ORCID as entered in ROS

Select Publications
2023, 'A new rapid test and approach for the detection of Strep A in the throat and reduction of ARF in remote Australia.', Abu Dhabi, presented at World Congress on Rheumatic Heart Disease, Abu Dhabi, 02 November 2023 - 04 November 2023
,2022, 'Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander COVID-19 point-of-care testing program: Test positivity over time 2020-2022', Sydney, presented at 2nd Australasian COVID-19 Conference, Sydney, 21 July 2022 - 22 July 2022, https://az659834.vo.msecnd.net/eventsairaueprod/production-ashm-public/cf60e0bb3faf4c7dacc6b8b0dba1bbab
,2015, 'New rapid molecular test improves uptake and timeliness of treatment for CT and NG in a remote Aboriginal Health Clinic', Brisbane, presented at Worl STI and HIV Congress, Brisbane, 13 September 2015 - 15 September 2015