Select Publications


Cardellicchio L, 2015, La nuova bibliotheca Hertziana. L'architettura e la sua costruzione (The new Hertziana Library. The architectural proposal and its construction)

Book Chapters

Cardellicchio L, 2024, 'Construction, Structure and Innovation', in Favaro P; Freestone R (ed.), Tzannes: Adaptive Urban Architecture and Design, Thames & Hudson, Victoria, Australia, pp. 236 - 245

Pernice R; Chen B; Cardellicchio L, 2024, 'Introduction', in Australia and China Perspectives on Urban Regeneration and Rural Revitalization, Routledge,

Stracchi P; Cardellicchio L; Tombesi P, 2024, 'Learning ‘through’ History: Remaking the Sydney Opera House 50 Years Later', in Holzer S; Langenberg S; Knobling C; Orkun K (ed.), Construction Matters, VDF Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH, Zürich, pp. 1147 - 1154,

Tombesi P; Cardellicchio L; Stracchi P, 2023, 'Sails, Octopuses and Beds: Collective Creativity at the Sydney Opera House', in Opéra de Sydney / Sydney Opera House, Archipress & Associes, pp. 8 - 63,

Cardellicchio L; Stracchi P; Tombesi P, 2021, 'Danish spheres and Australian falsework: Casting the Sydney Opera House', in Mascarenhas-Mateus J; Pires AP; Caiado MM; Veiga I (ed.), History of Construction Cultures, Taylor & Francis Group, London, pp. 786 - 793,

Cardellicchio L, 2020, 'Sophisticated craftsmanship. The new Hertziana Library in Rome by Juan Navarro Baldeweg', in Paolo B; Claudia C; Vittorio G (ed.), Quando la storia incontra il progetto, Aracne, Ariccia, Rome, pp. 27 - 39,

Cardellicchio L, 2015, 'Edilizia (Building construction)', in Gregory T (ed.), Enciclopedia Italiana Giovanni Treccani - IX Appendix (Italian Encyclopedia), Enciclopedia Italiana, Rome, pp. 413 - 416,

Cardellicchio L, 2012, 'Architettura e assemblaggio. "La logica del dettaglio" nell'esperienza di Piombino. (Architecture and assemblage. The logic of the contruction detailing in the housing project in Piombino)', in De Matteis F; Todaro B (ed.), Il secondo progetto. Interventi sull'abitare pubblico. Linee guida per la riqualificazione dei quartieri innovativi nell'Italia centromeridionale (Interventions on existing public housing. Guidelines for the requalification of innovative urban area in the central-southern Italy), pp. 416 - 427

Cardellicchio L, 2011, 'Il Cantiere della Nuvola (The construction of the 'Nuvola' congress centre)', in Andriani C (ed.), Le Forme Del Cemento 3. (The shapes of concrete), Gangemi Editore, Rome, pp. 132 - 135,

Cardellicchio L; Conforti C, 2010, 'Industria delle Construzioni (Construction Industry)', in Sacchi L (ed.), Enciclopedia Italiana, XXI Secolo. Gli spazi e le arti. (The Italian Encyclopedia, 21st century. The spaces and the arts), Enciclopedia Treccani, pp. 327 - 335,

Cardellicchio L, 2009, 'Cemento scenografico. I primi passi per la costruzione del Betile di Zaha Hadid. (Scenographic concrete. First steps towards the construction of the Betile museum by Zaha Hadid)', in Andriani C (ed.), Le Forme del Cemento 2. (The shapes of concrete), Gangemi Editore, Rome, pp. 148 - 151,

Cardellicchio L, 2009, 'Ingranaggi Lapidei: la chiesa San Pio da Pietralcina di Renzo Piano. (Stone gears: the San Pio church by Renzo Piano)', in Stracchi P (ed.), Piccoli luoghi di culto (Small worship places), Aracne Editrice, Ariccia, pp. 69 - 73,

Cardellicchio L, 2007, 'The Neighbourhood Laboratories', in Irace F (ed.), Renzo Piano Building Workshop: Visible Cities., Electa Mondadori, Milan, pp. 107 - 111,

Cardellicchio L, 2006, 'Le Rotonde sul Mare: architetture tra l'utile e l'ozio. (The round terraces over the sea: architectures for pleasure)', in Conforti C (ed.), Una Rotonda sul Mare (A round terrace over the sea), Argos, Rome, pp. 186 - 217,

