Select Publications

Book Chapters

Blunden H; Drake G, 2016, 'Homelessness, the 'housing first' approach and the creation of 'home'', in Housing in 21st-Century Australia: People, Practices and Policies, pp. 205 - 220

Blunden HM; Drake G, 2015, 'Homelessness, the ‘Housing First’ approach and the creation of home', in Dufty-Jones R; Rogers D (ed.), Housing in 21st-Century Australia People, Practices and Policies, Ashgate, London, pp. 205 - 220

Blunden H, 2012, 'Housing and the Olympic Games', in Lenskyj H; Wagg S (ed.), The Palgrave Handbook of Olympic Studies, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, UK, pp. 520 - 532,

Blunden H, 2012, 'The Olympic Games and Housing', in The Palgrave Handbook of Olympic Studies, Palgrave Macmillan UK, pp. 520 - 532,

Blunden HM; Darcy M; Stubbs J; Perry J, 2004, 'Housing Costs and Work Location in Sydney', in Carlson E (ed.), A Future That Works, Centre for Full Employment and Equity, Newcastle University, Newcastle, Australia, pp. 84 - 92,;isbn=1920701494;res=IELBUS

Blunden H, 'The Olympic Games and Housing', in The Palgrave Handbook of Olympic Studies, Palgrave Macmillan,

Journal articles

Bryant J; Horwitz R; Gray RM; Lafferty L; Jops P; Blunden H; Hudson S; Brener L, 2022, 'Improving access to drug and alcohol treatment in NSW Australia: The role of self-determination and peer support', Health and Social Care in the Community, 30, pp. e2050 - e2057,

Duff C; Hill N; Blunden H; Valentine K; Randall S, 2022, 'Connecting Housing, Health, and Social Supports for People Leaving Treatment: Housing Policy Lessons from Australia', CITYSCAPE, 24, pp. 307 - 322,

Blunden H; Flanagan K, 2022, 'Housing options for women leaving domestic violence: the limitations of rental subsidy models', Housing Studies, 37, pp. 1896 - 1915,

Duff C; Hill N; Blunden H; valentine K; Randall S; Scutella R; Johnson G, 2021, 'Leaving rehab: enhancing transitions into stable housing', AHURI Final Report,

Blunden H; Giuntoli G; Newton BJ; Katz I, 2021, 'Victims/Survivors’ Perceptions of Helpful Institutional Responses to Incidents of Institutional Child Sexual Abuse', Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 30, pp. 56 - 79,

Dew A; Lenette C; Smith L; Boydell K; Bibby H; Lappin J; Coello M; Raman S; Velkou K; Wells R; Momartin S; Blunden H; Higgins M; Murad M; Barry J; Mohammad Y; Bibby H, 2020, '“To the Arabic community disability is not normal”: Understandings of disability among Iraqi and Syrian people from refugee backgrounds.', Journal of Refugee Studies, 34, pp. 2849 - 2870,

Liu E; Blunden H, 2019, 'Cultural diversity and sensitivity in public estate renewals: evidence from an Australian longitudinal study', Housing Studies, 35, pp. 1004 - 1024,

Fernandez E; Lee JS; Foote W; Blunden H; McNamara P; Kovacs S; Cornefert P-A, 2017, '‘There's More to be Done; “Sorry” is Just a Word’: Legacies of Out-of-Home Care in the 20th Century', Children Australia, 42, pp. 176 - 176,

Blunden H, 2016, 'Discourses around negative gearing of investment properties in Australia', Housing Studies, 31, pp. 340 - 357,

Blunden HM; Drake G, 2015, 'The Role of Engagement, Ongoing Support and Housing Availability in Rehousing People Experiencing Chronic Homelessness', Third Sector Review, 21, pp. 101 - 120,;res=IELAPA;dn=343353891790582

Saha B; Griffin L; Blunden H, 2010, 'Adsorptive separation of phosphate oxyanion from aqueous solution using an inorganic adsorbent', ENVIRONMENTAL GEOCHEMISTRY AND HEALTH, 32, pp. 341 - 347,

Conference Papers

Blunden HM; Darcy M; Perry J; Stubbs J, 2004, 'Housing Costs and Work Location in Sydney', in Carlson E (ed.), A Future That Works, centre for Full Employment and Equity, University of Newcastle, Newcastle University, presented at A Future That Works, Newcastle University, -

Conference Presentations

Liu EY; Blunden H, 2018, 'Cultural diversity and sensitivity in public estate renewals: Evidence from a longitudinal study', presented at European Network for Housing Research Conference, Uppsala, 26 June 2018 - 29 June 2018


Blunden H; Giuntoli G; Lee J; Safitri R; Katz I; Wilkinson C; Skattebol J, 2024, Educational Pathways Program Evaluation - Final Report, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW, Sydney,

valentine K; Liu E; Veeroja P; Harris P; Blunden H; Horton E, 2024, The role of housing providers in supporting clients with complex needs, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute Ltd, Melbourne, 428,,

Smyth C; Cortis N; Blunden H; Bates S; Katz I, 2024, Specialist Workers for Children and Young People Outcomes Evaluation – Final Report,,

