Select Publications
Journal articles
2008, 'Scale stocking checks to differentiate between hatchery-reared and wild mulloway Argyrosomus japonicus', Fisheries Management and Ecology, 15, pp. 211 - 216,
,2008, 'Spatial and temporal patterns of habitat use by three estuarine species of mysid shrimp', Marine and Freshwater Research, 59, pp. 792 - 798
,2006, 'Key habitat and home range of mulloway Argyrosomus japonicus in a south-east Australian estuary: finding the estuarine niche to optimise stocking', Marine Ecology Progress Series, 328, pp. 237 - 247
,2006, 'Spatial and ontogenetic variation in the diet of wild and stocked Mulloway ( Argyrosomus japonicus, Sciaenidae) in Australian Estuaries', ESTUARIES AND COASTS, 29, pp. 785 - 793
,2005, 'Batch marking of otoliths and fin spines to assess the stock enhancement of Argyrosomus japonicus', Journal of Fish Biology, 66, pp. 1149 - 1162
,2005, 'Responsible estuarine finfish stock enhancement: an Australian perspective', Journal of Fish Biology, 67, pp. 299 - 331