Cardellicchio L, 2004, 'Alle origini dell'immaginario spaziale di Soleri: la fabbrica Solimene a Vietri sul Mare. (At the beginning of Soleri's narrative: the Solimene Ceramic Factory in Vietri sul Mare)', in Lima I (ed.), Ri-Pensare Soleri (Re-thinking Soleri), Jaca Book, Milan, pp. 33 - 42,

Journal articles

Cardellicchio L; Stracchi P; Globa A, 2024, 'Digital heritage construction: Testing the heritage value of construction documentation and building processes through Virtual Reality', Frontiers of Architectural Research, 13, pp. 1039 - 1055,

Stracchi P; Cardellicchio L; Tombesi P, 2023, 'Structures Dansantes. Les Arches Télescopiques de l'Opéra de Sydney', L'Architecture d'Aujourd'hui, 456,

Stracchi P; Cardellicchio L; Tombesi P, 2023, 'Dancing structures: The telescopic arches of the Sydney Opera House', L'Architecture d'Aujourd'hui, pp. 20 - 29,

Tombesi P; Cardellicchio L; Stracchi P, 2023, 'Sydney Opera House. The Construction: An Australian Story', Casabella, pp. 80 - 109,

Incelli F; Cardellicchio L; Rossetti M, 2023, 'Circularity Indicators as a Design Tool for Design and Construction Strategies in Architecture', Buildings, 13, pp. 1706,

Julistiono EK; Oldfield P; Cardellicchio L, 2023, 'Vertical Extensions: Stakeholder Perspectives on Development Decisions and Construction Strategies', Journal of Architectural Engineering, 29,

Tombesi P; Stracchi P; Cardellicchio L, 2023, 'Structural reality and architectural editing: the four invisible columns of the Sydney Opera House', arq: Architectural Research Quarterly, 27, pp. 49 - 60,

Julistiono EK; Oldfield P; Cardellicchio L, 2023, 'Up on the roof: a review of design, construction, and technology trends in vertical extensions', Architectural Science Review, 67, pp. 63 - 77,

Stracchi P; Cardellicchio L; Tombesi P, 2022, 'A piè di Opera. La fabbrica delle vele per la Sydney Opera House', Rassegna di Architettura e Urbanistica, pp. 31 - 43,

Stracchi P; Cardellicchio L; Tombesi P, 2022, 'Not really an aftermath. The role of actual construction in the design process of the Sydney Opera House roof', Frontiers of Architectural Research, 12, pp. 242 - 265,

Tombesi P; Stracchi P; Cardellicchio L, 2022, 'Structural shop drawings at the Sydney Opera House: An instructive model of information flow?', IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1101, pp. 092018,

Cardellicchio L; Tombesi P, 2021, 'Learning from failures: Reflections on the role of project design and design management in the procurement of non-standard buildings', Buildings, 11, pp. 253,

Cardellicchio L, 2021, 'Building defects in new iconic structures: the technical challenge and the economic impact of restoring the Jubilee Church in Rome', Architectural Engineering and Design Management, 17, pp. 146 - 166,

Incelli F; Cardellicchio L, 2021, 'Designing a steel connection with a high degree of disassembly: a practice-based experience', Techne : Journal of Technology for Architecture and Environment, 22, pp. 104 - 113,

Cardellicchio L; Stracchi P, 2020, 'Innovation by design: Technological challenges and opportunities behind the Parramatta Powerhouse and Sydney Modern Project', Architecture Bulletin, 77, pp. 24 - 27,

Cardellicchio L, 2019, 'Book Review: Roma Aggrawal Costruire. Le storie nascoste dentro le architetture Bollati Boringhieri, 2019', ARCHI, pp. 71 - 71,

Cardellicchio L, 2019, 'Self-cleaning and colour-preserving efficiency of photocatalytic concrete: case study of the Jubilee Church in Rome', Building Research and Information, 48, pp. 160 - 179,

Cardellicchio L, 2018, 'On conservation issues of contemporary architecture: The technical design development and the ageing process of the Jubilee Church in Rome by Richard Meier', Frontiers of Architectural Research, 7, pp. 107 - 121,

