Select Publications

Book Chapters

Shephard M; Matthews S; Andrewartha K; Hewer G; Smith K; Causer L; Guy R, 2024, 'A Practical Guide to Establishing a Molecular-Based Point-of-Care Testing Network for Chlamydia', in Current Topics in Chlamydia trachomatis Infections [Working Title], IntechOpen,

Shephard M; Matthews S; Causer L; Hengel B; Guy R, 2024, 'Point-of-Care Testing in Rural and Remote Australia: An Emerging Technology to Address Global Health Challenges, Crises and Security', in Sustainable Development, IntechOpen,

Natoli L; Causer L; Motta L; Shephard M; Guy R, 2016, 'Point-of-care testing for chlamydia, gonorrhoea and trichominiasis', in Shephard M (ed.), A Practical Guide to Global Point-of-Care Testing, CSIRO PUBLISHING, Australia, pp. 207 - 219

Shephard M; Causer L; Guy R, 2016, 'Point-of-care testing in rural, remote and Indigenous settings', in Shephard M (ed.), A Practical Guide to Global Point-of-Care Testing, CSIRO PUBLISHING, Australia, pp. 343 - 354

Journal articles

Hengel B; Guy RJ; Casey D; Anderson L; Smith K; Andrewartha K; Applegate TD; Saha A; Cunningham P; DeToca L; Rawlinson WD; Martinello M; Tangey A; Patel P; Shephard MDS; Matthews S; Causer L, 2025, 'Decentralised COVID-19 molecular point-of-care testing: lessons from implementing a primary care-based network in remote Australian communities', Medical Journal of Australia,

Carrington N; Conway A; Grebely J; Starr M; Catlett B; Stevens A; Prain B; McGrath C; Causer L; Guy R; Holden J; Keen P; Kingsland M; Lu H; Power C; Read P; Murray C; McNulty A; Cunningham P, 2024, 'Testing, diagnosis, and treatment following the implementation of a program to provide dried blood spot testing for HIV and hepatitis C infections: the NSW DBS Pilot', BMC Infectious Diseases, 24,

Pérez Chacón G; Saha A; Phillips E; Guy R; Applegate TL; Causer L; Mcgregor S; Hengel B, 2024, 'Syphilis point-of-care tests: an Australian perspective', Microbiology Australia, 45, pp. 127 - 131,

Hengel B; McManus H; Monaghan R; Mak DB; Bright A; Tolosa X; Mitchell K; Anderson L; Thomas JR; Ryder N; Causer L; Guy RJ; McGregor S, 2024, 'Notification rates for syphilis in women of reproductive age and congenital syphilis in Australia, 2011–2021: a retrospective cohort analysis of national notifications data', Medical Journal of Australia, 221, pp. 201 - 208,

Causer LM; Ward J; Smith K; Saha A; Andrewartha K; Wand H; Hengel B; Badman SG; Tangey A; Matthews S; Mak D; Gunathilake M; Moore E; Speers D; Persing D; Anderson D; Whiley D; Maher L; Regan D; Donovan B; Fairley C; Kaldor J; Shephard M; Guy R, 2024, 'Clinical effectiveness and analytical quality of a national point-of-care testing network for sexually transmitted infections integrated into rural and remote primary care clinics in Australia, 2016–2022: an observational program evaluation', The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, 48,

Matthews SJ; Miller K; Andrewartha K; Milic M; Byers D; Santosa P; Kaufer A; Smith K; Causer LM; Hengel B; Gow I; Applegate T; Rawlinson WD; Guy R; Shephard M, 2024, 'External Quality Assessment (EQA) for SARS-CoV-2 RNA Point-of-Care Testing in Primary Healthcare Services: Analytical Performance over Seven EQA Cycles', Diagnostics, 14,

