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Select Publications
2022, Digital health and universal health coverage: opportunities and policy considerations for Pacific Island health authorities, WHO, New Delhi, India, http://dx.doi.org/10.26190/unsworks/28338, https://apo.who.int/publications/i/item/digital-health-and-universal-health-coverage-opportunities-and-policy-considerations-for-pacific-island-health-authorities
,2022, Investing in our future: building strong and resilient health systems in the Indo-Pacific region, http://dx.doi.org/10.26190/unsworks/28279
,2021, How frontline domestic and family violence workforce in Australia kept connected to their clients and each other through the pandemic, UNSW Sydney, Kensington, http://dx.doi.org/10.26190/unsworks/28260
,2019, Capacity to deliver sexual and reproductive health in humanitarian crises in the Philippines: Lessons for preparedness before and after Typhoon Yolanda, ISBN: 9780992419134
,2019, International Planned Parenthood Federation/ Inter-agency Working Group on Reproductive Health in Crisis Minimum Initial Service Package Training Package for Policy Makers, https://www.ippf.org/humanitarian
,2019, International Planned Parenthood Federation/ Inter-agency Working Group on Reproductive Health in Crisis Minimum Initial Service Package Training Package for Program Managers
,2019, International Planned Parenthood Federation/ Inter-agency Working Group on Reproductive Health in Crisis Minimum Initial Service Package Training Package for Service Providers, https://www.ippf.org/humanitarian
,2013, Stories and Strategies - Public Health Emergencies: Lessons Learned from Pilot Phase of the Sexual and Reproductive Health Program in Crisis and Post-Crisis Settings in the Asia Pacific Region (SPRINT Initiative), Human Resources for Health Knowledge Hub, UNSW, Sydney, Australia, https://sph.med.unsw.edu.au/sites/default/files/sphcm/Centres_and_Units/PHEW_SPRINT_Report.pdf