Select Publications

Journal articles

Jeżowska K; Jezowska K, 2022, 'Young Poland: The Polish Arts and Crafts Movement, 1890–1918', Journal of Design History, 35, pp. 427 - 428,

Jezowska K, 2022, 'Book Review: Designing One Nation: The Politics of Economic Culture and Trade in Divided Germany', JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY HISTORY, 57, pp. 832 - 834,

Jeżowska K; Jezowska K, 2022, 'Socialist, Humanist and Well-Designed: The Polish Welfare State at the International Labour Exhibition in Turin, 1961', Contemporary European History, 33, pp. 173 - 191,

Jeżowska K; Jezowska K, 2022, 'Book Review: Designing One Nation: The Politics of Economic Culture and Trade in Divided Germany by Katrin Schreiter', Journal of Contemporary History, 57, pp. 832 - 834,

Jezowska K, 2018, '‘The Optimum Imperative: Czech Architecture for the Socialist Lifestyle, 1938-1968’ by Ana Miljacki', Journal of Design History, 31, pp. 298 - 300,

Jezowska K, 2016, 'Zmagania z ideologią. Pierwsza Polska Wystawa Przemysłu Lekkiego w Moskwie (1949)', Miejsce. Studia nad sztuką i architekturą polską XX i XXI wieku, 2, pp. 128 - 146

Jezowska K, 2014, 'Reinventing the high heel. Marloes ten Bhomer on engineering the shoe', Disegno

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