Select Publications
Journal articles
,1981, 'Determination of velocity-depth distributions by inversion of refraction time-distance data: Discussion', Exploration Geophysics, 12, pp. 52 - 54,
,Conference Papers
2012, 'Uncertainty in near-surface refraction seismology', in Proceedings of the Symposium on the Application of Geophyics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, SAGEEP, Tucson, AZ, pp. 460 - 468, presented at 25th Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems 2012, SAGEEP 2012, Tucson, AZ, 25 March 2012 - 29 March 2012
,2010, 'Detailed refractor imaging with the RCS', in Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists Extended Abstracts, CSIRO, Sydney, presented at 21st ASEG Conference & Exhibition, Sydney
,2010, 'Generating density models with seismic refraction data', in Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists Extended Abstracts, CSIRO, Sydney, presented at 21st ASEG Conference & Exhibition, Sydney
,2010, 'Imaging the base of the weathering by stacking shot records', in Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists Extended Abstracts, CSIRO, Sydney, presented at 21st ASEG Conference & Exhibition, Sydney
,2010, 'Is VIRT an efficacious strategy for refraction inversion?', in Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists Extended Abstracts, CSIRO, Sydney, presented at 21st ASEG Conference & Exhibition, Sydney
,2010, 'Non-uniqueness with refraction inversion – a syncline model study', in Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists Extended Abstracts, CSIRO, Sydney, presented at 21st ASEG Conference & Exhibition, Sydney
,2010, 'Non-uniqueness with refraction inversion – the Mt Bulga shear zone', in Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists Extended Abstracts, CSIRO, Sydney, presented at 21st ASEG Conference & Exhibition, Sydney
,2010, 'The computation of attributes from multi-fold seismic refraction data', in Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists Extended Abstracts, CSIRO, Sydney, presented at 21st ASEG Conference & Exhibition, Sydney
,2008, 'Is it time to re-engineer geotechnical seismic refraction methods?', in Wang J; Xia JH; Chen C (eds.), NEAR-SURFACE GEOPHYSICS AND HUMAN ACTIVITY, SCIENCE PRESS BEIJING, PEOPLES R CHINA, Wuhun, pp. 29 - 41, presented at 3rd International Conference on Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, PEOPLES R CHINA, Wuhun, 15 June 2008 - 20 June 2008,
,2008, 'Non-uniqueness in near-surface refraction inversion', in NEAR-SURFACE GEOPHYSICS AND HUMAN ACTIVITY, pp. 42 - 54, presented at NEAR-SURFACE GEOPHYSICS AND HUMAN ACTIVITY
,2006, 'Will imaging supersede modeling as the new paradigm for near-surface refraction inversion?', in Proceedings of the 8th SEGJ International Symposium, Society of Exploration Geophysicists of Japan, pp. 1 - 6, presented at Proceedings of the 8th SEGJ International Symposium,
,2005, 'Computing detailed refraction statics in a hard rock terrain with the GRM and the RCS', in Society of Exploration Geophysicists - 75th SEG International Exposition and Annual Meeting, SEG 2005, pp. 1037 - 1040,
,2000, 'Detailed geological mapping of bedrock using seismic refraction- new and simple processing for an old method', in McNally G; Franklin BJ (ed.), 15th Australian Geological Convention: Environmental, engineering and hydrogeology specialist group, Sydney, pp. 376 - 376, presented at 15th Australian Geological Convention: Environmental, engineering and hydrogeology specialist group, Sydney, 07 July 2000
,2000, 'Using geophysics and geology to determine the upper crustal architecture in the northern part of the Eastern Lachlan Fold Belt (ELFB)', in Betts P; Wilson C; Rawling T; Venn C (eds.), Geological Society of Australia Abstracts 102, Geological Society of Australia, Sydney, NSW, pp. 298 - 298, presented at 15th Australian Geological Convention: Environmental, engineering and hydrogeology specialist group, Sydney, 07 July 2000
,1998, 'Constraints on Tectonic Modelling in the Northern Lachlan Fold Belt from Granites and Country Rock Deformation', in Reddy SM; Fitzsimons ICW; Collins AS (eds.), Geological Society of Australia Abstracts 72, Geological Society of Australia Incorporated, Kalbarri, W.A., pp. 268 - 268, presented at 14th Australian Geological Convention, Townsville, Qld, 06 July 1998 - 10 July 1998
,1998, 'Morphogenesis and Tectonic Setting of the Siluro-Devonian Granitoids in the northern Lachlan Fold Belt', in Betts P; Wilson C; Rawling T; Venn C (eds.), Geological Society of Australia Abstracts 102, Geological Society of Australia, Sydney, NSW, pp. 443 - 443, presented at 14th Australian Geological Convention, Townsville, Qld, 06 July 1998 - 10 July 1998
,1998, 'Subsurface shape of granites in the northern Lachlan Fold Belt and implications for the tectonic setting.', in Finlayson DM; Jones LEA (ed.), AGSO Record 1998/2, Australian Geological Survey Organisation, Canberra, pp. 179 - 182, presented at Mineral Systems and the Crust-Upper Mantle of Southeast Australia, Canberra, 20 April 1998 - 22 April 1998
,1997, 'Gravity modelling of granites - Implications for intrusion tectonics in the northern Lachlan Fold Belt', in Geological structures and their geophysical signatures, Marysville, Vic, pp. 75 - 76, presented at Geological structures and their geophysical signatures, Marysville, Vic, 04 December 1997 - 05 December 1997