Select Publications

Conference Papers

Vulic J; Lim M; Felder S; Chan S; Jones J; Vigentini L, 2017, 'A problem shared is a problem halved: Benefits of collaborative online engineering L and T content development', Sydney, presented at 28th Annual Conference of the Australasian Association for Engineering Education (AAEE 2017), Sydney, 10 December 2017 - 13 December 2017,

Bagheri, A ; Arandiyan HR; Boyer C; Lim M, 2015, 'Lanthanide-doped upconversion nanoparticles : Personalized and precision medicine', in Australasian Particle Technology Society (ed.), Phillip Island, Australia, presented at 2nd Australasian Particle Technology Society (APTS) Student Conference, Phillip Island, Australia, 25 September 2015 - 27 September 2015,

Soeriyadi AH; Tedja R; Whittaker MR; Marquis C; Lim M; Amal R; Boyer C; Davis TP, 2012, 'Surface stabilization of TiO2 nanoparticles using polymers made by combining catalytic chain transfer and thiolene Michael addition', in ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, AMER CHEMICAL SOC, CA, San Diego, presented at 243rd National Spring Meeting of the American-Chemical-Society, CA, San Diego, 25 March 2012 - 29 March 2012

Ng M; Liana AE; Sanly S; Lim M; Chow C; Wang D; Amal R, 2011, 'A study on the behaviour of polyamluminum chloride/chitosan composite coagulant for water treatment process', Sydney, presented at Chemeca, Sydney, 18 September 2011 - 21 September 2011

Tan TH; Ng M; Lim M; Liu S; Chow C; Wang D; Amal R, 2011, 'Removal of Natural Organic Matter using UVC/TIO2 Photocatalysis Process Coupled with Coagulation Treatment', in Chemeca 2011, Engineers Australia, Sydney, pp. 1 - 9, presented at Chemeca 2011, Sydney, 18 September 2011 - 21 September 2011

Wiogo HT; Lim M; Bulmus V; Amal R, 2011, 'Stability of PMAA and Pei Functionalised Magnetite Nanoporaticles in Bological Media', in Chemeca 2011, Engineers Australia, Sydney, pp. 1 - 9, presented at Chemeca 2011, Sydney, 18 September 2011 - 21 September 2011

Wiogo HT; Lim M; Bulmus V; Amal R, 2011, 'Effects of Surface Functional Groups on the Aggregation Stability of Magnetite Nanoparticles in Biological Media Containing Serum', in Proceedings of the 11th IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology, IEEE, USA, pp. 841 - 844, presented at 11th International Conference on Nanotechnology, NANO 2011, Portland, Oregon, USA, 15 August 2011 - 19 August 2011

Goon IY; Lai LMH; Lim M; Leech D; Amal R; Gooding JJ, 2010, 'Thiol Functionalisation of Gold-Coated Magnetic Nanoparticles: Enabling the Controlled Attachment of Functional Molecules', in ICONN-2010, IEEE Explore, Australia, pp. 1 - 4, presented at Chemeca 2010: The 40th Annual Australasian Chemical and Process Engineering Conference, Adelaide, South Australia, 26 September 2010 - 29 September 2010

May L; Ng M; Razmjou A; Mansouri J; Chen V; Amal R, 2010, 'Low Temperature Synthesis of Titanium Dioxide Coatings on PVDF Membrane', in Proceedings of Chemeca 2010: The 40th Annual Australasian Chemical and Process Engineering Conference, Engineers Australia, Australia, presented at Chemeca 2010, Hilton Hotel, Adelaide, 26 September 2010 - 29 September 2010

Ng M; Liana AE; Sanly S; May L; Chow C; Wang D; Amal R, 2010, 'Polyaluminium Chloride and Chitosan Composite Coagulant for Humic Acid Removal', in Proceedings of Chemeca 2010: The 40th Annual Australasian Chemical and Process Engineering Conference, Engineers Australia, Australia, presented at Chemeca 2010, Hilton Hotel, Adelaide, 26 September 2010 - 29 September 2010

Arsianti M; Lim M; Khatri A; Russell PJ; Amal R, 2008, 'Application of Magnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles As Non-Viral Vector in Gene Therapy', Melbourne, Australia, presented at Chemeca, Melbourne, Australia, 28 September 2008 - 01 October 2008

Wiogo HT; Lim M; Amal R, 2008, 'Custom Preparation of Rod-Shaped Iron Oxide Nanoparticles from Iron (III) Chloride and Hydrazine Monohydrate', Melbourne, Australia, presented at Chemeca, Melbourne, Australia, 28 September 2008 - 01 October 2008

