Select Publications

Journal articles

Townend G; McGregor M; Alonzo D; Nguyen HTM, 2024, 'What would it take? Enhancing outcomes for high-ability students with disability', Frontiers in Education, 9, pp. 1322872,

Jung JY; Townend G; Hay PK; Smith SR, 2022, 'The State of Knowledge in Rural Gifted Education: A Systematic Literature Review', Journal of Advanced Academics, 33, pp. 315 - 363,

Jung JY; Jackson RL; Townend G; McGregor M, 2022, 'Equity in Gifted Education: The Importance of Definitions and a Focus on Underachieving Gifted Students', Gifted Child Quarterly, 66, pp. 149 - 151,

Hately S; Townend G, 2020, 'A qualitative meta-analysis of research into the underachievement of gifted boys', Australasian Journal of Gifted Education, 29, pp. 6 - 22,

Hall D; Sultmann W; Townend G, 2019, 'Constants in context: an exploration of conciliar and post-conciliar documents on the Catholic school', JOURNAL OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION, 67, pp. 17 - 39,

Blackburn A; Townend G, 2019, 'Gifted Girls with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Provisions and Priorities in Australian School Settings', Gifted and Talented Development in the Asia Pacific,

Sammel A; Townend G; Kanasa H, 2018, 'Hidden Expectations Behind the Promise of the Flipped Classroom', College Teaching, 66, pp. 49 - 59,

Rowan L; Townend G, 2016, 'Early career teachers’ beliefs about their preparedness to teach: Implications for the professional development of teachers working with gifted and twice-exceptional students', Cogent Education, 3,

Townend G; Brown R, 2016, 'Exploring a sociocultural approach to understanding academic self-concept in twice-exceptional students', International Journal of Educational Research, 80, pp. 15 - 24,

Rowan L; Beavis C; Townend G; Kelly L; Fletcher J, 2016, 'Museums, games, and historical imagination: Student responses to a games-based experience at the Australian national maritime museum.', Digital Culture and Education, 8, pp. 169 - 187

Ronksley-Pavia M; Townend G, 2016, 'Student voice: Listening and responding to the experiences of GLD students', TalentEd, 62, pp. 4 - 18

Townend G; Pendergast D, 2015, 'Student voice: What can we learn from twice-exceptional students about the teacher's role in enhancing or inhibiting academic self-concept', Australasian Journal of Gifted Education, 24, pp. 37 - 51,

Townend G; Pendergast D; Garvis S, 2014, 'Academic self-concept in GLD students: What the literature tells us.', TalentEd, 28, pp. 75 - 89

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