Select Publications


Diesendorf M; Taylor R, 2023, The Path to a Sustainable Civilisation: Technological, Socioeconomic and Political Change,

Diesendorf M, 2014, Sustainable Energy Solutions for Climate Change, UNSW Press and Routledge-Earthscan, Sydney and London

Diesendorf MO, 2009, Climate Action, UNSW Press, Sydney

Multiple authors , 1997, Human Ecology, Human Economy Ideas for an Ecologically Sustainable Future, Diesendorf M; Hamilton C, (ed.), Allen & Unwin, Sydney

Multiple authors , 1988, Australia's Health -- biennial report of the Australian Institute of Health, Diesendorf MO; D'Espaignet E; Fett MJ, (eds.), Australian Institute of Health, Canberra

Multiple authors , 1978, Energy and People-- social implications of different energy futures, Diesendorf MO, (ed.), Society for Social Responsibility in Science (A.C.T.), Canberra

Multiple authors , 1977, The Impact of Environment and Lifestyle on Human Health, Diesendorf MO, (ed.), Society for Social Responsibility in Science (A.C.T.), Canberra

Multiple authors , 1976, The Magic Bullet, Diesendorf MO, (ed.), Society for Social Responsibility in Science (A.C.T.), Canberra

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