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Select Publications
2023, The Path to a Sustainable Civilisation: Technological, Socioeconomic and Political Change, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-981-99-0663-5
,, 2020, Human Ecology, Human Economy, Diesendorf M; Hamilton C, (ed.), Routledge, http://dx.doi.org/10.4324/9781003136866
2014, Sustainable Energy Solutions for Climate Change, UNSW Press and Routledge-Earthscan, Sydney and London
,2009, Climate Action, UNSW Press, Sydney
,1997, Human Ecology, Human Economy Ideas for an Ecologically Sustainable Future, Diesendorf M; Hamilton C, (ed.), Allen & Unwin, Sydney
,1988, Australia's Health -- biennial report of the Australian Institute of Health, Diesendorf MO; D'Espaignet E; Fett MJ, (eds.), Australian Institute of Health, Canberra
,1978, Energy and People-- social implications of different energy futures, Diesendorf MO, (ed.), Society for Social Responsibility in Science (A.C.T.), Canberra
,1977, The Impact of Environment and Lifestyle on Human Health, Diesendorf MO, (ed.), Society for Social Responsibility in Science (A.C.T.), Canberra
,1976, The Magic Bullet, Diesendorf MO, (ed.), Society for Social Responsibility in Science (A.C.T.), Canberra
,2023, 'Implementing 100% renewable energy to decarbonise emission pathways', in Handbook on Climate Change and Technology, pp. 16 - 33, http://dx.doi.org/10.4337/9781800882119.00010
,2023, 'Human ecology', in Dictionary of Ecological Economics: Terms for the New Millennium, pp. 277, http://dx.doi.org/10.4337/9781788974912.H.30
,2023, 'Renewable energy', in Dictionary of Ecological Economics: Terms for the New Millennium, pp. 458, http://dx.doi.org/10.4337/9781788974912.R.31
,2023, 'Sustainability', in Dictionary of Ecological Economics: Terms for the New Millennium, pp. 519 - 520, http://dx.doi.org/10.4337/9781788974912.S.92
,2023, 'Sustainable development', in Dictionary of Ecological Economics: Terms for the New Millennium, pp. 526, http://dx.doi.org/10.4337/9781788974912.S.103
,2023, 'Sustainable development', in Elgar Encyclopedia of Development, pp. 577 - 581, http://dx.doi.org/10.4337/9781800372122.ch122
,2023, 'Sustainable energy', in Dictionary of Ecological Economics: Terms for the New Millennium, pp. 527, http://dx.doi.org/10.4337/9781788974912.S.106
,2022, 'Energy systems for sustainable properity', in Williams SJ; Taylor R (ed.), Sustainability and the New Economics: Synthesising ecological economics and Modern Monetary Theory, Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 231 - 251, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-78795-0_12
,2020, 'Principles of ecological sustainability', in Human Ecology, Human Economy, Routledge, pp. 64 - 97, http://dx.doi.org/10.4324/9781003136866-4
,2020, 'The ecologically sustainable development process in Australia', in Human Ecology, Human Economy, Routledge, pp. 285 - 301, http://dx.doi.org/10.4324/9781003136866-13
,2020, 'Will the transition to renewable energy damage the global macro-economy?', in Washington H (ed.), Ecological Economics: Solutions for the Future, Self-published, Sydney, pp. 67 - 82
,2020, 'Towards an electricity sector with 100% renewable energy generation', in Probst O; Castellanos S; Palacios R (ed.), Transforming the Grid towards Fully Renewable Energy, The Institution of Engineering and Technology, London, U.K., pp. 23 - 44
,2019, 'Energy futures for Australia', in Newton P; Prasad D; Sproul A; White S (ed.), Decarbonising the Built Environment: Charting the transition, Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore, pp. 35 - 51, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-7940-6
,2018, 'The capacity credit of wind power: A theoretical analysis', in Renewable Energy: Four Volume Set, pp. 17 - 36
,2018, 'The Capacity Credit of Wind Power: A Theoretical Analysis', in Renewable Energy, Taylor & Francis, pp. vol4_17 - vol4_36, http://dx.doi.org/10.4324/9781315793245-118
,2017, 'Reliability of 100 % Renewable Electricity Supply in the Australian National Electricity Market', in Uyar TS (ed.), Towards 100% Renewable Energy, SPRINGER INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING AG, pp. 297 - 303, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-45659-1_32
,2017, 'Ecologically sustainable energy', in Washington H (ed.), Positive Steps to a Steady State Economy, CASSE NSW, Sydney, pp. 137 - 143
