Select Publications

Journal articles

Oromiehie E; Nagulapally P; Donough MJ; Prusty BG, 2024, 'Automated manufacture and experimentation of composite overwrapped pressure vessel with embedded optical sensor', International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 79, pp. 1215 - 1226,

Bhandari B; Maung PT; Oromiehie E; Prusty GB, 2024, 'Continuous Wavelet Transform and Deep Learning for Accurate AE Zone Detection in Laminated Composite Structures', IEEE Sensors Journal, 24, pp. 14007 - 14017,

Oromiehie E; Kong A; Djukic L; Mata J; Rodgers DC; Prusty GB, 2024, 'Nanostructure characterisation of welded polyethylene using small angle X-ray scattering', Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites,

Oromiehie E; Nair V; Short K; Wei T; Bhattacharyya D; Prusty BG, 2023, 'Effect of He2+ ion irradiation on the mechanical properties of automated fibre placement (AFP) CF-PEEK thermoplastics composites', Scientific Reports, 13,

Air A; Oromiehie E; Prusty BG, 2023, 'Design and manufacture of a Type V composite pressure vessel using automated fibre placement', Composites Part B: Engineering, 266,

Serubibi A; Hazell PJ; Escobedo JP; Wang H; Oromiehie E; Prusty GB; Phillips AW; St John NA, 2023, 'Fibre-metal laminate structures: High-velocity impact, penetration, and blast loading – A review', Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 173,

Islam F; Donough MJ; Oromiehie E; Phillips AW; St John NA; Prusty BG, 2023, 'Modelling the effect of hot gas torch heating on adjacent tows during automated fibre placement consolidation of thermoplastic composites', Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials, 36, pp. 4211 - 4236,

Air A; Shamsuddoha M; Oromiehie E; Prusty BG, 2023, 'Development of an automated fibre placement-based hybrid composite wheel for a solar-powered car', International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 125, pp. 4083 - 4097,

Maung PT; Prusty BG; Donough MJ; Oromiehie E; Phillips AW; St John NA, 2023, 'Automated manufacture of optimised shape-adaptive compsite hydrofoils with curvilinear fibre paths for improved bend-twist performance', Marine Structures, 87,

Maung PT; Prusty BG; Oromiehie E; Phillips AW; St John NA, 2022, 'Design and manufacture of a shape-adaptive full-scale composite hydrofoil using automated fibre placement', International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 123, pp. 4093 - 4108,

Gain AK; Oromiehie E; Prusty BG, 2022, 'Nanomechanical characterisation of CF-PEEK composites manufactured using automated fibre placement (AFP)', Composites Communications, 31,

Oromiehie E; Gain AK; Donough MJ; Prusty BG, 2022, 'Fracture toughness assessment of CF-PEEK composites consolidated using hot gas torch assisted automated fibre placement', Composite Structures, 279,

Oromiehie E; Gain AK; Prusty BG, 2021, 'Processing parameter optimisation for automated fibre placement (AFP) manufactured thermoplastic composites', Composite Structures, 272,

Wanigasekara C; Oromiehie E; Swain A; Prusty BG; Nguang SK, 2021, 'Machine learning-based inverse predictive model for AFP based thermoplastic composites', Journal of Industrial Information Integration, 22,

Shamsuddoha M; David M; Oromiehie E; Prusty BG, 2021, 'Distributed optical fibre sensor based monitoring of thermoplastic carbon composite cylinders under biaxial loading: Experimental and numerical investigations', Composite Structures, 261,

Arns JY; Oromiehie E; Arns C; Prusty BG, 2021, 'Micro-CT analysis of process-induced defects in composite laminates using AFP', Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 36, pp. 1561 - 1570,

Wanigasekara C; Oromiehie E; Swain A; Prusty BG; Nguang SK, 2020, 'Machine Learning Based Predictive Model for AFP-Based Unidirectional Composite Laminates', IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 16, pp. 2315 - 2324,

Oromiehie E; Garbe U; Gangadhara Prusty B, 2020, 'Porosity analysis of carbon fibre-reinforced polymer laminates manufactured using automated fibre placement', Journal of Composite Materials, 54, pp. 1217 - 1231,

Oromiehie E; Prusty BG; Compston P; Rajan G, 2019, 'Automated fibre placement based composite structures: Review on the defects, impacts and inspections techniques', Composite Structures, 224,

Oromiehie E; Das Chakladar N; Rajan G; Prusty BG, 2019, 'Online monitoring and prediction of thermo-mechanics of AFP based thermoplastic composites', Sensors (Switzerland), 19,

Oromiehie E; Gangadhara Prusty B; Compston P; Rajan G, 2017, 'In-situ simultaneous measurement of strain and temperature in automated fiber placement (AFP) using optical fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensors', Advanced Manufacturing: Polymer and Composites Science, 3, pp. 52 - 61,

Oromiehie E; Prusty G; Compston P; Rajan G, 2017, 'Characterization of process-induced defects in automated fiber placement manufacturing of composites using fiber Bragg grating sensors', Structural Health Monitoring, 17, pp. 108 - 117,

Oromiehie E; Rajan G; prusty G, 2016, 'Thermal sensitivity and relaxation of carbon fibre- foam sandwich composites with fibre optic sensors', Journal of sandwich structures and materials

Oromiehie E; Prusty G; Compston P; Rajan G, 2016, 'In-situ process monitoring for automated fibre placement using fibre Bragg grating sensors', Journal of structural health monitoring, 15, pp. 706 - 714,

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