ORCID as entered in ROS

Select Publications
2016, Vicke Lindstrand, On the Periphery: Mid-twentieth Century Swedish Design and the Reception of Vicke Lindstrand, Acta Universitatis Uppsalienis, Uppsala Sweden, http://uu.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2:1037369&dswid=6455
,2025, '“Chic, poised and intelligent.” Marisa Martelli and the 1955 Australian exposition Italy at David Jones’', in Bollini L; Bosoni G; Ferrara M; Guida FE; Lecce C (ed.), Alle Origini del Design Espanso. Atti del VI Convegno AIS/Design At the Roots of Expanded Design. Proceedings of the VI AIS/Design Conference, Cratèra edizioni
,2023, 'Nordic design down under: 'Swedish Modern' and Scandinavian Design in Mid-Twentieth Century Australia', in Nordic Design in Translation: The Circulation of Objects, Ideas and Practices, Peter Lang, pp. 211 - 238, https://www.peterlang.com/document/1307783
,2023, 'Nordic Design Down Under. Swedish Modern and Scandinavian design in Australia', in Kallestrup S; Ashby C (ed.), Nordic Design in Translation: The Circulation of Objects, Ideas and Practices, Peter Lang, Oxford, Berlin, Bruxelles, Chennai, Lausanne, New York, pp. 211 - 238, http://dx.doi.org/10.3726/b21025
,2023, 'MARK IAN JONES', in Cahill L (ed.), Design Isolate: The Pandemic Through a Creative Lens, Australian Design Centre, Sydney, pp. 154 - 169, https://shop.australiandesigncentre.com/products/book-design-isolate-the-pandemic-through-a-creative-lens
,2018, 'Beyond the Capstone: Design, Global Issues and Grand Challenges', in Rourke A; Rees V; Forsyth G (ed.), Beyond Graduate Attributes: Embedding Work Integrated Learning into undergraduate degrees, Common Ground, Champaign, Illinois, USA, pp. 55 - 71, http://dx.doi.org/10.18848/978-1-86335-120-1/CGP
,2015, 'Vicke Lindstrand, the Transitionary Professional: A Case Study', in Rourke A; Rees V (ed.), Moving from novice to expert on the road to expertise : developing expertise in the visual domain, Common Ground, Champaign, Illinois, USA, pp. 224 - 271
,2009, 'The Agency of Networks. The (in)visible consequences of Scandinavian Design', in Hackney F; Glynne J; Minton V (ed.), Networks of Design: Proceedings of the 2008 Annual International Conference of the Design History Society (UK) University College Falmouth, 3-6 September, Universal-Publishers, Boca Raton, Florida USA - 2009, pp. 443 - 448, http://www.universal-publishers.com/book.php?method=ISBN&book=1599429063
,2023, 'A Fleeting Glimpse? ‘Sweden’s Shop Window in Sydney’ - the Sweden at David Jones’ Exposition of 1954', Fabrications: the journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand, 33, pp. 279 - 305, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10331867.2023.2282294
,2023, 'Book Review: Nordic Design Cultures in Transformation, 1960–1980: Revolt and Resilience', Scandinavian Studies, 95, pp. 414 - 418
,2015, 'The visibility of divergence: Vicke Lindstrand – Swedishness, Scandinavianness and the “other”', Konsthistorisk tidskrift/Journal of Art History, 85, pp. 208 - 224, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00233609.2015.1074280
,2012, 'On the Periphery. Vicke Lindstrand Swedishness, Scandinavianness and the Other', Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden, presented at Nordic Commitee for Art History, 10th Nordik Conference, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden, 24 October 2012 - 27 October 2012, http://nordicarthistory.org/archives/nordik-2012-sessions/cultural-heritage-making-history-for-the-future-i
,2006, 'A blind spot? The perception the 1950s glass designs of Vicke Lindstrand.', in Korvenmaa P; Bellro P (ed.), Connecting: A Conference on the Multivocality of Design History and Design Studies, University of Art and Design Hilsinki, Finland and Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn, Estonia, pp. 1 - 12, presented at Connecting: A Conference on the Multivocality of Design History and Design Studies, University of Art and Design Hilsinki, Finland and Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn, Estonia, 23 August 2006 - 25 August 2006
,2023, 'Leveraging MS Teams to develop innovative and scalable mixed-mode teaching models for rapidly changing learning contexts', Utrecht, Netherlands, presented at ISSOTL Conference 2023, Utrecht, Netherlands, 08 November 2023 - 11 November 2023, https://issotl.com/issotl23/
