dimension for G-measures', Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 37, pp. 824 - 836,

Conibeer GJ; Green MA; Cho EC; Konig D; Cho YH; Fangsuwannarak T; Scardera G; Pink E; Huang Y; Puzzer T; Huang S; Song DY; Flynn CR; Park S; Hao X; Mansfield D, 2008, 'Silicon quantum dot nanostructures for tandem photovoltaic cells', Thin Solid Films, 516, pp. 6748 - 6756,

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