Select Publications

Book Chapters

Shamsuddoha M; Oromiehie E; Prusty BG, 2022, 'Strength of Thermoplastic Carbon Fibre-PEEK Composite Tubes Under Combined Compression-Torsion Loading', in Composites Science and Technology, Springer Nature Singapore, pp. 67 - 90,

Oromiehie E; Prusty G; Rajan G, 2016, 'Introduction to Composite Materials and Smart Structures', in Structural Health Monitoring of Composite Structures Using Fiber Optic Methods, CRC Press, New York

Journal articles

Islam F; Donough MJ; Oromiehie E; Phillips AW; St John NA; Prusty BG, 2025, 'Data-driven optimization of additive composite manufacturing using automated fibre placement: A study on process parameters effects and interactions', Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 190,

Air A; Oromiehie E; Prusty BG, 2025, 'Optimisation of a composite pressure vessel dome using non-geodesic tow paths and automated fibre placement manufacturing', Composites Part B: Engineering, 288,

Shafaq S; Donough MJ; Oromiehie E; Islam F; Phillips AW; St John NA; Prusty BG, 2024, 'Parametric process optimisation of automated fibre placement (AFP) based AS4/APC-2 composites for mode I and mode II fracture toughness', Journal of Composite Materials, 58, pp. 2879 - 2895,

Oromiehie E; Nagulapally P; Donough MJ; Prusty BG, 2024, 'Automated manufacture and experimentation of composite overwrapped pressure vessel with embedded optical sensor', International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 79, pp. 1215 - 1226,

Bhandari B; Maung PT; Oromiehie E; Prusty GB, 2024, 'Continuous Wavelet Transform and Deep Learning for Accurate AE Zone Detection in Laminated Composite Structures', IEEE Sensors Journal, 24, pp. 14007 - 14017,

Oromiehie E; Kong A; Djukic L; Mata J; Rodgers DC; Prusty GB, 2024, 'Nanostructure characterisation of welded polyethylene using small angle X-ray scattering', Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites,

Oromiehie E; Nair V; Short K; Wei T; Bhattacharyya D; Prusty BG, 2023, 'Effect of He2+ ion irradiation on the mechanical properties of automated fibre placement (AFP) CF-PEEK thermoplastics composites', Scientific Reports, 13,

Air A; Oromiehie E; Prusty BG, 2023, 'Design and manufacture of a Type V composite pressure vessel using automated fibre placement', Composites Part B: Engineering, 266,

Serubibi A; Hazell PJ; Escobedo JP; Wang H; Oromiehie E; Prusty GB; Phillips AW; St John NA, 2023, 'Fibre-metal laminate structures: High-velocity impact, penetration, and blast loading – A review', Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 173,

Islam F; Donough MJ; Oromiehie E; Phillips AW; St John NA; Prusty BG, 2023, 'Modelling the effect of hot gas torch heating on adjacent tows during automated fibre placement consolidation of thermoplastic composites', Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials, 36, pp. 4211 - 4236,

Air A; Shamsuddoha M; Oromiehie E; Prusty BG, 2023, 'Development of an automated fibre placement-based hybrid composite wheel for a solar-powered car', International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 125, pp. 4083 - 4097,

Maung PT; Prusty BG; Donough MJ; Oromiehie E; Phillips AW; St John NA, 2023, 'Automated manufacture of optimised shape-adaptive compsite hydrofoils with curvilinear fibre paths for improved bend-twist performance', Marine Structures, 87,

Maung PT; Prusty BG; Oromiehie E; Phillips AW; St John NA, 2022, 'Design and manufacture of a shape-adaptive full-scale composite hydrofoil using automated fibre placement', International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 123, pp. 4093 - 4108,

Gain AK; Oromiehie E; Prusty BG, 2022, 'Nanomechanical characterisation of CF-PEEK composites manufactured using automated fibre placement (AFP)', Composites Communications, 31,

