Select Publications

Journal articles

Vitetta L; Henson JD, 2024, 'Comment on “Hall et al., Topical cannabidiol is well tolerated in individuals with a history of elite physical performance and chronic lower extremity pain”', Journal of Cannabis Research, 6,

Kienzl P; Deloria AJ; Hunjadi M; Hadolt JM; Haering MF; Bothien A; Mejri D; Korkut-Demirbaş M; Sampl S; Weber G; Pirker C; Laengle S; Braunschmid T; Dragona E; Marian B; Gagos S; Lu L; Henson JD; Lau LMS; Reddel RR; Mikulits W; Stättner S; Holzmann K, 2024, 'Telomere transcripts act as tumor suppressor and are associated with favorable prognosis in colorectal cancer with low proliferating cell nuclear antigen expression', Cellular Oncology,

Vitetta L; Gorgani NN; Vitetta G; Henson JD, 2023, 'Prebiotics Progress Shifts in the Intestinal Microbiome That Benefits Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus', Biomolecules, 13,

Clarke S; Butcher BE; McLachlan AJ; Henson JD; Rutolo D; Hall S; Vitetta L, 2022, 'Pilot clinical and pharmacokinetic study of Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)/Cannabidiol (CBD) nanoparticle oro-buccal spray in patients with advanced cancer experiencing uncontrolled pain', PLoS ONE, 17,

Henson JD; Vitetta L; Hall S, 2022, 'Tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol medicines for chronic pain and mental health conditions', Inflammopharmacology, 30, pp. 1167 - 1178,

Vitetta L; Andersen T; Quezada M; Rutolo D; Henson JD, 2022, 'Re: "Cannabidiol for COVID-19 Patients with Mild to Moderate Symptoms (CANDIDATE Study): A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial" by Crippa et al.', Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research, 7, pp. 231 - 233,

Chen J; Vitetta L; Henson JD; Hall S, 2022, 'Intestinal Dysbiosis, the Tryptophan Pathway and Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis', International Journal of Tryptophan Research, 15,

Vitetta L; Sikali JF; Fletcher C; Henson JD, 2022, 'Comment on: Cannabis use among Danish patients with cancer: a cross‑sectional survey of sociodemographic traits, quality of life, and patient experiences', Supportive Care in Cancer,

Henson JD; Vitetta L; Quezada M; Hall S, 2021, 'Enhancing endocannabinoid control of stress with cannabidiol', Journal of Clinical Medicine, 10,

Kaul Z; Cheung CTY; Bhargava P; Sari AN; Yu Y; Huifu H; Bid H; Henson JD; Groden J; Reddel RR; Kaul SC; Wadhwa R, 2021, 'Functional characterization of miR-708 microRNA in telomerase positive and negative human cancer cells', Scientific Reports, 11,

Chen J; Vitetta L; Henson JD; Hall S, 2021, 'The intestinal microbiota and improving the efficacy of COVID-19 vaccinations', Journal of Functional Foods, 87,

Chen YY; Dagg R; Zhang Y; Lee JHY; Lu R; La Rotta NM; Sampl S; Korkut-Demirbaş M; Holzmann K; Lau LMS; Reddel RR; Henson JD, 2021, 'The c-circle biomarker is secreted by alternative-lengthening-of-telomeres positive cancer cells inside exosomes and provides a blood-based diagnostic for alt activity', Cancers, 13,

Vitetta L; Butcher B; Henson JD; Rutolo D; Hall S, 2021, 'A pilot safety, tolerability and pharmacokinetic study of an oro-buccal administered cannabidiol-dominant anti-inflammatory formulation in healthy individuals: a randomized placebo-controlled single-blinded study', Inflammopharmacology, 29, pp. 1361 - 1370,

Clarke SJ; Vitetta L; McLachlan AJ; Henson JD; Rutolo D; Hall S, 2020, 'An oro-buccal nanoparticle delivered cannabis medicine for pain management in cancer: A clinical trial in progress.', Journal of Clinical Oncology, 38, pp. TPS12127 - TPS12127,

Vitetta L; Henson JD, 2020, 'Probiotics and synbiotics targeting the intestinal microbiome attenuate non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.', Hepatobiliary Surg Nutr, 9, pp. 526 - 529,

Noor H; Rapkins R; Henson J; McDonald K, 2018, 'CBMT-45. A NOVEL C-CIRCLE ASSAY FOR DETECTING ALTERNATIVE LENGTHENING OF TELOMERES (ALT) MECHANISMS', Neuro-Oncology, 20, pp. vi42 - vi42,

Udugama M; Sanij E; Voon HPJ; Son J; Hii L; Henson JD; Lyn Chan F; Chang FTM; Liu Y; Pearson RB; Kalitsis P; Mann JR; Collas P; Hannan RD; Wong LH, 2018, 'Ribosomal DNA copy loss and repeat instability in ATRX-mutated cancers', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115, pp. 4737 - 4742,

