Select Publications


Gamaarachchi H; Ferguson J; Samarakoon H; Liyanage K; Deveson I, 2023, Squigulator: simulation of nanopore sequencing signal data with tunable noise parameters, ,

Wong B; Ferguson J; Gamaarachchi H; Deveson I, 2023, Streamlining remote nanopore data access withslow5curl, ,

Shih PJ; Saadat H; Parameswaran S; Gamaarachchi H, 2022, Efficient Real-Time Selective Genome Sequencing on Resource-Constrained Devices, ,

Gong J; Saadat H; Gamaarachchi H; Javaid H; Hu XS; Parameswaran S, 2022, ApproxTrain: Fast Simulation of Approximate Multipliers for DNN Training and Inference, ,

Senanayake A; Gamaarachchi H; Herath D; Ragel R, 2022, DeepSelectNet: Deep Neural Network Based Selective Sequencing for Oxford Nanopore Sequencing, ,

Samarakoon H; Ferguson J; Jenner S; Amos T; Parameswaran S; Gamaarachchi H; Deveson I, 2022, Flexible and efficient handling of nanopore sequencing signal data with slow5tools, ,

Gamaarachchi H, 2021, Computer Architecture-Aware Optimisation of DNA Analysis Systems, ,

Stevanovski I; Chintalaphani S; Gamaarachchi H; Ferguson J; Pineda S; Scriba C; Tchan M; Fung V; Ng K; Cortese A; Houlden H; Dobson-Stone C; Fitzpatrick L; Halliday G; Ravenscroft G; Davis M; Laing N; Fellner A; Kennerson M; Kumar K; Deveson I, 2021, Comprehensive genetic diagnosis of tandem repeat expansion disorders with programmable targeted nanopore sequencing, ,

Bull R; Adikari T; Ferguson J; Hammond J; Stevanovski I; Beukers A; Naing Z; Yeang M; Verich A; Gamaarachchi H; Kim KW; Luciani F; Stelzer-Braid S; Eden J-S; Rawlinson W; van Hal S; Deveson I, 2020, Analytical validity of nanopore sequencing for rapid SARS-CoV-2 genome analysis, ,

Bayat A; Gamaarachchi H; Deshpande N; Wilkins M; Parameswaran S, 2020, Methods for De-novo Genome Assembly, ,

Gamaarachchi H; Ganegoda H, 2018, Power Analysis Based Side Channel Attack, ,

Gamaarachchi H; Ragel R; Jayasinghe D, 2014, Accelerating Correlation Power Analysis Using Graphics Processing Units, ,

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