Wulandari LPL; Lubis DS; Kurniati DPY; Sumintang K; Ardrini DAM; Mariani P; Januraga PP; Camellia A; Laksmi NMDP; Mahmudah L; Ong JJ; Causer L; Liverani M; Guy R; Wiseman V, 2024, 'Challenges to integrating programs for the elimination of mother-to-child transmission of HIV, syphilis, and hepatitis B into antenatal care: Experiences from Indonesia', PLOS Global Public Health, 4,

Applegate TL; Causer LM; Gow I; Alternetti N; Anderson L; Borgnolo B; Cooney L; Cunningham P; Fernando M; Hengel B; Huang RL; Kayago K; King JM; Lew HJ; Martinello M; Milic M; Miller K; O’Connor S; Patel P; Phillips E; Rawlinson W; Sharma A; Shephard MDS; Tangey A; Smith K; Williams AL; Andrewartha K; Guy R; Matthews SJ, 2024, 'Paving the way for quality assured, decentralised point-of-care testing for infectious disease in primary care - Real world lessons from remote Australia', Expert Review of Molecular Diagnostics,

Grebely J; Matthews S; Causer LM; Feld JJ; Cunningham P; Dore GJ; Applegate TL, 2024, 'We have reached single-visit testing, diagnosis, and treatment for hepatitis C infection, now what?', Expert Review of Molecular Diagnostics, 24, pp. 177 - 191,

Grebely J; Markus C; Causer LM; Silk D; Comben S; Lloyd AR; Martinez M; Cunningham EB; O'Flynn M; Dore GJ; Matthews S, 2023, 'A national programme to scale-up decentralised hepatitis C point-of-care testing and treatment in Australia', The Lancet Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 8, pp. 204 - 207,

Saha A; Andrewartha K; Badman SG; Tangey A; Smith KS; Sandler S; Ramsay S; Braund W; Manoj-Margison S; Matthews S; Shephard MDS; Guy R; Causer L, 2023, 'Flexible and Innovative Connectivity Solution to Support National Decentralized Infectious Diseases Point-of-Care Testing Programs in Primary Health Services: Descriptive Evaluation Study', Journal of Medical Internet Research, 25,

Kawi NH; Sihotang EP; Nisa T; Hui B; Causer LM; Januraga PP; Ronoatmodjo S, 2022, 'Incidence and risk factors for syphilis infection among men who have sex with men: A cohort study from an urban sexual health clinic in Jakarta, Indonesia', International Journal of STD and AIDS, 33, pp. 1065 - 1072,

Barth DD; Cinanni G; Carapetis JR; Wyber R; Causer L; Watts C; Hengel B; Matthews S; Ralph AP; Pickering J; Cannon JW; Anderson L; Wade V; Guy RJ; Bowen AC, 2022, 'Roadmap to incorporating group A Streptococcus molecular point-of-care testing for remote Australia: a key activity to eliminate rheumatic heart disease', Medical Journal of Australia, 217, pp. 279 - 282,

Lim CY; Alonso A; Koh YY; Roydhouse S; McCormack L; Deans R; Nesbitt-Hawes E; Rao A; Causer L; Abbott JA, 2022, 'A Double-blinded, Randomized, Placebo-controlled Trial of Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Elective Non-hysterectomy Laparoscopic Surgery for Benign Gynecologic Conditions: A Pilot Study', Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology, 29, pp. 992 - 997,

Causer L; Liu B; Watts C; McManus H; Donovan B; Ward J; Guy R, 2022, 'Hospitalisations for pelvic inflammatory disease in young Aboriginal women living in remote Australia: The role of chlamydia and gonorrhoea', Sexually Transmitted Infections, 98, pp. 445 - 447,

Lafferty L; Smith K; Causer L; Andrewartha K; Whiley D; Badman SG; Donovan B; Anderson L; Tangey A; Mak D; Maher L; Shephard M; Guy R; Bastian L; Ward J; Kaldor J; Comerford C; Bushby T; Moore L; Gunathilake M; Johnson D; Gallant D, 2021, 'Scaling up sexually transmissible infections point-of-care testing in remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities: healthcare workers’ perceptions of the barriers and facilitators', Implementation Science Communications, 2, pp. 127,