Sobinoff AP; Allen JAM; Neumann AA; Yang SF; Walsh ME; Henson JD; Reddel RR; Pickett HA, 2017, 'BLM and SLX4 play opposing roles in recombination-dependent replication at human telomeres', EMBO Journal, 36, pp. 2907 - 2919,

Dagg RA; Pickett HA; Neumann AA; Napier CE; Henson JD; Teber ET; Arthur JW; Reynolds CP; Murray J; Haber M; Sobinoff AP; Lau LMS; Reddel RR, 2017, 'Extensive Proliferation of Human Cancer Cells with Ever-Shorter Telomeres', Cell Reports, 19, pp. 2544 - 2556,

Henson JD; Lau LM; Koch S; Martin La Rotta N; Dagg RA; Reddel RR, 2017, 'The C-Circle Assay for alternative-lengthening-of-telomeres activity', Methods, 114, pp. 74 - 84,

Silva H; Halvorsen D; Henson JD, 2015, 'Control ALT, delete cancer', Scientist, 29

Reddel R; Conomos D; Henson J; Napier C; Neumann A; Pickett H, 2014, 'Non‐telomerase telomere maintenance in human cells (97.2)', The FASEB Journal, 28,

Lau LMS; Dagg RA; Henson JD; Au AYM; Royds JA; Reddel RR, 2013, 'Detection of alternative lengthening of telomeres by telomere quantitative PCR', Nucleic Acids Research, 41, pp. e34 - e34,

Pickett HA; Henson JD; Au AYM; Neumann AA; Reddel RR, 2011, 'Normal mammalian cells negatively regulate telomere length by telomere trimming', Human Molecular Genetics, 20, pp. 4684 - 4692,

Henson JD, 2010, 'For cancers there is more to life than a longer G-strand', Asian Journal of Andrology, 12, pp. 779 - 782,

Henson JD; Reddel RR, 2010, 'Assaying and investigating Alternative Lengthening of Telomeres activity in human cells and cancers', FEBS Letters, 584, pp. 3800 - 3811,

McDonald KL; McDonnell J; Muntoni A; Henson JD; Hegi ME; Von Deimling A; Wheeler HR; Cook RJ; Biggs MT; Little NS; Robinson BG; Reddel RR; Royds JA, 2010, 'Presence of alternative lengthening of telomeres mechanism in patients with glioblastoma identifies a less aggressive tumor type with longer survival', Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology, 69, pp. 729 - 736,

Henson JD; Cao Y; Huschtscha LI; Chang AC; Au AYM; Pickett HA; Reddel RR, 2009, 'DNA C-circles are specific and quantifiable markers of alternative- lengthening-of-telomeres activity', Nature Biotechnology, 27, pp. 1181 - 1185,

Jiang WQ; Zhong ZH; Nguyen A; Henson JD; Toouli CD; Braithwaite AW; Reddel RR, 2009, 'Induction of alternative lengthening of telomeres-associated PML bodies by p53/p21 requires HP1 proteins', Journal of Cell Biology, 185, pp. 797 - 810,

Costa A; Daidone MG; Daprai L; Villa R; Cantù S; Pilotti S; Mariani L; Gronchi A; Henson JD; Reddel RR; Zaffaroni N, 2006, 'Telomere maintenance mechanisms in liposarcomas: Association with histologic subtypes and disease progression', Cancer Research, 66, pp. 8918 - 8924,

Jeyapalan JN; Varley H; Foxon JL; Pollock RE; Jeffreys AJ; Henson JD; Reddel RR; Royle NJ, 2005, 'Activation of the ALT pathway for telomere maintenance can affect other sequences in the human genome', Human Molecular Genetics, 14, pp. 1785 - 1794,

Jiang WQ; Zhong ZH; Henson JD; Neumann AA; Chang ACM; Reddel RR, 2005, 'Suppression of alternative lengthening of telomeres by Sp100-mediated sequestration of the MRE11/RAD50/NBS1 complex', Molecular and Cellular Biology, 25, pp. 2708 - 2721,

Henson JD; Hannay JA; McCarthy SW; Royds JA; Yeager TR; Robinson RA; Wharton SB; Jellinek DA; Arbuckle SM; Yoo J; Robinson BG; Learoyd DL; Stalley PD; Bonar SF; Yu D; Pollock RE; Reddel RR, 2005, 'A robust assay for alternative lengthening of telomeres in tumors shows the significance of alternative lengthening of telomeres in sarcomas and astrocytomas', Clinical Cancer Research, 11, pp. 217 - 225,

Henson JD; Neumann AA; Yeager TR; Reddel RR, 2002, 'Alternative lengthening of telomeres in mammalian cells', Oncogene, 21, pp. 598 - 610,

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