Select Publications
Book Chapters
2021, 'Fact, fiction and family: Stepmothers in the Valentinian-Theodosian Dynasty', in Huebner S; Ratzan D (ed.), Missing Mothers Maternal Absence in Antiquity, Peeters, Leuven, pp. 127 - 139,
,2020, 'Looking for Children in Late Antiquity', in Beaumont L; Dillon M; Harrington N (ed.), Children in Antiquity Perspectives and Experiences of Childhood in the Ancient Mediterranean, Routledge, pp. 134 - 149,
,2019, 'Being a bachelor in late antiquity: Desire and social norms in the experience of Augustine', in The Single Life in the Roman and Later Roman World, pp. 292 - 308,
,2018, 'Relationships in Augustine’s life', in Augustine in Context, pp. 203 - 210,
,2016, 'Extended Family in the Experiences of Ausonius and Libanius', in Nathan G; Sabine H (ed.), Mediterranean Families in Antiquity Households, Extended Families, and Domestic Space, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester and Oxford, pp. 243 - 257
,2009, '‘Woe to those making widows their prey and robbing the fatherless’: Christian Ideals and the Obligations of Stepfathers in Late Antiquity', in Huebner S; Ratzan D (ed.), Growing Up Fatherless in Antiquity Cambridge, Cambridge University Press
,2006, '`Pothos tes Philoktistou`: Anicia Juliana`s Architectural Narratology', in Burke J (ed.), Byzantine Narrative: papers in honour of Roger Scott, Australian Association for Byzantine Studies, Virginia, Queensland, pp. 433 - 443