Select Publications

Journal articles

Bryant J; Horwitz R; Gray RM; Lafferty L; Jops P; Blunden H; Hudson S; Brener L, 2022, 'Improving access to drug and alcohol treatment in NSW Australia: The role of self-determination and peer support', Health and Social Care in the Community, 30, pp. e2050 - e2057,

Duff C; Hill N; Blunden H; Valentine K; Randall S, 2022, 'Connecting Housing, Health, and Social Supports for People Leaving Treatment: Housing Policy Lessons from Australia', CITYSCAPE, 24, pp. 307 - 322,

Blunden H; Flanagan K, 2022, 'Housing options for women leaving domestic violence: the limitations of rental subsidy models', Housing Studies, 37, pp. 1896 - 1915,

Duff C; Hill N; Blunden H; valentine K; Randall S; Scutella R; Johnson G, 2021, 'Leaving rehab: enhancing transitions into stable housing', AHURI Final Report,

Blunden H; Giuntoli G; Newton BJ; Katz I, 2021, 'Victims/Survivors’ Perceptions of Helpful Institutional Responses to Incidents of Institutional Child Sexual Abuse', Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 30, pp. 56 - 79,

Dew A; Lenette C; Smith L; Boydell K; Bibby H; Lappin J; Coello M; Raman S; Velkou K; Wells R; Momartin S; Blunden H; Higgins M; Murad M; Barry J; Mohammad Y; Bibby H, 2020, '“To the Arabic community disability is not normal”: Understandings of disability among Iraqi and Syrian people from refugee backgrounds.', Journal of Refugee Studies, 34, pp. 2849 - 2870,

Liu E; Blunden H, 2019, 'Cultural diversity and sensitivity in public estate renewals: evidence from an Australian longitudinal study', Housing Studies, 35, pp. 1004 - 1024,

Fernandez E; Lee JS; Foote W; Blunden H; McNamara P; Kovacs S; Cornefert P-A, 2017, '‘There's More to be Done; “Sorry” is Just a Word’: Legacies of Out-of-Home Care in the 20th Century', Children Australia, 42, pp. 176 - 176,

Blunden H, 2016, 'Discourses around negative gearing of investment properties in Australia', Housing Studies, 31, pp. 340 - 357,

Blunden HM; Drake G, 2015, 'The Role of Engagement, Ongoing Support and Housing Availability in Rehousing People Experiencing Chronic Homelessness', Third Sector Review, 21, pp. 101 - 120,;res=IELAPA;dn=343353891790582

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