,2016, 'Strategies for transition to a future beyond growth', in Washington H; Twomey P (ed.), A Future Beyond Growth: Towards a Steady State Economy, Routledge, London and New York
,2016, 'The concept of base-load power', in Lehr JH; Keeley J (ed.), Alternative Energy and Shale Gas Encyclopedia, Wiley, pp. 585 - 589
,2013, 'A genuine "green" economy must be ecologically sustainable and socially just', in Schroeder S; Chester L (ed.), Challenging the Orthodoxy: Reflections on Frank Stilwell's contribution to political economy, Springer, pp. 223 - 241, http://www.springer.com/economics/public+finance/book/978-3-642-36120-3
,2012, 'Redesigning Energy Systems', in The Oxford Handbook of Climate Change and Society, http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199566600.003.0038
,2012, 'Can energy security and effective climate change policies be compatible?', in Ancheschi L; Symons J (ed.), Energy Security in the Era of Climate Change: The Asia-Pacific Experience, Palgrave Macmillan, UK and USA, pp. 72 - 87
,2012, 'Lost energy policies, opportunities and practice', in Walker KJ; Crowley K (ed.), Environmental Policy Failure: The Australian Story, Tilde University Press, pp. 44 - 59
,2012, 'Revegetation, bioenergy and sustainable use in the New South Wales central west', in Merson J; Cooney R; Brown P (ed.), Conservation in a Crowded World: Case studies from the Asia-Pacific, UNSW Press, Sydney, pp. 186 - 204
,2012, 'The economics of nuclear energy', in Basrur R; Collin KSL (ed.), Nuclear Power and Energy Security in Asia, Routledge, New York, USA, pp. 50 - 70
,2011, 'Climate Change and the Economy', in Argyrous G; Stilwell F (ed.), Readings in Political Economy: Economics as a Social Science, Tilde University Press, Victoria, Australia, pp. 15 - 18
,2011, 'Redesigning Energy Systems', in Dryzek JS; Norgaard RB; Schlossberg D (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Climate Change and Society, Oxford University Press, New York, USA, pp. 561 - 578, http://oup.com/us/catalog/general/subject/Politics/?view=usa&ci=9780199566600
,2006, 'Can Geosequestration Save the Coal Industry?', in Byrne J; Toly NJ; Glover L (ed.), Transforming Power: Energy, Environment and Society in Conflict, Transaction Publishers, New Brunswick (USA) and London (UK), pp. 221 - 246
,2005, 'Tomorrow`s Mega-cities: How Will They Develop', in The Natural Advantage of Nations: Business Opportunities, Innovations and Governance in the 21st Century, Earthscan Publications, London, UK, pp. 301 - 315
,2000, 'A critique of the Australian government's greenhouse policies', in Climate Change in the South Pacific: Impacts and Responses in Australia, Kluwer, pp. 79 - 93
,2000, 'Sustainability and sustainable development', in Dunphy D (ed.), Sustainability: The corporate challenge of the 21st century, Allen & Unwin
,1998, 'The fate of the ESD recommendations on greenhouse response in the energy sector', in The ESD Process: Evaluating a Policy Experiment, Academy of Social Sciences in Australia, Canberra, pp. 41 - 52
,1997, 'Ecologically sustainable development principles', in Diesendorf M; Hamilton C (ed.), Human Ecology Human Economy, Allen & Uniwin, Sydney, pp. 64 - 97
,1997, 'Greenhouse response in the energy sector', in Diesendorf M; Hamilton C (ed.), Human Ecology Human Economy, Allen & Unwin, Sydney, pp. 197 - 242
,1997, 'Some pathways to ecological sustainability', in Diesendorf M; Hamilton C (ed.), Human Ecology Human Economy, Allen & Unwin, Sydney, pp. 302 - 325
,1997, 'The ESD process in Australia', in Diesendorf M; Hamilton C (ed.), Human Ecology Human Economy, Allen & Unwin, Sydney, pp. 285 - 301
,1996, 'Fluoridation: breaking the silence barrier', in Martin B (ed.), Confronting the experts, State University of New York Press, New York, pp. 45 - 75
,1994, 'The nature of renewable energy', in Dovers S (ed.), Sustainable energy: pathways for Australian energy reform, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge UK, pp. 112 - 128
,1994, 'Windpower and other renewable energy sources', in Dovers S (ed.), Sustainable energy: pathways for Australian energy reform, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge UK, pp. 150 - 169
,1988, 'Science for the community', in Ockham's Razor 2, ABC Enterprises, pp. 15 - 20
,1988, 'Why I became a “dissident” scientist', in Australia Broadcasting Corporation (ed.), Ockham’s razor 2, ABC Enterprises, pp. 9 - 14