Select Publications


Lukmanjaya W; Butler T; Taflan P; Simpson P; Ginnivan N; Buchan I; Nenadic G; Karystianis G, 2024, Population characteristics in justice health research based on PubMed abstracts from 1963 to 2023: text mining study (Preprint), ,

Karystianis G; Simpson P; Lukmanjaya W; Ginnivan N; Nenadic G; Buchan I; Butler T, 2023, Automatic Extraction of Research Themes in Epidemiological Criminology From PubMed Abstracts From 1946 to 2020: Text Mining Study (Preprint), ,

Karystianis G; Cabral RC; Adily A; Lukmanjaya W; Schofield P; Buchan I; Nenadic G; Butler TG, 2022, Mental illness concordance between hospital clinical records and mentions in domestic violence police narratives: Data linkage study (Preprint), ,

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