Select Publications

Book Chapters

Brooks J, 2024, 'Marnie (1964): Restroom', in One Shot Hitchcock: A Contemporary Approach to the Screen, pp. 244 - 257,

Brooks J, 2021, 'Olive Kitteridge (Lisa Cholodenko, 2014), quality television and difficult women: female discontent in the age of binge-viewing', in Perkins C; Schreiber M (ed.), Independent Women: From Film to Television, Routledge, New York

Brooks J, 2017, 'Gender Matters: Gender Policy and the Rewriting of the Mother-Daughter narrative in Contemporary Australian Women's Filmmaking', in Ryan MD; Goldsmith B (ed.), Australian Screen in the 2000s, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 143 - 164,

Brooks J, 2017, 'Gender Matters: Gender Policy and the Rewriting of the Mother–Daughter Narrative in Contemporary Australian Women’s Filmmaking', in Australian Screen in the 2000s, Springer Nature, pp. 143 - 164,

Brooks J, 2015, 'Laurel Canyon: Lacuscular Cinema', in Perkins C; Verevis C (ed.), US Independent Filmmaking After 1989: Possible Films,eds. Claire Perkins and Constantine Verevis, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, pp. 133 - 148

Brooks J, 2013, '"Invisibility's Beat: Ralph Ellison, Rhythm, and Cinema's Blind Field', in Hoogstad, JH (ed.), Off Beat: Pluralizing Rhythm, Rodopi, Amsterdam - New York, NY, pp. 149 - 168,

Brooks J, 2011, 'The State of the Discipline: Film Studies as Bad Object', in Vassilieva J; Verevis C (ed.), After Taste: Cultural Value and the Moving Image, edn. Original, Routledge,

Brooks J, 2004, ''Worrying the Note': inaudible beats in the gangsta film', in Drobnick J (ed.), Aural Cultures, edn. Original, YYZ Books, Toronto, pp. 157 - 168

Brooks J, 1999, 'Crisis and the everyday: some thoughts on gesture and crisis in Cassavetes and Benjamin', in Falling for you: essays on cinema and performance, edn. Original, Power Publications, Sydney, Australia, pp. 73 - 104

Brooks J, 1999, 'Performing aging/ performance crisis (for Norma Desmond, Baby Jane, Margo Channing, Sister George - and Myrtle)', in Woodward K (ed.), Figuring age: women, bodies, generations, edn. Original, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, Indiana USA, pp. 232 - 247

Brooks J, 1995, 'Between Contemplation and Distraction: Cinema, Obsession & Involuntary Memory', in Jayamanne L (ed.), Kiss Me Deadly: Feminism and Cinema for the Moment, edn. Original, Power Publications, Sydney, pp. 77 - 90

Journal articles

Perkins C; Brooks J; Loreck J; Sheehan RJ; Ford J; Tan P, 2023, 'Doing Film Feminisms in the Age of Popular Feminism: A Roundtable Convened by Claire Perkins and Jodi Brooks', Australian Feminist Studies, ahead-of-print, pp. 1 - 17,

Brooks J; Hopgood F, 2021, '“Bubbling” the Fourth Age in the Time of COVID-19: Ambivalence and Agency', M/C Journal, 24,

Brooks J, 2019, 'Olive Kitteridge (Lisa Cholodenko, 2014), Quality Television and Difficult Women: Female Discontent in the Age of Binge-Viewing', Feminist Media Studies,

Brooks J; Williams K; Ford J; Robson M, 2018, 'Editors Introduction: Intersections in film and media studies.', Fusion, 14, pp. 3 - 5,

Brooks J; Davis T; Perkins C, 2018, '“Women, film and independence in the 21st century: A public forum.”', Fusion Journal,

Brooks J; Ford J; Robson M; Williams K, 2018, 'Editorial: Intersections in film and media studies', Fusion,

Brooks J, 2014, 'The Kids Are All Right, the Pursuits of Happiness, and the Spaces Between', Camera Obscura: a journal of feminism and film theory, 29, pp. 111 - 135,

Brooks J, 2012, 'Missed Beats: Unseen Cinema and a Cinema of the Unseen (or Stella Dallas, Again)', Screening the Past, 34,

Brooks J; Davis T, 2012, 'Untimely Cinema: Cinema Out of Time', Screening the Past, 34,

Brooks J, 2011, 'Cinema, Disappearance, and Scale in David Lynch's Inland Empire (2006)', Screening the Past,

Brooks J, 2010, 'teaching bad objects: introduction', Continuum - Journal of Media and Cultural Studies, 24

Brooks J, 2010, 'The state of the discipline: film studies as bad object', Continuum : Journal of Media and Cultural Studies, 24, pp. 791 - 797,

Brooks J, 2007, 'The Lure of the Breach: Invisibility and the Dissolution of Cinematic Vision', Screening the Past, 22, pp. Online - Online,

Brooks J, 2006, 'The last `Darky`: Bert williams, black-on-black minstrelsy, and the African diaspora.', Screening the Past, 20, pp. online

Brooks J, 2003, 'Ghosting the machine: the sounds of tap and the sounds of film', Screen, 44, pp. 355 - 378,

Brooks J, 2003, 'Jodi Brooks reviews Arthur Knight, Disintegrating the musical: black performance and American musical film', Screening the Past, Issue,

Brooks J, 2001, 'The sound of knocking: Jacques Becker`s Le trou', Screening the Past, 12, pp. 1 - 13

Brooks J, 2001, 'Performing aging / performance crisis (for Norma Desmond, Baby Jane, Margo Channing, Sister George and Myrtle)', Senses of Cinema, 16, pp. On the internet - On the internet,

Brooks J, 2001, 'Worrying the note: mapping time in the gangsta film', Screen (Oxford), 42, pp. 363 - 381,

Brooks J, 2000, 'Jonathan Crary, suspensions of perception: spectacle, and modern culture', Screening the Past, 11

Brooks J, 1998, 'The force of the image', UTS Review: Cultural Studies and New Writing, pp. 180 - 187

Brooks J, 1997, 'Rituals of the Filmic Body', Writings on Dance, 17, pp. 15 - 29

Brooks J; Hurley M; Raymond L, 1995, 'Queer Media', Media International Australia, 78, pp. 4 - 4,

Brooks J, 1992, 'Fascination and the Grotesque: What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?', Continuum, 5, pp. 225 - 234,

Brooks J, 1989, '"Consumed by Cinematic Monstrosity"', Art & Text, 34, pp. 79 - 94

Curatorial Outputs

Brooks J; Hopgood F; Libbey K, 2022, A Day at the Movies: Dementia Friendly Screening event, exhibited at: Arc Cinema, National Film and Sound Archive, Canberra, 22 October 2022 - 22 October 2022,


Brooks J; Ford J; Robson M; Williams K (eds.), 2018, Intersections in film and media studies, special issue of fusion, ,

Brooks J; Davis T (ed.), 2012, UNTIMELY CINEMA: CINEMA OUT OF TIME, Jodi Brooks and Therese Davis. Special issue of SCREENING THE PAST, ,

Brooks J; Hurley M; Raymond L (eds.), 1995, QUEER MEDIA, Special issue of MEDIA INTERNATIONAL AUSTRALIA, SAGE Publications, ,

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