Blunden H; Wong B; Bates S; Cheung S; Hsieh W; Katz I, 2024, Evaluation of the Universal Screening and Support Pilot: Final Report, UNSW, Sydney,

Blunden H; valentine K, 2023, A longitudinal study of the wellbeing of Amélie Housing Social and Affordable Housing Fund social housing tenants Final Report, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW and the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul, NSW, Sydney,

Blunden H; Giuntoli G; Skattebol J; Katz I; Baker S; Lee J, 2023, Educational Pathways Program Evaluation - baseline report Executive Summary, Social Policy Research Centre, University of New South Wales, Sydney,,

Katz I; Blunden H; Giuntoli G; Skattebol J; Gendera S, 2022, Evaluation of the National headspace Program - Final Report, KPMG, Canberra,,

valentine K; Cripps K; Flanagan K; Habibis D; Martin C; Blunden H, 2020, Inquiry into integrated housing support for vulnerable families, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute, Melbourne, 339,,

Bryant J; Horwitz R; Gray R; Lafferty L; Jops P; Blunden H; Brener L, 2020, Barriers and enablers associated with access and equity in alcohol and other drug treatment in NSW, UNSW Centre for Social Research in Health, Sydney,

valentine K; Blunden H; Zufferey C; Spinney A; Zirakbash F, 2020, Supporting families effectively through the homelessness services system, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute Limited, Melbourne, 330,,

Flanagan K; Blunden H; Valentine K; Henriette J, 2019, Housing outcomes after domestic and family violence, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute Limited, AHURI journal, 311,,

Skattebol J; Blunden H, 2019, Evaluation of the Youth Advocate Program, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,

Blunden H, 2019, Evaluation of Housing & Accommodation Support Initiative Plus (HASI Plus) – Literature Review, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,

Blunden H; Katz I, 2019, Establishing a Child Development Fund in Australia: A review of international models, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney, SPRC Report 09/19,

Purcal C; O'Shea P; Blunden H; Zmudzki F; Giuntoli G; Fisher KR, 2019, Evaluation of Housing & Accommodation Support Initiative Plus (HASI Plus) – Report 1, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney, SPRC Report 13/19,

Blunden H; valentine K; Jops P, 2019, Evaluation of the Keeping Women Safe – Private Rental Initiative, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,

Walsh P; McHugh M; Blunden H; Katz I, 2018, Literature Review: Factors Influencing the Outcomes of Children and Young People in Out-of-Home Care, NSW Family and Community Services, Sydney, Report Number 6,,

Zmudzki F; Muir S; Blunden H; Bates S; Katz I; valentine K; Harvey J, 2018, Evaluation Report: DVA Coordinated Client Support Program, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Sydney

Blunden H; Liu EY; valentine K, 2017, Evaluation of the Better Places Stronger Communities Project: Final Report, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney, SPRC Report 19/17,,

Bullen JE; Liu E; Pawson H; valentine K; Blunden H, 2017, Evaluation of the Better Places Stronger Communities Project: Baseline report, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney, SPRC Report 04/17,

Fernandez E; Lee JS; Blunden HM; Mcnamara P; Kovacs S; Cornefert P-A, 2016, No Child Should Grow Up Like This: Identifying long term outcomes of Forgotten Australians, Child Migrants and the Stolen Generations, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW,,

Crabtree L; Phibbs P; Blunden HM; Moore N; Sappideen C, 2015, Community Land Trusts and Indigenous Communities: from Strategies to Outcomes, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute, Melbourne, 239,

Blunden HM; Feder K; Darcy M, 2015, Work Fast Greater Sydney Employment Integration Model Evaluation of Pilot Program, Urban Research Centre, Western Sydney University and Neami National, Sydney

Blunden HM; Darcy M, 2014, Determining the Financial Barriers moving from Welfare to Work, Urban Research Centre, Western Sydney University, Penrith, Sydney

Drake G; Darcy M; Blunden HM; Steinwede J, 2014, Rough Sleepers in Parramatta: From Street to Home: Final Report, Urban Research Centre, Western Sydney University, Penrith, Sydney

Darcy M; Piracha A; Blunden HM; Hall N, 2014, Unintended Consequences: Homelessness Service Delivery in the Nepean/Blacktown Region, Western Sydney University Urban Research Centre, Sydney,

Blunden HM; Drake G; Newton K; Darcy M, 2013, Boarding Houses Review, Parramatta

Phibbs P; Milligan V; Blunden HM, 2012, Post Implementation Review of the ACT Land Rent Scheme,

Crabtree L; Phibbs P; Milligan V; Blunden HM; Moore N; Sappideen C, 2012, Community Land Trusts and Indigenous Housing Options, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute, Melbourne, 185,

Crabtree L; Blunden H; Milligan V; Phibbs P; Sappideen ; Moore N, 2012, Community land trusts and indigenous housing options, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute, Melbourne,

Crabtree L; Phibbs P; Milligan V; Blunden H, 2012, Principles and practices of an affordable housing community land trust model, Research Paper, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute, Melbourne

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