Rafferty AC; Hewitt MC; Wright R; Hogarth F; Coatsworth N; Ampt F; Dougall S; Alpren C; Causer L; Coffey C; Wakefield A; Campbell S; Pingault N; Harlock M; Smith KJ; Kirk MD, 2021, 'COVID-19 in health care workers, Australia 2020', Communicable Diseases Intelligence, 45,

Hengel B; Causer L; Matthews S; Smith K; Andrewartha K; Badman S; Spaeth B; Tangey A; Cunningham P; Saha A; Phillips E; Ward J; Watts C; King J; Applegate T; Shephard M; Guy R, 2021, 'A decentralised point-of-care testing model to address inequities in the COVID-19 response', The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 21, pp. e183 - e190,

Saweri OPM; Batura N; Al Adawiyah R; Causer LM; Pomat WS; Vallely AJ; Wiseman V, 2021, 'Economic evaluation of point-of-care testing and treatment for sexually transmitted and genital infections in pregnancy in low- And middle-income countries: A systematic review', PLoS ONE, 16,

Colenbrander L; Causer L; Haire B, 2020, ''If you can't make it, you're not tough enough to do medicine': A qualitative study of Sydney-based medical students' experiences of bullying and harassment in clinical settings', BMC Medical Education, 20, pp. 86,

Saweri OPM; Batura N; Adawiyah RA; Causer L; Pomat W; Vallely A; Wiseman V, 2019, 'Cost and cost-effectiveness of point-of-care testing and treatment for sexually transmitted and genital infections in pregnancy in low-income and middle-income countries: A systematic review protocol', BMJ Open, 9, pp. e029945,

Guy RJ; Ward J; Causer LM; Natoli L; Badman SG; Tangey A; Hengel B; Wand H; Whiley D; Tabrizi SN; Shephard M; Fairley CK; Donovan B; Anderson DA; Regan DG; Maher L; Kaldor JM, 2018, 'Molecular point-of-care testing for chlamydia and gonorrhoea in Indigenous Australians attending remote primary health services (TTANGO): a cluster-randomised, controlled, crossover trial', The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 18, pp. 1117 - 1126,

Causer LM; Guy RJ; Tabrizi SN; Whiley DM; Speers DJ; Ward J; Tangey A; Badman SG; Hengel B; Natoli LJ; Anderson DA; Wand H; Wilson D; Regan DG; Shephard M; Donovan B; Fairley CK; Kaldor JM, 2018, 'Molecular test for chlamydia and gonorrhoea used at point of care in remote primary healthcare settings: A diagnostic test evaluation', Sexually Transmitted Infections, 94, pp. 340 - 345,

Badman SG; Causer LM; Guy R; Wand H; Donovan B; Tabrizi SN; Speers D; Shephard MD; Vallely A; Whiley D; Kaldor J; Wilson D; Regan D; Ward J; Fairley CK; Hengel B; Tangey A; Anderson D; Natoli L; Atkinson D, 2018, 'A reliable and easy to transport quality control method for chlamydia and gonorrhoea molecular point of care testing', Pathology, 50, pp. 317 - 321,

Guy RJ; Causer LM; Klausner JD; Unemo M; Toskin I; Azzini AM; Peeling RW, 2017, 'Performance and operational characteristics of point-of-care tests for the diagnosis of urogenital gonococcal infections', Sexually transmitted infections, 93, pp. S16 - S21,

Utami S; Sawitri AAS; Wulandari LPL; Artawan Eka Putra IWG; Astuti PAS; Wirawan DN; Causer L; Mathers B, 2017, 'Mortality among people living with HIV on antiretroviral treatment in Bali, Indonesia: incidence and predictors', International Journal of STD and AIDS, 28, pp. 1199 - 1207,

