Select Publications


Kildea J, 2024, Sister Liguori: The Nun who Divided a Nation, Connor Court Publishing, Redland Bay (Qld),

Kildea J, 2021, Leaving Home Stories of My Emigrant Ancestors

Kildea J, 2020, Hugh Mahon Patriot, Pressman, Politician, Volume 2, Politician: the Years From 1901-1931

Reid R; Kildea J; McIntyre P, 2020, To Foster an Irish Spirit The Irish National Association of Australasia 1915-2015

Kildea JF, 2017, Hugh Mahon: Patriot, Pressman, Politician, Volume 1 Patriot and Pressman: the years from 1857 to 1901, Anchor Books Australia, Melbourne

Kildea J, 2008, Wartime Australians: Billy Hughes, Australian Government, Department of Veterans' Affairs,

Kildea J, 2007, Anzacs and Ireland, University of New South Wales, Sydney,

Kildea JF, 2002, Tearing the Fabric: Sectarianism in Australia 1910-1925, Citadel Books, Sydney,

Book Chapters

Kildea J, 2024, 'More Than Mannix: Irish-Australian Women Who Helped Defeat Conscription in WW1', in Arthure S; James S; Lonergan D; McCorry F (ed.), Irish Women in the Antipodes Foregrounded, Wakefield Press, Adelaide, pp. 258 - 273

Kildea J, 2020, '"The Empire Strikes Back": Anzacs and the Easter Rising 1916', in New Zealand's Responses to the 1916 Rising

Kildea J, 2018, 'Securing Public Safety and the Defence of the Commonwealth? The Detention of Australia’s Irish Radicals during the First World War', in Fír Fesso A Festschrift for Neil Mcleod

Kildea JF, 2015, '"A veritable hurricane of sectarianism": the year 1920 and ethno-religious conflict in Australia', in Religion and Greater Ireland Christianity and Irish Global Networks, 1750-1950, McGill-Queens University Press, pp. 363 - 382

Journal articles

Kildea J, 2023, 'Conscription, US intervention and the transformation of Ireland, 1914-1918: divergent destinies', First World War Studies, 14, pp. 178 - 180,

Kildea J, 2023, '“The Missing Magdalens”: the ABC resurrects a “hidden story” discredited more than a century ago', Journal of the Australian Catholic Historical Society, 44, pp. 42 - 49,

Kildea J, 2021, 'A Tale of Two Pandemics: The Impact of Spanish Flu and COVID-19 on Religious Observance', The Australasian Catholic Record, 98, pp. 3 - 16

Kildea J, 2020, ''Itinerant Preachers of Sedition’: the Redmond Brothers’Tour of Australia in 1883', Journal of the Federation of Local History Societies, 25, pp. 14 - 22

Kildea J, 2020, 'Hugh Mahon, the Irishman expelled from the Australian parliament', History Ireland, 28, pp. 42 - 45

Kildea J, 2019, 'Absence or amnesia: Was the Golden West really free of “the noxious weed of sectarianism” that blighted early twentieth-century Australia?', Journal of the Australian Catholic Historical Society, 40, pp. 131 - 143

Kildea J, 2019, 'What Price Loyalty? Australian Catholics in the First World War', The Australasian Catholic Record, 96, pp. 25 - 44

Kildea J, 2018, 'Ireland Will Be Free: “Fanning The Flames Of Sectarianism” in Australia 1920-21', Australasian Journal of Irish Studies, 18, pp. 130 - 155

Kildea JF, 2017, 'Killing Conscription: the Easter Rising and Irish Catholic attitudes to the conscription debates in Australia, 1916-1917', Journal of the Australian Catholic Historical Society

Kildea JF, 2017, '‘We personally had no quarrel with the rioters’: Anzacs in Dublin during the Easter Rising 1916', Irish Sword

Kildea JF, 2017, 'The Battle of Kosturino: the Irish-Australian connection', Irish Sword

Kildea JF, 2015, 'Did the Leinsters Flee At Chunuk Bair?', Reveille, pp. 28 - 30

Kildea JF, 2015, 'Irish Anzacs Project', Reveille, pp. 21 - 23

Kildea JF, 2015, 'The Impact of the First World War on Ireland and Australia', The Irish Sword: the journal of the military history society of lreland, XXX, pp. 177 - 192

Kildea JF, 2015, 'The Irish Anzacs Project', Familia: Ulster Genealogical Review, 31, pp. 33 - 52

Kildea JF, 2015, 'The Irish at Gallipoli', History Ireland, 23, pp. 36 - 39

Kildea JF, 2011, 'Remembering Hugh Mahon', Recorder,

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