Select Publications


McGillycuddy M; Popovic G; Bolker BM; Warton DI, 2024, Parsimoniously Fitting Large Multivariate Random Effects in glmmTMB,

Maslen B; Popovic G; Verges A; Marzinelli E; Warton D, 2024, How many sites? Methods to assist design decisions when collecting multivariate data in ecology,

Popovic G; Mason TJ; Marques TA; Potts J; Drobniak SM; Joo R; Altwegg R; Burns CCI; McCarthy MA; Johnston A; Nakagawa S; McMillan L; Devarajan K; Taggart PL; Wunderlich AC; Mair MM; Martínez-Lanfranco JA; Lagisz M; Pottier PP, 2023, Four principles for improved statistical ecology,

Maslen B; Popovic G; Vergés A; Marzinelli E; Warton D, 2022, How many sites? Methods to assist design decisions when collecting multivariate data in ecology,

Mason T; Popovic G; McGillycuddy M; Keith D, 2022, Effects of hydrological change in fire-prone wetland vegetation: an empirical simulation,

Prangle D; Blum MGB; Popovic G; Sisson SA, 2013, Diagnostic tools of approximate Bayesian computation using the coverage property,

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