,2023, '“Chic, poised and intelligent.” Marisa Martelli and the 1955 Australian exposition Italy at David Jones’.', presented at VI International Conference of the Italian Association of Design Historians (AIS/Design) At the Roots of Expanded Design. What Futures for Design History? VI convegno AIS/Design, 2023, Politecnico Milano, 24 November 2023 - 25 November 2023, https://www.aisdesign.org/v2/verso-il-vi-convegno-ais-design/
,2023, 'A Tale of Two Chairs - Swedish design Narratives in the Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences Collection', presented at Powerhouse Research Symposium, 07 November 2023 - 07 November 2023, https://powerhouse.com.au/program/powerhouse-research-symposium
,2022, 'A Design Historian’s reflection on the Architect as collector or An Architect’s reflection on the Design Historian as collector', presented at NORDIK 2022: COLLECTIONS, Department of Arts and Cultural Studies, the University of Copenhagen, 25 October 2022 - 27 October 2022, https://nordikassociation.com/conference-2022/
,2022, 'A Fleeting Glimpse? Sweden’s Shop Window in Sydney, 1954', presented at Design & Transience Design History Society Annual Conference 2022, Izmir Institute of Technology, Turkey, 08 September 2022 - 10 September 2022, https://www.designandtransience.com/
,2022, 'A case study of History Writing, Collaboration and Cultural Heritage: The role of David Jones’ in transforming design and culture in mid-century Australia', presented at 40th Australian Historical Association (AHA) Conference, Deakin University, 27 June 2022 - 01 July 2022, https://web-eur.cvent.com/event/510e58dd-b292-4701-b90f-ea8e3756162c/summary
,2018, 'Nordic Myths Down Under. The Australian Design in Scandinavia exhibition of 1968', presented at [no title] — NORDIK XII Copenhagen 2018, University of Copenhagen Denmark, 25 October 2018 - 27 October 2018, https://nordikxii.dk/images/NORDIK_XII_-_Full_programme_2018.10.15_3.pdf
,2016, 'Väldigt mycket Vicke', presented at Glaslördag på Sveriges glasmuseum (Glass Saturday at the Swedish Glass Museum), Växjö, Sweden, 19 November 2016 - 19 November 2016, http://www.glasakademin.se/kalender/lordag-1911-glaslordag-pa-sveriges-glasmuseum/
,2016, 'Vicke Lindstrand On the Periphery', presented at Glaslördag på Sveriges glasmuseum (Glass Saturday at the Swedish Glass Museum), Kulturparken, Växjö, Sweden, 19 November 2016 - 19 November 2016, http://www.glasakademin.se/kalender/lordag-1911-glaslordag-pa-sveriges-glasmuseum/
,2015, 'The power of periphery. Mapping nodes, networks and narratives in twentieth-century Sweden and Scandinavian design.', presented at Nordik 2015 Mapping Unchartered Territories, University of Iceland, 13 May 2015 - 16 May 2015
,2014, 'Homogenising Discourses. Twentieth century constructions of Swedish and Scandinavian design identity', presented at Yale Conference on Baltic and Scandinavian Studies 2014, Yale University, 13 March 2014 - 15 March 2014, https://scandinavianstudy.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/SASS2014.pdf
,2009, 'Vicke Lindstrand, artist, entrepreneur and innovator', presented at Fridags Seminarium, Nationalmuseum, Stockholm, Sweden, 27 November 2009 - 27 November 2009, http://www.nationalmuseum.se/sv/Om-samlingarna1/Forskning/Seminarier-och-forelasningar/Tidigare-forelasningar-och-seminarier/Mer-om-Mark-Ian-Jones-forelasnsing/
,2009, 'From Orrefors with love? A Swedish Design Family and their influence.', presented at Nordic Forum for Design Studies Symposium, National Museum, Oslo, Norway, 04 June 2009 - 06 June 2009
,2006, 'Reinventing Tradition. Vicke Lindstrand and the Kosta Dilemma', presented at Design and Evolution, Design History Society Annual Conference, University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, 31 August 2006 - 02 September 2006
,2006, 'A blind spot? The perception of the 1950s glass designs of Vicke Lindstrand', presented at Connecting: A Conference on the Multivocality of Design History & Design Studies, International Committee of Design History and Studies ICDHS 5th Conference & Nordic Forum for Design History Symposium, University of Art and Design Helsinki & Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn, 23 August 2006 - 25 August 2006
