Select Publications

Journal articles

Telikani A; Sarkar A; Du B; Santoso F; Shen J; Yan J; Yong J; Yap E, 2025, 'Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Aided Intelligent Transportation Systems: Vision, Challenges, and Opportunities', IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, pp. 1 - 1,

Santoso F; Finn A, 2024, 'An In-Depth Examination of Artificial Intelligence-Enhanced Cybersecurity in Robotics, Autonomous Systems, and Critical Infrastructures', IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 17, pp. 1293 - 1310,

Santoso F; Finn A, 2024, 'Trusted Operations of a Military Ground Robot in the Face of Man-in-the-Middle Cyberattacks Using Deep Learning Convolutional Neural Networks: Real-Time Experimental Outcomes', IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 21, pp. 2273 - 2284,

Al-Mahturi A; Santoso F; Garratt MA; Anavatti SG, 2023, 'A Novel Evolving Type-2 Fuzzy System for Controlling a Mobile Robot under Large Uncertainties', Robotics, 12,

Haseeb A; Edla M; Ucgul M; Santoso F; Deguchi M, 2023, 'A Voltage Doubler Boost Converter Circuit for Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Systems', Energies, 16,

Santoso F; Finn A, 2023, 'A Data-Driven Cyber-Physical System Using Deep-Learning Convolutional Neural Networks: Study on False-Data Injection Attacks in an Unmanned Ground Vehicle Under Fault-Tolerant Conditions', IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 53, pp. 346 - 356,

Tran VP; Santoso F; Garratt MA; Petersen IR, 2021, 'Distributed Formation Control Using Fuzzy Self-Tuning of Strictly Negative Imaginary Consensus Controllers in Aerial Robotics', IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 26, pp. 2306 - 2315,

Tran VP; Santoso F; Garratt MA, 2021, 'Adaptive Trajectory Tracking for Quadrotor Systems in Unknown Wind Environments Using Particle Swarm Optimization-Based Strictly Negative Imaginary Controllers', IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 57, pp. 1742 - 1752,

Al-Mahturi A; Santoso F; Garratt MA; Anavatti SG, 2021, 'Self-Learning in Aerial Robotics Using Type-2 Fuzzy Systems: Case Study in Hovering Quadrotor Flight Control', IEEE Access, 9, pp. 119520 - 119532,

Santoso F; Garratt MA; Anavatti SG; Petersen I, 2020, 'Robust Hybrid Nonlinear Control Systems for the Dynamics of a Quadcopter Drone', IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 50, pp. 3059 - 3071,

Al-Mahturi A; Santoso F; Garratt MA; Anavatti SG, 2020, 'A Robust Self-Adaptive Interval Type-2 TS Fuzzy Logic for Controlling Multi-Input-Multi-output Nonlinear Uncertain Dynamical Systems', IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, pp. 1 - 12,

Tran VP; Santoso F; Garratt M; Anavatti S, 2020, 'Distributed Artificial Neural Networks-Based Adaptive Strictly Negative Imaginary Formation Controller for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Time-Varying Environments', IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, pp. 1 - 1,

Tran VP; Santoso F; Garratt M; Petersen IR, 2020, 'Fuzzy Self-Tuning of Strictly Negative-Imaginary Controllers for Trajectory Tracking of a Quadcopter Unmanned Aerial Vehicle', IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, pp. 1 - 1,

Tran VP; Santoso F; Garratt M; Anavatti S, 2020, 'Neural Network-Based Self-Learning of an Adaptive Strictly Negative Imaginary Tracking Controller for a Quadrotor Transporting a Cable-Suspended Payload with Minimum Swing', IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, pp. 1 - 1,

Santoso F; Garratt M; Anavatti S, 2020, 'State-of-the-Art Integrated Guidance and Control Systems in Unmanned Vehicles: A Review', IEEE Systems Journal, pp. 1 - 12,

Santoso F; Garratt M; Anavatti S, 2019, 'Robust Hybrid Feedback Linearization and Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Control Systems for the Flapping Angle Dynamics of a Biomimetic Aircraft', IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics: Systems, 51, pp. 5664 - 5673,

Santoso F; Garratt M; Anavatti S; Hasanein ; Stenhouse T, 2019, 'Entropy Fuzzy System Identification for the Heave Flight Dynamics of a Model-Scale Helicopter', IEEE-ASME Transactions on Mechatronics,

