Dr Ju-lee Oei is a Neonatologist at the Royal Hospital for Women, Randwick; Conjoint Professor at UNSW Sydney; and Honorary
Associate Professor at the NHMRC Clinical Trials Centre, University of Sydney. Her undergraduate and postgraduate degrees were obtained from UNSW (MBBS 1990, MD 2010) and she is a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (2000).
Conjoint Prof Oei’s clinical specialty is in the care of the high risk...view more
Dr Ju-lee Oei is a Neonatologist at the Royal Hospital for Women, Randwick; Conjoint Professor at UNSW Sydney; and Honorary
Associate Professor at the NHMRC Clinical Trials Centre, University of Sydney. Her undergraduate and postgraduate degrees were obtained from UNSW (MBBS 1990, MD 2010) and she is a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (2000).
Conjoint Prof Oei’s clinical specialty is in the care of the high risk infant, including those requiring admission to a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), children of mothers with drug-use disorders and resuscitation of the extremely preterm infant. Her research involves these three areas and she has an extensive collaborative network with researchers, clinicians and policy makers from Australia as well as overseas in more than 20 universities and 10 countries. She is also currently Visiting Professor to the University of Malaya and the North West Children’s Hospital and University of China.
Conjoint Prof Oei has contributed to state and national guidelines for management of neonatal abstinence syndrome as well as guidelines for the American Breast Feeding Medical Association for maternal drug use
My Qualifications
My Research Activities
Conjoint Prof Oei has supervised and mentored >50 undergraduate students, more than 20 postgraduate neonatal trainees from Australia and other countries and currently supervises at least 4 undergraduate and 3 post-graduate students with a 0.8 clinical workload. She is CIA on the NHMRC funded TORPIDO 2 Study and has received >$3 million dollars in competitive funding and is a current member of the NHMRC grant review panel.
She has led a productive perinatal data linkage team for more than 6 years as well as a multisite international resuscitation research group that has informed on national and international resuscitation guidelines.
Research Interests:
Clinical and epidemiological studies regarding neonatal outcomes especially for:
- The use of oxygen in neonatal research
- The effects of maternal drugs of dependency on the neonate, including neuroimaging, parenting and long-term follow-up
- Epidemiology of neonatal intensive care and outcomes
- Clinical trials
- Newborn pain
- Parenting and long-term follow-up
My Research Supervision
Supervision keywords
Areas of supervision
ILP, Honours, PhD, Masters
Thesis topics for current UNSW Medicine postgraduate research students
- Substance use in pregnancy and parenting, including neonatal abstinence syndrome
- Non-invasive acupuncture in the nursery
- Data linkage
- Randomised controlled studies
Project Topics for research students (including PhD, Masters, ILP, Honours)
- Care of the neonate requiring intensive care
- Long-term outcomes of high risk children
- Global neonatology
- Oxygen use in newborn resuscitation
- Substance Use in pregnancy and parenting
Currently supervising
Phd, ILP and Honours students
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