Select Publications

Book Chapters

Ahmed S; Chakrabortty R; Essam D, 2024, 'Predictive big data analytics for supply chain demand forecasting', in Paul SK; Kautish S (ed.), Computational Intelligence Techniques for Sustainable Supply Chain Management, Academic Press, Elsevier, pp. 301 - 330,

Haque M; Paul SK; Sarker R; Essam D, 2023, 'A Review on Uncertainty Modeling for Decentralized Supply Chain Systems', in Flexible Systems Management, Springer Nature Singapore, pp. 23 - 50,

Ahrari A; Essam D, 2022, 'An Introduction to Evolutionary and Memetic Algorithms for Parameter Optimization', in Sarker R (ed.), Evolutionary and Memetic Computing for Project Portfolio Selection and Scheduling., Springer Nature, pp. 37 - 63,

Samavati M; Essam DL; Nehring M; Sarker R, 2018, 'Open-Pit Mine Production Planning and Scheduling: A Research Agenda', in Sarker R; Abbass HA; Dunstall S; Kilby P; Davis R; Young L (ed.), , SPRINGER INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING AG, pp. 221 - 226,

Chakrabortty R; Sarker R; Essam D, 2018, 'A Comparative Study of Different Integer Linear Programming Approaches for Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problems', in Data and Decision Sciences in Action, Lecture Notes in Management and Industrial Engineering, Springer, Cham, pp. 227 - 242,

Chakrabortty RK; Sarker ; Essam , 2017, 'Resource Constrained Multi-project Scheduling: A Priority Rule Based Evolutionary Local Search Approach', in Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems, Springer, Canberra, Australia, pp. 75 - 86,

Sallam K; Elsayed S; Sarker R; Essam D, 2016, 'Differential evolution with landscape-based operator selection for solving numerical optimization problems', in Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems The 20th Asia Pacific Symposium, IES 2016, Canberra, Australia, November 2016, Proceedings, pp. 371 - 387,

Debie E; Elsayed SM; Essam DL; Sarker RA, 2016, 'Investigating multi-operator differential evolution for feature selection', in Ray T; Sarker R; Li X (ed.), Artificial Life and Computational Intelligence, Springer Nature, pp. 273 - 284,

Elsayed ; Sarker R; Essam D, 2012, 'The influence of the number of initial feasible solutions on the performance of an evolutionary optimization algorithm', in , Springer Verlag, pp. 1 - 11,

Elsayed ; Sarker R; Essam D, 2010, 'A Comparative Study of Different Variants of Genetic Algorithms for Constrained Optimization', in , Springer Berlin Heidelberg NewYork, Berlin Heidelberg NewYork, pp. 177 - 186,

Elsayed ; Sarker R; Essam D, 2010, 'A Three-Strategy Based Differential Evolution Algorithm for Constrained Optimization', in , Springer Berlin Heidelberg NewYork, Berlin Heidelberg NewYork, pp. 585 - 592,

Bui LT; Essam D; Abbass HA, 2010, 'The Role of Explicit Niching and Communication Messages in Distributed Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimization', in Vega FFD; Cantú-Paz E (ed.), Parallel and Distributed Computational Intelligence, Springer, pp. 181 - 206,

Hasan SM; Sarker R; Essam D; Cornforth DJ, 2009, 'A Genetic Algorithm with Priority Rules for Solving Job-Shop Scheduling Problems', in Chiong R; Dhakal S (ed.), Natural Intelligence for Scheduling, Planning and Packing Problems, Springer, Berlin / Heidelberg, pp. 55 - 88,

Abbass HA; Essam D, 2006, 'Chapter I: All Hazards Analysis: A Complexity Perspective', in Abbass H; Essam D (ed.), Applications of Information Systems to Homeland Security and Defense, Idea Group Publishing, Hershey PA, USA: London, UK, pp. 1 - 16

Essam D; Abbass HA, 2005, 'All hazards analysis: A complexity perspective', in Applications of Information Systems to Homeland Security and Defense, pp. 1 - 16,

Bui LT; Abbass HA; Essam D, 2005, 'Cooperative Coevolution of Genotype-Phenotype Mappings to Solve Epistatic Optimization Problems', in Abbass HA; Bossmaier T; Wiles J (ed.), Recent Advances in Artificial Life - Advances in Natural Computation - Vol. 3, World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, pp. 29 - 42,

Mckay RI; Essam D; Nguyen XH, 2004, 'Finding Trigonometric Identities with Tree Adjunct Grammar Guided Genetic Programming', in Abraham A; Jain LC; van Der Zwaag BJ (ed.), Innovations in Intelligent Systems, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 221 - 234

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