Select Publications

Journal articles

Hamann J; Balbi A; Lesgourgues J; Quercellini C, 2009, 'Optimising Boltzmann codes for the Planck era', JCAP, 0904, pp. 011 - 011,

Valkenburg W; Krauss LM; Hamann J, 2008, 'Impact of prior assumptions on Bayesian estimates of inflation parameters and the expected gravitational waves signal from inflation', Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 78,

Hamann J; Wong YYY, 2008, 'Effects of CMB temperature uncertainties on cosmological parameter estimation', JCAP, 0803, pp. 025 - 025,

Valkenburg W; Hamann J; Krauss LM, 2008, 'Effects of Prior Assumptions on Bayesian Estimates of Inflation Parameters, and the expected Gravitational Waves Signal from Inflation', Phys. Rev., D78, pp. 063521 - 063521,

Hamann J; Lesgourgues J; Valkenburg W, 2008, 'How to constrain inflationary parameter space with minimal priors', JCAP, 0804, pp. 016 - 016,

Hamann J; Hannestad S; Melchiorri A; Wong YYY, 2008, 'Nonlinear corrections to the cosmological matter power spectrum and scale-dependent galaxy bias: Implications for parameter estimation', JCAP, 0807, pp. 017 - 017,

Hamann J; Hannestad S; Sloth MS; Wong YYY, 2008, 'Observing trans-Planckian ripples in the primordial power spectrum with future large scale structure probes', JCAP, 0809, pp. 015 - 015,

Hamann J; Lesgourgues J; Mangano G, 2008, 'Using BBN in cosmological parameter extraction from CMB: A Forecast for PLANCK', JCAP, 0803, pp. 004 - 004,

Hamann J; Hannestad S; Sloth MS; Wong YYY, 2007, 'How robust are inflation model and dark matter constraints from cosmological data?', Phys. Rev., D75, pp. 023522 - 023522,

Hamann J; Covi L; Melchiorri A; Slosar A, 2007, 'New Constraints on Oscillations in the Primordial Spectrum of Inflationary Perturbations', Phys. Rev., D76, pp. 023503 - 023503,

Hamann J; Hannestad S; Raffelt GG; Wong YYY, 2007, 'Observational bounds on the cosmic radiation density', Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 0708, pp. 021 - 021,

Covi L; Hamann J; Melchiorri A; Slosar A; Sorbera I, 2006, 'Inflation and WMAP three year data: Features have a Future!', Phys. Rev., D74, pp. 083509 - 083509,

Conference Papers

Hannestad S; Hamann J; Mirizzi A; Raffelt GG; Wong YYY, 2009, 'Cosmological axion bounds', in Proceedings, 5th Patras Workshop on Axions, WIMPs and WISPs (AXION-WIMP 2009): Durham, UK, July 13-17, 2009, pp. 141 - 144,

Theses / Dissertations

Hamann J, 2007, Inflation and Cosmological Parameter Estimation, phdthesis, Hamburg U.,

Working Papers

Yi K; Chen J; Zhou B; Lio P; Fan Y; Hamann J, 2022, Approximate Equivariance SO(3) Needlet Convolution,,

Hamann J; Gia QTL; Sloan IH; Wang YG; Womersley RS, 2019, A New Probe of Gaussianity and Isotropy applied to the CMB Maps,,


Hamann J; Kang Y, 2023, A Minkowski Functional Analysis of the Cosmic Microwave Background Weak Lensing Convergence, ,

Hamann J; Gia QTL; Sloan IH; Womersley RS, 2023, Removing the mask -- reconstructing a scalar field on the sphere from a masked field, ,

Deshpande M; Hamann J; Sengupta D; White M; Williams AG; Wong YYY, 2023, Revisiting Cosmological Constraints on Supersymmetric SuperWIMPs, ,

Wons J; Dimastrogiovanni E; Fasiello M; Hamann J; Johnson MC, 2023, Enhancing Bispectrum Estimators for Galaxy Redshift Surveys with Velocities, ,

Hamann J; Malhotra A, 2022, Constraining primordial tensor features with the anisotropies of the Cosmic Microwave Background, ,

Yi K; Chen J; Wang YG; Zhou B; Liò P; Fan Y; Hamann J, 2022, Approximate Equivariance SO(3) Needlet Convolution, ,

Hamann J; Wons J, 2021, Optimising Inflationary Features the Bayesian Way, ,

Hamann J; Gia QTL; Sloan IH; Wang YG; Womersley RS, 2019, A New Probe of Gaussianity and Isotropy applied to the CMB Maps, ,

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