Marks M; Yin YP; Chen XS; Castro A; Causer L; Guy R; Wangnapi R; Mitjà O; Aziz A; Castro R; Da Luz Martins Pereira F; Taleo F; Guinard J; Bélec L; Tun Y; Bottomley C; Ballard RC; Mabey DCW, 2016, 'Metaanalysis of the Performance of a Combined Treponemal and Nontreponemal Rapid Diagnostic Test for Syphilis and Yaws', Clinical Infectious Diseases, 63, pp. 627 - 633,

Badman SG; Causer LM; Guy R; Tabrizi SN; Francis F; Donovan B; Whiley D; Ward J; Kaldor J; Wand H; Wilson D; Regan D, 2016, 'A preliminary evaluation of a new GeneXpert (Gx) molecular point-of-care test for the detection of Trichomonas vaginalis', Sexually Transmitted Infections, 92, pp. 350 - 352,

Badman SG; Vallely LM; Toliman P; Kariwiga G; Lote B; Pomat W; Holmer C; Guy R; Luchters S; Morgan C; Garland SM; Tabrizi S; Whiley D; Rogerson SJ; Mola G; Wand H; Donovan B; Causer L; Kaldor J; Vallely A; Homer C, 2016, 'A novel point-of-care testing strategy for sexually transmitted infections among pregnant women in high-burden settings: Results of a feasibility study in Papua New Guinea', BMC Infectious Diseases, 16, pp. 250,

Natoli L; Guy RJ; Shephard M; Causer L; Badman SG; Hengel B; Tangey A; Ward J; Coburn T; Anderson D; Kaldor J; Maher L; Donovan B; Wilson D; Regan D; Wand H; Whiley D; Tabrizi SN; Fairley C, 2015, '"I do feel like a scientist at times": A qualitative study of the acceptability of molecular point-of-care testing for chlamydia and gonorrhoea to primary care professionals in a remote high STI burden setting', PLoS ONE, 10, pp. e0145993,

Causer LM; Kaldor JM; Conway DP; Leslie DE; Denham I; Karapanagiotidis T; Ryan C; Wand H; Anderson DA; Robertson PW; McNulty AM; Donovan B; Fairley CK; Guy RJ, 2015, 'An Evaluation of a Novel Dual Treponemal/Nontreponemal Point-of-Care Test for Syphilis as a Tool to Distinguish Active from Past Treated Infection', Clinical Infectious Diseases, 61, pp. 184 - 191,

Causer LM; Hengel B; Natoli L; Tangey A; Badman SG; Tabrizi SN; Whiley D; Ward J; Kaldor JM; Guy RJ; Ward J; Regan D, 2015, 'A field evaluation of a new molecular-based point-of-care test for chlamydia and gonorrhoea in remote Aboriginal health services in Australia', Sexual Health, 12, pp. 27 - 33,

Bristow CC; Larson E; Javanbakht M; Huang E; Causer L; Klausner JD, 2015, 'A review of recent advances in rapid point-of-care tests for syphilis', Sexual Health, 12, pp. 119 - 125,

Causer LM; Kaldor JM; Fairley CK; Donovan B; Karapanagiotidis T; Leslie DE; Robertson PW; McNulty AM; Anderson D; Wand H; Conway DP; Denham I; Ryan C; Guy RJ, 2014, 'A laboratory-based evaluation of four rapid point-of-care tests for syphilis', PLoS ONE, 9, pp. e91504,

Hui BB; Ward J; Causer L; Guy RJ; Law MG; Regan DG; Han A, 2014, 'Could point-of-care testing be effective for reducing the prevalence of trichomoniasis in remote Aboriginal communities?', Sexual Health, 11, pp. 370 - 374,

Guy RJ; Natoli L; Ward J; Causer L; Hengel B; Whiley D; Tabrizi SN; Donovan B; Fairley CK; Badman SB; Tangey A; Wand H; Shephard M; Regan DG; Wilson D; Anderson D; Kaldor JM, 2013, 'A randomised trial of point-of-care tests for chlamydia and gonorrhoea infections in remote Aboriginal communities: Test, Treat ANd GO- the " TTANGO" trial protocol', BMC Infectious Diseases, 13, pp. 485,