,2023, 'Leveraging innovation using MSTeams in mixed modal learning spaces to develop an equitable and engaged scalable cross-disciplinary teaching model', in HERDSA 2023 Annual Conference Onsite Oral Abstract Book, Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, pp. 138 - 138, presented at Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia (HERDSA) Annual Conference, Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, 04 July 2023 - 07 July 2023, https://conference.herdsa.org.au/2023/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/HERDSA-2023-Onsite-program-abstract-book-2.pdf
,2022, 'A case study of History Writing, Collaboration and Cultural Heritage: The role of David Jones’ in transforming design and culture in mid-century Australia', in Australian Historical Association Conference 2022 Book of Abstracts, Australian Historical Association / Deakin University / Contemporary Histories Research Group, Deakin University, pp. 131 - 132, presented at Australian Historical Association Conference 2022, Deakin University, 27 June 2022 - 01 July 2022
,(ed.), 2018, 'Nordic Myths Down Under: The Australian Design In Scandinavia Exhibition of 1968', in [no title] NORDIK XII Copenhagen 2018, University of Copenhagen, pp. 17 - 18, presented at NORDIK XII Copenhagen - The Nordic Association for Art Historians 2018 [no title], University of Copenhagen, 25 October 2018 - 27 October 2018, https://nordikxii.dk/
,2015, 'The power of periphery. Mapping nodes, networks and narratives in twentieth-century Sweden and Scandinavian design.', in Nordik 2015 Mapping Unchartered Territories, University of Iceland, University of Iceland, pp. 26 - 26, presented at Nordik 2015 Mapping Uncharted Territories, University of Iceland, 13 May 2015 - 16 May 2015
,(ed.), 2006, 'A blind spot? The perception of the 1950s glass designs of Vicke Lindstrand', in Connecting: A Conference on the Multivocality of Design History & Design Studies, International Committee of Design History and Studies ICDHS 5th Conference & Nordic Forum for Design History Symposium, University of Art and Design Helsinki & Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn, pp. 36 - 37, presented at Connecting: A Conference on the Multivocality of Design History & Design Studies, International Committee of Design History and Studies ICDHS 5th Conference & Nordic Forum for Design History Symposium, University of Art and Design Helsinki & Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn, 23 August 2006 - 25 August 2006
,2023, Studio Teaching on the MSTeams Platform as a Scalable Model for Innovation in Education
,2021, Lewisham House, publication category: Designs / Architecture
,2020, Balmain East House, publication category: Designs / Architecture
,2017, Camperdown House, publication category: Designs / Architecture
,2015, Glebe House, publication category: Designs / Architecture
,2015, Lewisham House 2015, publication category: Designs / Architecture
,2015, Annandale House, Annandale NSW, publication category: Designs / Architecture
,2013, Birchgrove House, Publication: Images Publishing Group Pty Ltd, Mulgrave, Victoria, Australia, publication category: Designs / Architecture, http://www.jonesarchitecture.com.au/housebirchgrovenew1.html
,2013, Birchgrove Boathouse, publication category: Designs / Architecture
,2013, Lilyfield House, publication category: Designs / Architecture
,2012, Bellevue Hill House, publication category: Designs / Architecture
,2012, Balgowlah Heights House, publication category: Designs / Architecture
,2011, Centennial Park House, publication category: Designs / Architecture, http://www.jonesarchitecture.com.au/housecentennial.html
,2010, Paddington House 2, publication category: Designs / Architecture, http://www.jonesarchitecture.com.au/housepaddington2.html
,2008, Paddington House #1, publication category: Designs / Architecture, http://www.jonesarchitecture.com.au/housepaddington1.html
,2008, Heart of Glass, Publication: Pacific Magazines, Sydney, Australia, publication category: Designs / Architecture
,2008, Queens Park House, Publication: The Images Publishing Group, Mulgrave, Victoria, publication category: Designs / Architecture, http://www.jonesarchitecture.com.au/housequeenspark2new.html