Select Publications

Journal articles

Cardellicchio L; Stracchi P; Globa A, 2024, 'Digital heritage construction: Testing the heritage value of construction documentation and building processes through Virtual Reality', Frontiers of Architectural Research, 13, pp. 1039 - 1055,

Stracchi P; Cardellicchio L; Tombesi P, 2023, 'Structures Dansantes. Les Arches Télescopiques de l'Opéra de Sydney', L'Architecture d'Aujourd'hui, 456,

Stracchi P; Cardellicchio L; Tombesi P, 2023, 'Dancing structures: The telescopic arches of the Sydney Opera House', L'Architecture d'Aujourd'hui, pp. 20 - 29,

Tombesi P; Cardellicchio L; Stracchi P, 2023, 'Sydney Opera House. The Construction: An Australian Story', Casabella, pp. 80 - 109,

Incelli F; Cardellicchio L; Rossetti M, 2023, 'Circularity Indicators as a Design Tool for Design and Construction Strategies in Architecture', Buildings, 13, pp. 1706,

Julistiono EK; Oldfield P; Cardellicchio L, 2023, 'Vertical Extensions: Stakeholder Perspectives on Development Decisions and Construction Strategies', Journal of Architectural Engineering, 29,

Tombesi P; Stracchi P; Cardellicchio L, 2023, 'Structural reality and architectural editing: the four invisible columns of the Sydney Opera House', arq: Architectural Research Quarterly, 27, pp. 49 - 60,

Julistiono EK; Oldfield P; Cardellicchio L, 2023, 'Up on the roof: a review of design, construction, and technology trends in vertical extensions', Architectural Science Review, 67, pp. 63 - 77,

Stracchi P; Cardellicchio L; Tombesi P, 2022, 'A piè di Opera. La fabbrica delle vele per la Sydney Opera House', Rassegna di Architettura e Urbanistica, pp. 31 - 43,

Stracchi P; Cardellicchio L; Tombesi P, 2022, 'Not really an aftermath. The role of actual construction in the design process of the Sydney Opera House roof', Frontiers of Architectural Research, 12, pp. 242 - 265,

Tombesi P; Stracchi P; Cardellicchio L, 2022, 'Structural shop drawings at the Sydney Opera House: An instructive model of information flow?', IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1101, pp. 092018,

Cardellicchio L; Tombesi P, 2021, 'Learning from failures: Reflections on the role of project design and design management in the procurement of non-standard buildings', Buildings, 11, pp. 253,

Cardellicchio L, 2021, 'Building defects in new iconic structures: the technical challenge and the economic impact of restoring the Jubilee Church in Rome', Architectural Engineering and Design Management, 17, pp. 146 - 166,

Incelli F; Cardellicchio L, 2021, 'Designing a steel connection with a high degree of disassembly: a practice-based experience', Techne : Journal of Technology for Architecture and Environment, 22, pp. 104 - 113,

Cardellicchio L; Stracchi P, 2020, 'Innovation by design: Technological challenges and opportunities behind the Parramatta Powerhouse and Sydney Modern Project', Architecture Bulletin, 77, pp. 24 - 27,

Cardellicchio L, 2019, 'Book Review: Roma Aggrawal Costruire. Le storie nascoste dentro le architetture Bollati Boringhieri, 2019', ARCHI, pp. 71 - 71,

Cardellicchio L, 2019, 'Self-cleaning and colour-preserving efficiency of photocatalytic concrete: case study of the Jubilee Church in Rome', Building Research and Information, 48, pp. 160 - 179,

Cardellicchio L, 2018, 'On conservation issues of contemporary architecture: The technical design development and the ageing process of the Jubilee Church in Rome by Richard Meier', Frontiers of Architectural Research, 7, pp. 107 - 121,

Cardellicchio L, 2017, 'History and genesis of a digital revolution', Domus, 1015, pp. 29 - 36,

Cardellicchio L, 2017, 'Building organic architecture in Italy: The history of the construction of the Solimene Ceramics Factory by Paolo Soleri in Vietri sul mare (1952-1956)', Construction History, 32, pp. 83 - 104

Cardellicchio L, 2016, 'The Whitney Museum of America Art', Industria delle costruzioni, 447, pp. 36 - 49,

Cardellicchio L, 2012, 'Vestiti d’alta moda, ossature prêt-à-porter: trends strutturali per il grattacielo contemporaneo. (Haute Couture claddings, prêt-à-porter structures: new structural trends for contemporary skyscrapers)', Rassegna di Architettura e Urbanistica, 137/138, pp. 59 - 68,

Cardellicchio L, 2009, 'La Luce e la mano: Juan Navarro baldeweg e il progetto della Nuova Bibliotheca Hertziana. (The light and the hand: Juan Navarro Baldeweg and the project for the new Hertziana Library.)', EdA Esempi di Architettura, 6, pp. 62 - 65

Cardellicchio L, 2009, 'Luce e Gravita', anteprima della nuova Bibliotheca Hertziana. (Light and gravity: the New Hertziana Library. A preview)', Progetti, 9, pp. 18 - 20,

Cardellicchio L, 2008, 'Renzo Piano Building Workshop, Il Vulcano Buono. (RPBW: The good vulcano)', D'Architettura

Cardellicchio L, 2007, 'Metodo per un'archeologia contemporanea: la nuova Bibliotheca Hertziana. (Method for contemporary archaeology: the New Bibliotheca Hertziana)', D'Architettura, 33, pp. 66 - 78

Cardellicchio L, 2006, 'Frammenti di Architettura (Architectural Fragments)', D'Architettura, 31, pp. 152 - 157

Cardellicchio L, 2006, 'Un ponte nel sottosuolo di Roma: la nuova Biblioteca Hertziana. (A new underground bridge in Rome: the new Hertziana Library)', Metamorfosi, 59, pp. 30 - 35,

Cardellicchio L, 2004, 'Monumental hyper-flexibility: the restoration of the Centre Pompidou', D'Architettura, 24, pp. 148 - 153

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