Santoso F; Garratt M; Anavatti S, 2019, 'T2-ETS-IE: Type-2 Evolutionary Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Inference Systems with the Information Entropy-Based Pruning Technique', IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 28,

Tran PV; Santoso F; Garratt M; Petersen I, 2019, 'Adaptive Second Order Strictly Negative Imaginary Controllers Based on the Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Self-Tuning Systems For a Hovering Quadrotor with Uncertainties', IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics,

Yazid E; Garratt M; Santoso F, 2019, 'Position control of a quadcopter drone using evolutionary algorithms-based self-tuning for first-order Takagi–Sugeno–Kang fuzzy logic autopilots', Applied Soft Computing Journal, 78, pp. 373 - 392,

Santoso F; Garratt M; Anavatti S, 2019, 'Hybrid PD-Fuzzy and PD Controllers for Trajectory Tracking of a Quadrotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicle: Autopilot Designs and Real-Time Flight Tests', IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics: Systems, 51, pp. 1817 - 1829,

Santoso F; Anavatti SG; Garratt MA, 2017, 'State-of-the-Art Intelligent Flight Control Systems in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles', IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 15, pp. 613 - 627,

Santoso F; Garratt MA; Anavatti SG, 2017, 'Visual-inertial navigation systems for aerial robotics: Sensor fusion and technology', IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 14, pp. 260 - 275,

Santoso F; Garratt MA; Pickering MR; Asikuzzaman M, 2015, '3D-Mapping for Visualisation of Rigid Structures: A Review and Comparative Study', IEEE Sensors Journal, 16, pp. 1484 - 1507,

Santoso F; Redmond SJ, 2015, 'Indoor location-aware medical systems for smart homecare and telehealth monitoring: state-of-the-art', Physiological Measurement, 36, pp. R53 - R87,

Santoso F; Liu M; Egan GK, 2015, 'Robust μ-synthesis Loop Shaping for Altitude Flight Dynamics of a Flying-Wing Airframe', Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems: Theory and Applications, 79, pp. 259 - 273,

Santoso F, 2015, 'Range-only distributed navigation protocol for uniform coverage in wireless sensor networks', IET Wireless Sensor Systems, 5, pp. 20 - 30,

Santoso F, 2015, 'A New Framework for Rapid Wireless Tracking Verifications Based on Optimized Trajectories in Received Signal Strength Measurements', IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 45, pp. 1424 - 1436,

Liu M; Egan GK; Santoso F, 2015, 'Modeling, Autopilot Design, and Field Tuning of a UAV With Minimum Control Surfaces', IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 23, pp. 2353 - 2360,

Santoso F; Liu M; Egan GK, 2014, 'Robust μ-synthesis Loop Shaping for Altitude Flight Dynamics of a Flying-Wing Airframe', Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems,

Saragih H; Santoso F, 2014, 'Differential maximum ratio combining (MRC)-based throughput analysis on dual-fading models of Slotted-ALOHA CDMA systems', International Journal of Wireless Information Networks, 21, pp. 154 - 160,

Saragih H; Santoso F, 2011, 'Capture Delay Analysis on the Throughputs of Direct-Sequence Code Division Multiple Access (DS-CDMA) with Slotted-ALOHA (S-ALOHA) Systems over Nakagami/Nakagami Fading Channels', Int J Wireless Inf Networks, 18, pp. 186 - 192,

Santoso F, 2010, 'Sub-optimal decentralised control algorithms for blanket and k-barrier coverage in autonomous robotic wireless sensor networks', IET Communications, 4, pp. 2041 - 2057,

Saragih H; Santoso F, 2009, 'Throughput analysis of adaptive slotted-ALOHA CDMA over a multipath fading channel with capture effects', International Journal of Wireless Information Networks, 16, pp. 217 - 224,

Santoso F; Liu M; Egan G, 2008, 'H2 and H robust autopilot synthesis for longitudinal flight of a special unmanned aerial vehicle: A comparative study', IET Control Theory and Applications, 2, pp. 583 - 594,

Santoso F; Liu M; Egan G, 2008, 'Root Locus Based Autopilot PID's Parameters Tuning for a Flying Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle', JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 40, pp. 14 - 39,

Santoso F, 2008, 'Welch Based Denoising Technique for a Set of Chirp Signals Corrupted by Gaussian Noises', JOURNAL OF ICT RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS, 2, pp. 115 - 129,

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