Oromiehie E; Gain AK; Donough MJ; Prusty BG, 2022, 'Fracture toughness assessment of CF-PEEK composites consolidated using hot gas torch assisted automated fibre placement', Composite Structures, 279,

Oromiehie E; Gain AK; Prusty BG, 2021, 'Processing parameter optimisation for automated fibre placement (AFP) manufactured thermoplastic composites', Composite Structures, 272,

Wanigasekara C; Oromiehie E; Swain A; Prusty BG; Nguang SK, 2021, 'Machine learning-based inverse predictive model for AFP based thermoplastic composites', Journal of Industrial Information Integration, 22,

Shamsuddoha M; David M; Oromiehie E; Prusty BG, 2021, 'Distributed optical fibre sensor based monitoring of thermoplastic carbon composite cylinders under biaxial loading: Experimental and numerical investigations', Composite Structures, 261,

Arns JY; Oromiehie E; Arns C; Prusty BG, 2021, 'Micro-CT analysis of process-induced defects in composite laminates using AFP', Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 36, pp. 1561 - 1570,

Wanigasekara C; Oromiehie E; Swain A; Prusty BG; Nguang SK, 2020, 'Machine Learning Based Predictive Model for AFP-Based Unidirectional Composite Laminates', IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 16, pp. 2315 - 2324,

Oromiehie E; Garbe U; Gangadhara Prusty B, 2020, 'Porosity analysis of carbon fibre-reinforced polymer laminates manufactured using automated fibre placement', Journal of Composite Materials, 54, pp. 1217 - 1231,

Oromiehie E; Prusty BG; Compston P; Rajan G, 2019, 'Automated fibre placement based composite structures: Review on the defects, impacts and inspections techniques', Composite Structures, 224,

Oromiehie E; Das Chakladar N; Rajan G; Prusty BG, 2019, 'Online monitoring and prediction of thermo-mechanics of AFP based thermoplastic composites', Sensors (Switzerland), 19,

Oromiehie E; Gangadhara Prusty B; Compston P; Rajan G, 2017, 'In-situ simultaneous measurement of strain and temperature in automated fiber placement (AFP) using optical fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensors', Advanced Manufacturing: Polymer and Composites Science, 3, pp. 52 - 61,

Oromiehie E; Prusty G; Compston P; Rajan G, 2017, 'Characterization of process-induced defects in automated fiber placement manufacturing of composites using fiber Bragg grating sensors', Structural Health Monitoring, 17, pp. 108 - 117,

Oromiehie E; Rajan G; prusty G, 2016, 'Thermal sensitivity and relaxation of carbon fibre- foam sandwich composites with fibre optic sensors', Journal of sandwich structures and materials

Oromiehie E; Prusty G; Compston P; Rajan G, 2016, 'In-situ process monitoring for automated fibre placement using fibre Bragg grating sensors', Journal of structural health monitoring, 15, pp. 706 - 714,

Conference Papers

Oromiehie E; Nair V; Short K; Bhattacharyya D; Prusty BG, 2022, 'EFFECTS OF ION IRRADIATION ON MICROSTRUCTURE AND MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF AUTOMATED FIBRE PLACEMENT BASED THERMOPLASTIC COMPOSITES', in ECCM 2022 - Proceedings of the 20th European Conference on Composite Materials: Composites Meet Sustainability, pp. 1130 - 1139

Serubibi A; Hazell PJ; Escobedo JP; Wang H; Oromiehie E; Prusty BG, 2022, 'Low-velocity impact behaviours of AFP manufactured fibre metal laminate structures', in Materials Today: Proceedings, pp. 421 - 429,

Serubibi A; Hazell P; Escobedo-Diaz JP; Wang H; Oromiehie E; Prusty G, 2021, 'Analysis of AFP manufactured fibre metal laminate structures under impact loading', Online, presented at ACAM10: 10th Australasian Congress on Applied Mechanics, Online, 29 November 2021,