Sanly S; Lim M; Amal R, 2008, 'Magnetic Photocatalyst for Natural Organic Matter Oxidation', in Chemeca 2008 Towards a Sustainable Australasia, Newcastle, NSW, presented at Chemeca 2008 Towards a Sustainable Australasia, Newcastle, NSW, 28 September 2008 - 01 October 2008

Kok E; Kydd RB; Scott JA; Lim M; Amal R, 2008, 'Preparation of Silver Doped Titanium Coating for Bactericidal Application', in Chemeca 2008 Towards a Sustainable Australasia, Newcastle, NSW, presented at Chemeca 2008 Towards a Sustainable Australasia, Newcastle, NSW, 28 September 2008 - 01 October 2008

Arsianti M; Lim MT; Khatri A; Russell PJ; Amal R, 2008, 'Promise of Novel Magnetic Nanoparticles for Gene Therapy Application: Synthesis, Stabilization, and Gene Delivery', in Chemeca 2008 Towards a Sustainable Australasia, Newcastle, NSW, presented at Chemeca 2008 Towards a Sustainable Australasia, Newcastle, NSW, 28 September 2008 - 01 October 2008

Goon IY; Lai LH; Lim M; Gooding JJ; Amal R, 2008, 'Synthesis of Composite Magnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for Biomedical Applications', Melbourne, Australia, presented at Chemeca, Melbourne, Australia, 28 September 2008 - 01 October 2008

Wiogo HT; Lim MT; Amal R, 2008, 'Understanding Formation of Rod-Shaped Iron Oxide Nanoparticles', in Chemeca 2008 Towards a Sustainable Australasia, Newcastle, NSW, presented at Chemeca 2008 Towards a Sustainable Australasia, Newcastle, NSW, 28 September 2008 - 01 October 2008

Goon IY; Lai LH; Lim MT; Gooding JJ; Amal R, 2007, 'Synthesis of Composite Magnetic Iron-Oxide Nanoparticles', in 4th Annual Conference of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Functional Nanomaterials, Gold Coast, Qld, pp. 34 - 34, presented at 4th Annual Conference of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Functional Nanomaterials, Gold Coast, Qld, 12 November 2007 - 13 November 2007

Lai LH; Goon IY; Lim MT; Amal R; Gooding JJ, 2007, 'Synthesis of Magnetic Nanoparticles', in 4th Annual Conference of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Functional Nanomaterials, Gold Coast, Qld, pp. 119 - 119, presented at 4th Annual Conference of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Functional Nanomaterials, Gold Coast, Qld, 12 November 2007 - 13 November 2007

Sanly S; Lim M; Chiang KK; Amal R, 2007, 'A Rapid Fractionation Study to Understand Natural Organic Matter Oxidation by TiO2', in Chemeca 2007: Academics and Industry Strengthening the Profession, Melbourne, Australia, presented at Chemeca 2007: Academics and Industry Strengthening the Profession, Melbourne, Australia, 23 September 2007 - 26 September 2007

Sanly S; Lim MT; Chiang KK; Amal R, 2007, 'Natural Organic Matter Oxidation by TiO2 Photocatalytic Process: Molecular Weight Characterisation Study', in Chemeca 2007: Academics and Industry Strengthening the Profession, Melbourne, Australia, presented at Chemeca 2007: Academics and Industry Strengthening the Profession, Melbourne, Australia, 23 September 2007 - 26 September 2007

Lim M; Amal R; Pinson D; Cathers B, 2002, 'Discrete Particle Method Modelling of Flocs Behaviour', in 9th APCChE Congress and CHEMECA 2002, Christchruch, New Zealand, presented at 9th APCChE Congress and CHEMECA 2002, Christchruch, New Zealand, 29 September 2002 - 03 October 2002

Lim M; Lam SW; Cathers B; Pinson D; Amal R, 2002, 'Computational and experimental studies of floc behaviour in a vortex separator', in 9th International Conference on Urban Drainage, Oregon, USA, presented at 9th International Conference on Urban Drainage, Oregon, USA, 08 September 2002 - 13 September 2002

Lim M; Lam SW; Amal R; Cathers B; Pinson D, 2002, 'Floc Behaviour in a Vortex Separator', in 4th World Congress on Particle Technology, Sydney, presented at 4th World Congress on Particle Technology, Sydney, 21 July 2002 - 25 July 2002

Lim MT; Bushell GC; Amal R; Raper JA, 1997, 'Quantitative Assessment of the Effect of Process Conditions on Floc Structure', in Chemeca 97, Rotorua, New Zealand, presented at Chemeca 97 (Particle Technology), Rotorua, New Zealand, 29 September 1997 - 01 October 1997

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