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Select Publications
Trahair LM; Sinnerbrink R (ed.), 2016, Cinematic Thinking: Film and/as Ethics, http://sub.uwpress.org/content/45/3.toc
2015, Lisa Trahair Reviews Peter Osborne's Anywhere or Not at All, University of Chicago Press, http://criticalinquiry.uchicago.edu/lisa_trahair_reviews_peter_osbornes_anywhere_or_not_at_all/
,Trahair LM; Sinnerbrink R (ed.), 2013, Screening the Past: Special Dossier: Cinematic Thinking, The Screening the Past Group, Melbourne, http://www.screeningthepast.com/
Trahair LM; During L (ed.), 2012, Angelaki Special Issue: Belief in Cinema: Themes after André Bazin, Taylor & Francis, UK