Cardellicchio L, 2017, 'History and genesis of a digital revolution', Domus, 1015, pp. 29 - 36,

Cardellicchio L, 2017, 'Building organic architecture in Italy: The history of the construction of the Solimene Ceramics Factory by Paolo Soleri in Vietri sul mare (1952-1956)', Construction History, 32, pp. 83 - 104

Cardellicchio L, 2016, 'The Whitney Museum of America Art', Industria delle costruzioni, 447, pp. 36 - 49,

Cardellicchio L, 2012, 'Vestiti d’alta moda, ossature prêt-à-porter: trends strutturali per il grattacielo contemporaneo. (Haute Couture claddings, prêt-à-porter structures: new structural trends for contemporary skyscrapers)', Rassegna di Architettura e Urbanistica, 137/138, pp. 59 - 68,

Cardellicchio L, 2009, 'La Luce e la mano: Juan Navarro baldeweg e il progetto della Nuova Bibliotheca Hertziana. (The light and the hand: Juan Navarro Baldeweg and the project for the new Hertziana Library.)', EdA Esempi di Architettura, 6, pp. 62 - 65

Cardellicchio L, 2009, 'Luce e Gravita', anteprima della nuova Bibliotheca Hertziana. (Light and gravity: the New Hertziana Library. A preview)', Progetti, 9, pp. 18 - 20,

Cardellicchio L, 2008, 'Renzo Piano Building Workshop, Il Vulcano Buono. (RPBW: The good vulcano)', D'Architettura

Cardellicchio L, 2007, 'Metodo per un'archeologia contemporanea: la nuova Bibliotheca Hertziana. (Method for contemporary archaeology: the New Bibliotheca Hertziana)', D'Architettura, 33, pp. 66 - 78

Cardellicchio L, 2006, 'Frammenti di Architettura (Architectural Fragments)', D'Architettura, 31, pp. 152 - 157

Cardellicchio L, 2006, 'Un ponte nel sottosuolo di Roma: la nuova Biblioteca Hertziana. (A new underground bridge in Rome: the new Hertziana Library)', Metamorfosi, 59, pp. 30 - 35,

Cardellicchio L, 2004, 'Monumental hyper-flexibility: the restoration of the Centre Pompidou', D'Architettura, 24, pp. 148 - 153

Conference Papers

Tombesi P; Stracchi P; Cardellicchio L, 2022, 'The forgotten columns at the Sydney Opera House', in Hvejsel MF; Cruz PJS (ed.), STRUCTURES AND ARCHITECTURE: A VIABLE URBAN PERSPECTIVE?, CRC PRESS-BALKEMA, DENMARK, Aalborg, pp. 1333 - 1340, presented at 5TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON STRUCTURES AND ARCHITECTURE (ICSA), DENMARK, Aalborg, 06 July 2022 - 08 July 2022,

Tombesi P; Stracchi P; Cardellicchio L, 2022, 'Structural shop drawings at the Sydney Opera House: An instructive model of information flow?', in Proceedings of the CIB World Building Congress 2022: Building Our Future, Melbourne, Australia, presented at International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction (CIB) World Building Congress (WBC 2022), Melbourne, Australia, 27 June 2022 - 22 June 2022,

Cardellicchio L; Stracchi P; Tombesi P, 2021, 'Beyond the spherical solution: The contractor’s contribution to the roof of the sydney opera house', in fib Symposium, The International Federation for Structural Concrete, pp. 387 - 394, presented at International fib Symposium - Conceptual Design of Structures 2021,

Cardellicchio L, 2018, 'OUR FUTURE HERITAGE. AGEING PATTERNS OF CONTEMPORARY CONCRETE: THE CASE STUDY OF THE JUBILEE CHURCH BY RICHARD MEIER IN ROME', in Cassinello P (ed.), Architecture, engineering, concrete, Madrid, presented at International Conference on Construction Research, Madrid, 21 November 2018 - 23 November 2018,

Cardellicchio L, 2018, 'The Italian engineering contribution in the technical development of the new Hertziana Library by Juan Navarro Baldeweg', in Campbell J (ed.), Studies in the History of Services and Construction: the Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of the Construction History Society, Cambridge Press, Cambridge, pp. 525 - 534, presented at 5th Conference of Contruction History, Cambridge, 06 April 2018,

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