Select Publications

Journal articles

Kildea J, 2023, 'Conscription, US intervention and the transformation of Ireland, 1914-1918: divergent destinies', First World War Studies, 14, pp. 178 - 180,

Kildea J, 2023, '“The Missing Magdalens”: the ABC resurrects a “hidden story” discredited more than a century ago', Journal of the Australian Catholic Historical Society, 44, pp. 42 - 49,

Kildea J, 2021, 'A Tale of Two Pandemics: The Impact of Spanish Flu and COVID-19 on Religious Observance', The Australasian Catholic Record, 98, pp. 3 - 16

Kildea J, 2020, ''Itinerant Preachers of Sedition’: the Redmond Brothers’Tour of Australia in 1883', Journal of the Federation of Local History Societies, 25, pp. 14 - 22

Kildea J, 2020, 'Hugh Mahon, the Irishman expelled from the Australian parliament', History Ireland, 28, pp. 42 - 45

Kildea J, 2019, 'Absence or amnesia: Was the Golden West really free of “the noxious weed of sectarianism” that blighted early twentieth-century Australia?', Journal of the Australian Catholic Historical Society, 40, pp. 131 - 143

Kildea J, 2019, 'What Price Loyalty? Australian Catholics in the First World War', The Australasian Catholic Record, 96, pp. 25 - 44

Kildea J, 2018, 'Ireland Will Be Free: “Fanning The Flames Of Sectarianism” in Australia 1920-21', Australasian Journal of Irish Studies, 18, pp. 130 - 155

Kildea JF, 2017, 'Killing Conscription: the Easter Rising and Irish Catholic attitudes to the conscription debates in Australia, 1916-1917', Journal of the Australian Catholic Historical Society

Kildea JF, 2017, '‘We personally had no quarrel with the rioters’: Anzacs in Dublin during the Easter Rising 1916', Irish Sword

Kildea JF, 2017, 'The Battle of Kosturino: the Irish-Australian connection', Irish Sword

Kildea JF, 2015, 'Did the Leinsters Flee At Chunuk Bair?', Reveille, pp. 28 - 30

Kildea JF, 2015, 'Irish Anzacs Project', Reveille, pp. 21 - 23

Kildea JF, 2015, 'The Impact of the First World War on Ireland and Australia', The Irish Sword: the journal of the military history society of lreland, XXX, pp. 177 - 192

Kildea JF, 2015, 'The Irish Anzacs Project', Familia: Ulster Genealogical Review, 31, pp. 33 - 52

Kildea JF, 2015, 'The Irish at Gallipoli', History Ireland, 23, pp. 36 - 39

Kildea JF, 2011, 'Remembering Hugh Mahon', Recorder,

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