Januraga PP; Wulandari LPL; Muliawan P; Sawitri S; Causer L; Wirawan DN; Kaldor JM, 2013, 'Sharply rising prevalence of HIV infection in Bali: A critical assessment of the surveillance data', International Journal of STD and AIDS, 24, pp. 633 - 637,

Uluk T; Allison WE; Vince J; Wand HC; Tefuarani N; Causer LM; Ripa P; Kariko M; Kaminiel O; Cunningham PH; Graham SM; Kaldor JM, 2013, 'Evaluation of an interferon-gamma release assay in children with suspected tuberculosis in Papua New Guinea', Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, 32, pp. 187 - 189,

Watchirs Smith LA; Hillman R; Ward JW; Whiley DM; Causer LM; Skov S; Donovan B; Kaldor JM; Guy R, 2012, 'Point-of-care tests for the diagnosis of Neisseria gonorrhoeae infection; a systematic review of operational and performance characteristic', Sexually Transmitted Infections, Oct 23,

Skarbinski J; Ouma PO; Causer LM; Kariuki SK; Barnwell JW; Alaii JA; De Oliveira AM; Zurovac D; Larson BA; Snow RW; Rowe AK; Laserson KF; Akhwale WS; Slutsker L; Hamel MJ, 2009, 'Effect of malaria rapid diagnostic tests on the management of uncomplicated malaria with artemether-lumefantrine in Kenya: A cluster randomized trial', American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 80, pp. 919 - 926,

De Oliveira A; Skarbinski J; Ouma P; Kariuki S; Barnwell J; Otieno K; Onyona P; Causer L; Laserson K; Akhwale W; Slutsker L; Hamel M, 2009, 'Performance of malaria rapid diagnostic tests as part of routine malaria case management in Kenya', American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 80, pp. 470 - 474

Shah JJ; Maloney SA; Liu Y; Flagg EW; Johnston SP; Young SA; Weston R; Merritt S; Wilkins PP; Keane V; Calderon J; Sharp DJ; Causer L; Maguire JH; Cetron MS, 2008, 'Evaluation of the impact of overseas pre-departure treatment for infection with intestinal parasites among montagnard refugees migrating from Cambodia to North Carolina', American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 78, pp. 754 - 759,

Stauffer WM; Weinberg M; Newman RD; Causer LM; Hamel MJ; Slutsker L; Cetron MS, 2008, 'Pre-departure and post-arrival management of P. falciparum malaria in refugees relocating from sub-Saharan Africa to the United States', American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 79, pp. 141 - 146,

Williams HL; Causer L; Metta E; Malila A; O Reilly T; Abdulla S; Kachur S; Bloland P, 2008, 'Dispensary level pilot implementation of rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs): An evaluation of RDT acceptance and usage by providers and patients - Tanzania, 2005.', Malaria Journal, 7, pp. 239

Patrick Kachur S; Schulden J; Goodman CA; Kassala H; Elling BF; Khatib RA; Causer LM; Mkikima S; Abdulla S; Bloland PB, 2006, 'Prevalence of malaria parasitemia among clients seeking treatment for fever or malaria at drug stores in rural Tanzania 2004', Tropical Medicine and International Health, 11, pp. 441 - 451,

Causer LM; Handzel T; Welch P; Carr M; Culp D; Lucht R; Mudahar K; Robinson D; Neaver E; Fenton S; Rose C; Craig L; Arrowood M; Wahlquist S; Xiao L; Lee YM; Mirel L; Levy D; Beach MJ; Poquette G; Dworkin MS, 2006, 'An outbreak of Cryptosporidium hominis infection at an Illinois recreational waterpark', Epidemiology and Infection, 134, pp. 147 - 156,

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