Oromiehie E; Prusty G; Paul C; Ginu R, 2017, 'Mechanical Characteristics of AFP Manufactured Composite Laminates', in, Xi'an, China, presented at 21st International Conference on Composite Materials, Xi'an, China, 20 August 2017 - 25 August 2017,

Oromiehie E; Prusty G; Compston P; Rajan G, 2017, 'The Influence Of Consolidation Force On The Performance Of AFP Manufactured Laminates', Xi’an, China, presented at 21 st International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM), Xi’an, China, 20 August 2017 - 25 August 2017

Oromiehie E; prusty G; rajan G; wanigasekara C; Swain A, 2017, 'Machine learning based process monitoring and characterisation of automated composites', in Machine learning based process monitoring and characterisation of automated composites, Seattle, United States, presented at SAMPE, Seattle, United States, 22 May 2017 - 25 May 2017

Oromiehie E; Prusty G; Compston P; Rajan G, 2016, 'Identification of defect in the automated tape placement process using fibre bragg grating sensors', in ECCM 16, Munich, Germany, presented at 17th European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM 17), Munich, Germany, 26 June 2016 - 30 June 2016

Oromiehie E; Compston P; Prusty ; Rajan G, 2016, 'Optical fiber Bragg grating sensors for process monitoring in advanced composites', in SAS 2016 - Sensors Applications Symposium, Proceedings, Catania, Italy, presented at The International Sensors Applications Symposium (SAS), Catania, Italy, 20 April 2016 - 22 April 2016,

Oromiehie E; Prusty BG; Compston P; Rajan G, 2016, 'Identification of defect in the automated tape placement process using fiber Bragg grating sensors', in ECCM 2016 - Proceeding of the 17th European Conference on Composite Materials

Oromiehie E; Prusty G, 2015, 'Structural Health Monitoring and Processing of Composites using Photonic Sensing Technology', in Thomsen OT (ed.), ICCS20 Proceedings, Copenhagen, Denmark, presented at 20th International Conference on Composite Materials, Copenhagen, Denmark, 19 July 2015 - 24 July 2015,

Oromiehie E; Oromiehie E; Rajan G; Compston P; Prusty G, 2014, 'Performance characterization of sandwich composite laminates embedded with fiber Bragg grating sensors', in KINGSTON J (ed.), The 8th Australasian Congress on Applied Mechanics 2014 : ACAM 8, Melbourne, presented at 8th Australasian Congress on Applied Mechanics (ACAM 8), Melbourne, 23 November 2014 - 26 November 2014

Conference Posters

Oromiehie E; Prusty G; Compston P; Rajan G, 2017, 'Smart Sensing in Automated Fibre Placement of Composites', presented at 9th Australasian Congress on Applied Mechanics, 27 November 2017 - 29 May 2018

Conference Presentations

Oromiehie E; Mendoza G; Kapur R; Prusty G, 2017, 'Automated Fibre Placement: Parameter optimisation and Selective Reinforcement', presented at CARBON FIBRE FUTURES CONFERENCE ADVANCED MATERIALS FOR ADVANCED MANUFACTURING, THE PIER, GEELONG, Melbourne, 01 March 2017 - 03 March 2017

Conference Abstracts

Oromiehie E; Rajan G; Compston P; Prusty G, (ed.), 2015, 'On-line monitoring of composite Lay-up process in the Automated Tape Placement method using optical fibre Bragg grating sensor', in On-line monitoring of composite Lay-up process in the Automated Tape Placement method using optical fibre Bragg grating sensor, Montreal, Canada, presented at The Second International Symposium on Automated Composites Manufacturing, Montreal, Canada, 23 April 2015 - 24 April 2015


Oromiehie E; Nair V; Short K; Wei T; Bhattacharyya D; Prusty BG, 2023, Effect of He 2+ Ion Irradiation on the Mechanical Properties of Automated Fibre Placement (Afp) Cf-peek Thermoplastics Composites,

Air A; Shamsuddoha M; Oromiehie E; Prusty G, 2022, Development of an Automated Fibre Placement-based Hybrid Composite Wheel for a Solar Powered Car,

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